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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. ICE,SLEEP,GAMING,MUGEN, So much to do

    1. Kanbei


      ~ so much to see

      So what's wrong with taking the back streets?

      You'll never know if you don't go

      You'll never shine if you don't glow~

      I couldn't help it sorry. :l

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Hey no I'm rockstar got my show on getting paid

      I Understand v_v

  2. Someday My A.I. coding will be great :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      yes u can we call CAN code

    3. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      well you CAN currently. im trying to cheer you up here damnit

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Well that worked but i can't code A.I. no way tryed and failed hard o_0

  3. no KI2 Sprites and no cvs i was thinking of doing the lazy way and pulling a noob saibot or a simple all grey scale
  4. I Been trying to make an shadow pallet for one of my character its an blackish grey color im going for its kinda hard to explain sorry in short terms im looking for an dark buieish black outfit like SFA3 Evil Ryu or Akuma and Grey skin simple yes no maybe sorry i'll try to add a pic asap but if anyone good with pallets and stuff let me know because........... That'd Be Great
  5. Awesome i shall thank you now so......................Thank you
  6. Things arn't looking to good so much to do so much planing ugh

  7. Didn't Think you would actually do it but ooooooooooooooooooooooooook then glad its actually done
  8. I Do believe this it the only KI2 Orchid up and running well the only one that will be good But anywho for making you guys wait so long Im trying to stage a surprise for u guys in 2 days so hopefully i meet that deadline so much stuff going on at home mugen kinda slowing down a bit sorry but work is still getting done so no worries i shall return with the news on what happens in 2 days till then enjoy orchids video
  9. Black Orchid Is here and ready to get things Hot hope you guys enjoy sorry for the late post
  10. Recording my next chracter trailler right now and since i missed my deadline i'll upload it right when its done and another video in 2 days to keep the weekly videos coming so be ready

  11. I seriously cannot find a big port for her so if anyone could help That'd Be Great
  12. Ha lol sorry but i can tell you right its going to be awhile before i show off the boss characters
  13. Ok so i been fucking up im late by 3 days on showing my work off and the latest KK Video got one more bug to work on the the video will be up asap

  14. Sorry guys i missed my do date to release another character video gaming to much i'll upload asap in the morning

    1. Doomguy
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      im sleepy and have to redo a few thingss it will come promise

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      im sleepy and have to redo a few thingss it will come promise

  15. Maybe i should speed up my showings instead of every week maybe just do it when its done yeah yeah that may cause enough hype or nah idk video coming in 2 days

  16. Oh yeah man the game is still in development so there's always room for improvements and ideas to pitch so no worries the finish product will blow you away i got so many plans for the game but right now I'm focused on getting the characters up and ready to be shown off so expected great things I promise this wont just be another simple mugen fighter its going to be beast
  17. The Champ is here, Enjoy Liu Kang's Debut into Killer Kombat
  18. It's time, right after i review edit convert and upload to show the latest character :)

  19. I Got a lot of KI2 mugen stages I'll show them off soon enough
  20. New character video tomorrow hope you guys enjoy

    1. Doomguy
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Go build the hype on my post not status do it, DO IT NOW !!!

  21. Few More Days Till My Next Character Showcase I hope it builds up the hype I been looking for or at least some of it you know o_0

    1. Doomguy


      Now: I want it Now. All of it.

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I NEED MOAR HYPE,........................GET HYPE !!!!

  22. Ok so this is basically the last thing i need help with for awhile I have posted this somewhere before but didnt really get feedback so heres another go at it i need blood sparks to change colors based on the character like humans red monsters green robots black etc. so if anyone can help with this................... That'd Be Great
  23. Can't Beileve i cant find Liu Kang Voice files freaking sucks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      i need his MKD-MK9 voice instead of his classic voices there not to hard to find hell anyone who does the bruce lee voice is worth a try

    3. Doomguy


      Well, I know where to find the klassic Kang voice. Under the Male Voices section of the MK Warehouses Sounds for UMK3.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Right guess I'll have to bite the bullet and just use his classic

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