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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. it sorta worked but now the nomusic assertspecial isn't working right same thing enter a different state it plays a bit before shutting off again and repeating
  2. nope it echoed worst and it did the opposite thing and stop playing when you go into a different state
  3. I'm back and i think this is my last problem for awhile so basically what happens is when you or p2 hit a certain life point this danger theme plays now everything works just fine its just that it has this one problem it repeats the sound everytime you enter a different state i have no idea why its doing that so im completely lost here and i think thats the only thing wrong with it heres my code Stop the normal stage music from playing [state -3, AssertSpecial] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = time < 100000000 && life < 100 ;trigger1 = stateno = [0,5000] flag = nomusic ignorehitpause = 1 persistent = 1 Danger theme that repeats itself everytime i go into a diffferent state [state -3, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 =time=1&&life<100&&StageVar(info.name)="Wasteland" value = S6000,0 volumescale = 30 channel = -1 loop = 1 and i use this stop snd to help fix it but nothing worked [state 0, StopSnd] type = StopSnd trigger1 = time = 0 channel = -1 ;ignorehitpause = ;persistent = well i hope this help you guys help me because this is the last thing im stuck on before i can keep moving
  4. alright thanks man audicity been so annoying lately i been saving my stuff on there instead of exporting well all in all it worked
  5. ok so first off audicy fucking sucks i hate it dont know how to use it it doesn't really help just ugh and in FF it doesn't increase loud enough i need some program or something to make it sound louder any thing out there that can help
  6. Newest Character in Streets Of Rage : MFFA Stlye
  7. Does anyone know somewhere to record because audiocity is not working for me anymore

  8. I Need some good lifebar designs who wants to make a killer bar for me

  9. I Need some good lifebar designs who wants to make a killer bar for me

  10. This is more like a question then asking for help so sorry didnt know where to post this but anywho basically what im asking is, is it possible to assigning fights in arcade mode like when u pick a certain character that character fights a certain line of people instead of just fighting random people you know if it is possible let me know
  11. 3 jobs shit mugen is moving slower and slower :(

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      RL comes 1st buddy

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      right reality sucks

  12. Is there anyway to rip sounds from games i dont know how to do it i need some mortal kombat sounds other then the classic ones

  13. alright i guess i'll have to re create it myself i got all the time i needs and the powers to do it maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but i know i can do it one time is all i needs ryon tisk tisk you doubt to much
  14. but it is a full game and ryon you know this already why you think im trying it so hard for it and getting the sprites would be easy so would the music i have my idea's and how i want it i just need to find and learn the code if anyone knows it all you have to do is show me once and i'd learn it
  15. Robot Smoke or Human Smoke ????

  16. A bit old but im hungry so i thought i'd add this one
  17. I See i remember with the battletoads there rival music made there files like 2gigs ugh well alright i'll think about doing this but are there anyway a stage could trigger something like the music only activates on a certain stage or nah
  18. anybody know how to make a good trailler/movie to preview there wip

    1. Zemilia


      Well, maybe either do some kind of combo vid for it, or some "progress" vid on the w.i.p.

    2. Zemilia


      However, if you really want to do a trailer for this.. "w.i.p".. ^^' Ask someone else. I haven't done that sort of thing in a while.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      i'll do a combo vid later right now its just a reveal trailer

  19. I'm not sure if its possible but if it is how is it done when p1 or p2 hit a certain life percent on a certain stage well you guys should know those who played KI or something
  20. All i have to say about this ryu.................................. HADOKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Nah seriously nice job my friend even though i already knew where this was headed)
  21. Fulgore or Spinal

    1. Thrillo


      MvC Spinal FTW

    2. Egnaro


      Spinal though for me he is hard to use

      Fulgore is for noobs...

  22. This will be my final name change so yeah you guys will now know me as................

  23. Like From MK3 i have seen it done in mugen on the MKP screenpack and on normal mugen 1.0 where someone gets uppercut into another part of the stage or roundhoused threw a wall into another section of the stage and i want to know how is this done
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