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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Surprised your were still looking but thanks this is the quan chi now all there is, is the stage
  2. Did i finally catch a break o_0

  3. Cool looking forward to the videos
  4. For some reason when i read Notorious B.I.G I thought like the rapper really but this is cool to i guess xD
  5. Oh shit my Killer Kombat topic just became an hot topic im hype :)

    1. Doomguy



      But then again, the MK Collection became a Hot Topic when I visited it 1000 times.

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol well thanks for helping

  6. hmmmmm looks promising and sounds cool any chance we will see a gameplay video soon
  7. I know i know i found out the moment i started him i just been to lazy to change it xD
  8. Ummmmmmmm well i guess i should say that an early beta test will be available when my website is up and running and the actually demo will be ready some time after the beta test it may be awhile since im working on everything myself and have a lot of characters to do and finish but when the first row is done the demo and beta test will be ready just stay tuned to the topic and post and you'll find out everything you want and need to know
  9. The roster you see in the picture may not be the actually full roster so theres hope, you know got to keep somethings a secret
  10. lol since i cant knock your head clean off i'll do the next best thing and knock it off just a bit lol took me awhile to come up with that to be honest o_0
  11. Shit happens but regardless its the best your going to get and its worth it so download it and try it now
  12. My tutourials are finally recored and done now it just editing and uploading awesome i feel awesome

  13. i can get past the sprites i really dont care to much honestly since it kinda is the first 2d jago in a way im cool with it being as "good" as it is its the gameplay that falls flat in my eyes i dont know like it one bit it doesn't feel K.I. at all and as stated above the ex and supers do the same thing just more hits i was really hoping for a fast pace combo happy S.O.B. but we got what we got o_0
  14. Looking for a crew of beta testers and helpers any takers

  15. it is i saw it looking up ki stages and im like i must have it and when i did the link was broken damn it right
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