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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. A little heres a link of the ones i want well what type at least i want them looking like these https://www.google.com/search?q=blood+splat&client=firefox-a&hs=htg&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9dCyU5TbE-eg8QGdzYDQBw&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=657
  2. almost but no its not what im looking for but i can use some of it i guess for something eles
  3. Alrighty then ;=============================================Danger Themes================================ ;[state -3, Wasteland Danger Sound] ;type = PlaySnd ;;trigger1 = var(20) = [1,999] ;trigger1 = Parent, life<150 ;trigger1 = (TeamMode = Single) || (TeamMode = Turns) ;trigger1 = var(26) < 1 ;value = F7,2 ;abspan = 0 ;freqmul = 0.5 ;loop = 1 ;volume = 50 ;ignorehitpause = ;persistent = [state -3, AssertSpecial] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 && life=[1,150] flag = nomusic ignorehitpause = 1 persistent = 1 like i said it plays at the right moment but doesn't shut the stage music off and it keeps echoing making it play over and over eventually making so damn loud it cancels all game sounds
  4. So as time goes by i learned how to code much needed things into the game itself like certain special effects that happen in the game only or certain animations which is saving the characters a lot of memory now the only problem im having is having certain sounds play in the game when certain things happen like low health or stage transactions all that im at a compleatly lost on that i got the sound to play when you or p2 are at low health but it kinda echos making it really loud and the music on the stage doesn't stop so if anyone can help let me know if u need to see the code i'll post it\ P.S. im trying to make blood hitsparks show and hit the ground but lost there as well not sure if it can be done in game i think it has to be because when i add blood sparks to a character and he fights someone with green blood red blood comes out instead so if anyone could help with that to that'd be great
  5. God my work would move so much faster if i had some help ugh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zemilia


      Just a warning or do. Double Post are kind of minor if done by accident.

    3. Zemilia
    4. Ultra Fatality
  6. God my work would move so much faster if i had some help ugh

  7. I'm looking for some small but good looking blood splatter spirtes for special effects like shin kazama's blood on the screen or like small blood explodes you can put somewhere on the screen like its splating in the background or something idk i have some at the moment but there not really spirtes there plain old pics i converted it doesn't look to good converted idky but if anyone could help that'd be great
  8. I want that stage along with the character shit looks beast
  9. Well the title says it all i have an KI stlye screenpack and when i do combos it doesn't show the hits being done not sure if its even counting them its just ugh im hella lost i looked at it like crazy but could not find the problem worth crap i needs help with this very bad so do a bro a favor please
  10. At long last i have returned v_v finally

    1. Doomguy


      Oh my god...

      my Childhood has just Reincarnated itself as another person again!

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      YES !!!! EMBRACE IT

  11. At long last i have returned v_v finally

  12. At long last i have returned v_v finally

  13. I'm happy to see asura finally made it to mugen can't wait to try him just wish he was 2D but this is good to now we only need sweet tooth
  14. Now we all know of KFM's wall bounce move but how do we make a player bounce of the ground to continue a combo i heard it wasn't to hard but i never ended up learning the code and now im stuck i needs it so if someone could please help me....................... That'd be Great !!!
  16. Wait i spoke to soon it did help with the combo counting now just to get the metal gear one working
  17. Nah it didnt help really i couldn't even get the shit to fucking work -__- anyway
  18. Someone needs to make an A.I. tutorial video i need a better A.I. i'm sick of KFM A.I. :(

    1. llyyr
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Alright that helped now i just have to stop being lazy and read and try this shit out maybe on one of my days off

  19. Well I didn't know how to address this issue but basically what I'm trying to do is have it so when someone dies in round one instead of just doing the win pose and fading to black going into round 2 after the win pose and the win announcement i want p2 or the player who lost to just get up without it fading back into another round i seen this done in the Metal Gear Screenpack and got the idea from there and also the combo counting system which i seen in a lot of screenpacks but the Killer Instinct screenpack (which is down for some reason -_-) has a combo system where the combo hits appears when the combo is over and it has the announcer when the combo is over saying different things based on how many hits is done and im like i needs these things so if anyone can help that'd be great :) hell send me a working link to both screenpacks i'll copy the codes nah nah i must learn ^_^
  20. Never mind it worked thanks for all your help my friend now on to more problems to face
  21. ok so did it work on yours because im trying it right now to see remember it only plays for a second everytime i enter a different state so u should just move like crazy and see if u can hear your normal music play at all
  22. i got the sound to stop echoing but now the assertspecial is having a reserves effect in which everytime i enter a different state it plays for a second and then shuts off and repeats everytime i enter a different state
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