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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Updates will be coming soon after feedback now in the mean time just enjoy the characters figure out who im working on next blah blah blah enjoy
  2. At long last its time for the one and only (seriously i think this the only one) Zitz The leader of The Battletoads http://www.mediafire.com/?8cf5hu2s2xno30d Zitz by Tetsu The Hidden Rain ------------------------------------------- M.U.G.E.N This version updated: 8/24/2013 Zitz, Real name Morgan Zieglar Morgan Zieglar aka. Zitz is the leader of the battletoads and the smartest Zitz earned his rights as leader for single handedly deafeating The Dark Queen and her army of space mutants alone thus giving him the most respect out of the trio Zitz trys to reason everything out before getting into and fight and if all else fails he is more then ready for an battle All of zitz moves are designed to kill quickly and get the job done no time for showing off Zitz fighting skills is just as good as his brain power, he relies on his brain power must of the time which makes him the normal fighter out of the toads Morgan Zieglar, The leader of The Battletoads Controls -------- Basic Controls -------------- Zitz is a 4-button character. Button X is his weak punch, button Y his strong punch, A for weak kick, and B for his strong kick. But zitz has no kicking base attacks all of his moves are punches We will use the notation: D - down F - forward U - up B - back x - button X (weak punch) y - button Y (strong punch) a - button A (weak kick/Punch) b - button B (strong kick/Punch) When falling in the air, hit buttons X and Y at the same time to recover. Hold a directional key when recovering to move a little bit in that direction. If you are near the ground when you hit xy, you will do a ground-based recovery instead. Standard Movement ----------------- U - Jump UF - Jump forwards F - Walk forwards DF - Crouch D - Crouch DB - Crouch or low guard B - Walk backwards or high guard UB - Jump back F, F - Forward dash B, B - Back dash xy - Recovery (when falling) Basic Standing Attacks ---------------------- X - W. Punch Y - S. Punch A - W. Kick/punch B - S. Kick/punch Basic Crouching Attacks ----------------------- X - Low W. Punch Y - Low S. Punch A - Low W. Kick B - Sweep Kick Basic Air Attacks ----------------- X - Air W. Punch Y - Air S. Punch A - Air W. Kick B - Flying Kick Throws ------ Zitz currently doesn't have a throw due to my poor coding skills (sorry) but don't worry upon updating he will have one :) Combos ------------ Two piece and a Fist - x,x,y (An Remixed short version of his super battletoads combo) Brave knuckle - x,x,x,y,x (An remixed version of the first combo eith more hits) Super Arcade - y,x,x,x,x (Zitz deafult super battletoads combo) Brain Damage - a,x,b (An quick 3 piece designed to knock p2 back) Level up - y,b (An quick combo that hits high and low great for trip ups and linking more combos) Heavy hitting - b,x,x,b,x,b (An heavy combo to do damage and get p2 off you) [while crouching] Body blow - x,x (this combo is not a damage dealer but an great linker with crouching attacks) Big hand - y,b (This combo hits p2 into the air for air combos) Special Moves --------------- D,F, b - Buzzsaw (Zitz jumps at p2 with an chainsaw knee hitting multiple times this can be done in the air) B,F, b - Power Push (A great move to get in close to p2 and do some damage) D,x+y - Mighty Drill (This is an earthquake move and can hit acourse the entire stage) y+b - GTFB (This is a great move to get opponets off of you if your being overwhelmed can be done in the air) a+b - Air GTFB (Only done while in the air) B,F, x - Clap (Zitz turns his hands into to giant tamberines and claps p2) D,F, x - Leep Toad (Zitz does an jumping uppercut which can be done in the air) D, b - Zitz kick (This is an good overhead move where zitz does an dive kick downward toward p2 its an great combo linker and it is only done while in the air) D,B, x - Alpha Counter (An counter attack where you can eithere counter p2 and leave them with an custom combo of yours or perform one of the combos for the moves this attack counters just about everything so its a good move to slow opponents down) Alpha Counter combos ---------------------- ACC1 - x,x,y (An 3 piece that will send p2 flying back ACC2 - y,x,y,x,y (This combo is designed to do damage and sightly push p2 back so you can chain more combos to it) ACC3 - a (this hit send p2 into the air for air combos or juggling) ACC4 - b (this also send p2 into the air for more combos but does more damage and more hits) Hyper Moves (each uses 1 power bar) ------------- D,B, x+y - Smash N Bash (Zitz smashes p2 into himself then taunts and Punches p2 into the air then kicks them away) D,B, a+b - Fisted (Zitz jumps to p2 and knees them to the ground and sits on top of them and beats there face in and then finishes them with a drill to the chest this move can be done in the air) Super Moves (each uses 2 power bar) ------------- D,F, x+y - Chin up (Zitz hits p2 with then performs an huge heavy hitting uppercut) D,F, a+b - Rushzone (Zitz rushes p2 and if connected Zitz beats down p2 with an flashy but effective combo) D,B, x+a - Super Saw (Zitz transforms into a giant buzzsaw and flys around the stage) Ultra Moves (each uses 3 power bar) ------------- D,F, y+z - Zitz Blitz (Zitz throws a huge punch at p2 and if connected zitz does and hard hitting combo to quickly finish off his opponent) Please excuse the really late release had a pool party and yea so anywho the full battletoads are now at your command please feedback is needed now enjoy
  3. really now im not sure what the problem is but i'll work on it right away and see what i can find and how to fix it and as for his snd im not sure what you mean he doesn't have many sound if you were expecting that
  4. Rash and Pimple already released tomorrow the leader himself will join the battle if downloaded please tell me what you think of the toads well see ya guys

  5. Stompin Time, Its Pimple turn to join the battle http://www.mediafire.com/?p5qjybu1r74u19u Pimple by Tetsu The Hidden Rain --------------------- M.U.G.E.N This version updated: 8/24/2013 Pimple, Real name George Pie The muscle of The Battletoads, He's the tallest and the slowest but the most powerfu Pimple doesn't think things through he jumps right into battle sometimes it has got him into trouble but mostly out of it Pimple's attacks are made to do heavy damage to completly destroy his opponent George Pie, Stompin things out since 1991 Controls -------- Basic Controls -------------- Pimple is a 4-button character. Button X is his weak punch, button Y his strong punch, A for weak kick, and B for his strong kick. although he doesn't really have kicking moves his a and B attack is another Storng punch. Throws ------ Pimple currently doesn't have a throw due to my poor coding skills (sorry) but don't worry upon updating he will have one and maybe more :) Combos ------------ Old School - y,x,x,x,b Battle maniac - y,x,y Super Arcade - x,x,x,x,x Grab N Bash - b,b,b,b,b,b Hard knock - a,a,x Head Strong - a,a,b,x Special Moves --------------- D,F, x - Hammer Down D,F, b - Motor Head (can be done in the air) x+y - Charge x+y - Spin out (only done in the air) B,F, y - Crash D,U - GTFB B,F, x - Boom a+b - Stomp Hyper Moves (each uses 1 power bar) ------------- D,B, x+y - Touchdown D,F, a+b - Ram Super Moves (each uses 2 power bar) ------------- D,F, x+a - Rock out D,F, x+y - Crush Ultra Moves (each uses 3 power bar) ------------- D,F, y+b - Stoned I seen a post that said Rash was 20mb so if he is also this amount of memory its because they have an full mp3 song in there snd for rival music go ahead and delete it if you have to and or want to becuase they don't have any rivals at the time but themselfs which will play a different sound so yea hope you guys enjoy the second member of the battletoads
  6. lol well i cant change it back until next month so were going to have to deal with it man lol but im keeping the name maybe
  7. You'd be surprised my friend -__-
  8. Of course i do man but I'm not telling who you can try and guess in my within the rain files just read them and message me who you think it is Dang seriously its only 2 frames and the second frame animtime is -1 hmmm well its still an easy fix bro stop mashing the jumping x lol
  9. It's finally time for The battletoads to grace your mugen homes with there awesomeness First up is............... Rash http://www.mediafire.com/download/9wv7qg34cvbnu5p/SBT.Rash.rar Rash by Tetsu The Hidden Rain --------------------- M.U.G.E.N This version updated: 8/23/2013 Rash, Real name Dave Shar The comic relief of The Battletoads, He's the fastest and self proclaim the coolest and the crazist he is also the smallest of the toads and the weakest although his speed gives him the advantage he doesn't have as much power as zitz and pimple's but with all that speed he sure does make up for it Rash smash hits are all made to be flashly and cool like him like his ball and chain and double cleat showiing off his fighting skills although flashy they still pack a punch so watch out Dave Shar, just an cocky average joe, Now an ass kicking battletoad and still cocky Controls -------- Basic Controls -------------- Rash is a 4-button character. Button X is his weak punch, button Y his strong punch, A for weak kick, and B for his strong kick. although he doesn't really have more then one kicking move his B attack is another Strong punch mixed with kicking moves. We will use the notation: D - down F - forward U - up B - back x - button X (weak punch) y - button Y (strong punch) a - button A (weak kick) b - button B (strong kick/Punch) When falling in the air, hit buttons X and Y at the same time to recover. Hold a directional key when recovering to move a little bit in that direction. If you are near the ground when you hit xy, you will do a ground-based recovery instead. Standard Movement ----------------- U - Jump UF - Jump forwards F - Walk forwards DF - Crouch D - Crouch DB - Crouch or low guard B - Walk backwards or high guard UB - Jump back F, F - Forward dash B, B - Back dash xy - Recovery (when falling) Basic Standing Attacks ---------------------- X - W. Punch Y - S. Punch A - W. Kick B - S. Kick Basic Crouching Attacks ----------------------- X - Low W. Punch Y - Low S. Punch A - Low W. Kick B - Sweep Kick Basic Air Attacks ----------------- X - Air W. Punch Y - Air S. Punch A - Air W. Kick B - Flying Kick Throws ------ Rash currently doesn't have a throw due to my poor coding skills (sorry) but don't worry upon updating he will have one and maybe more :) Combos ------------ Old School - x,x,x,x,x (Rash old school battletoads 1 punch combo) Battle maniac - y,y,y (An remixed Battletoads battle maniac combo) Super Arcade - a,a,a,a (Rash deafult super battletoads combo) Grab N Bash - b,b,b,x,a,a (An remixed super battletoads combo) Ball N Chain - a,b (An kick combo that hits high and low great for trip ups and linking more combos) Foot loose - a,a,a,b,a (An flashy kick combo) [while crouching] Scratch N Sniff - x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x (this combo is not a damage dealer but an great linker with the big boot combo or an sweep kick) Big Boot - y,y (This combo kicks p2 into the air for air combos) Special Moves --------------- D,F, a - Spiked Cleat (An great anti air and juggler) B,F, b - Double Cleat (Great move if your overwhelmed kicks all enemies off you and can also be done in the air) B,F, a - Air Double Cleat (only done in the Air) D,B, a - Axe Kick (Rash Jumps towards p2 and does an spin kick while his leg is in the form of an axe can be done in air) D,B, b - Axe Kicks (Same as Axe Kick but rash does multiple hits can be done in air) D,F, b - Ra-Tsu-Maki (Rash most flashy move doing a triple spin kick into the air and then booting p2 into the ground can be done in air) D,B, x - Spring Kick (Rash turns his leg into a spring and does an standing flying kick) D, b - Spring Stomp (This is an good overhead move while jumping over p2 stomp them into the air or down to the ground it also gives you 1 extra jump only done in the air) B,F, x - Clap (Rash turns his hands into to giant tamberines and claps p2) Hyper Moves (each uses 1 power bar) ------------- D,B, x+y - Pound N Time (Rash smashes p2 into himself then taunts and kicks them away) D,F, a+b - Super Ra-Tsu-Maki (Rash kicks foward then turns to do an number of spin kicks flying towards p2 finishing it off with an spiked cleat setting p2 up for more combos) D,B, a+b - Air Super Ra-Tsu-Maki (The same as super ra-tsu-maki but instead of flying foward rash flys upward into the air then ending it by kicking p2 down to the ground this super can be done in the air) Super Moves (each uses 2 power bar) ------------- D,F, x+a - Raked (Rash Jumps into the air and lands on p2 as p2 lays on the ground rash charages up his hand and claws p2 body ending with an huge charged claw can be done in the air) D,F, x+y - Ranging Rash (Rash rushes p2 and if connected rash beats down p2 with an flashy combo) Ultra Moves (each uses 3 power bar) ------------- D,F, y+b - Smashing Strikes (Rash gives it his all in this super only using Smash hits rash delivers and nasty combo to p2) D,B, y+b - Speed Kills (Rash taunts p2 in a chance to hit him in his one and only counter attack if hit rash bumps into p2 and shows off how fast he really is) Credits ------------- First i want to thank Melcore for the battletoads sprite sheet don't know who he is but yea there made by him so yea All of my annoying testers if it wasn't for them being some cry babies my characters would have lots of bugs [Testers] Ryon Persaud Staubhold Laharl Mfmichi For making my pals in the short amount of time he had we would of done more and better but we thought hey fuck you lol just kidding we did our best only had a few mins to do it And lastly and most important who wins the most credit Ryon Persaud This dude has done way to much for me and my mugen stuff man really huge thanks to this guy he put off his own wife in child for me lol kidding ya'll but seriously this guy has done a shit load for me in my characters so all i have to say is thank you sensei ryon ^_^ If i forgot anybody in the testers or just to thank im sorry you know who you are though Now enough reading it's Stompin Time !!!!! Be sure to check my within the rain files to find out my next and current wips well see ya
  10. Its Friday friday gotta get down on friday everybody is looking forward to the weekend friday fridaty getting down on friday somethin somethin looking forward to the weekend yea !!!!

    1. Erroratu


      Wait its seriously friday?I thought it was saturday,not kidding.

    2. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Oh Lord.... Facepalms... WHY???!!! lmao

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Rash drops today thats why :)

  11. Believe me when i become i full on pro at coding and spriting your going to see a lot more then just a side scorrler beat em up
  12. OH MY GAWD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KUNG FU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but serious really looking forward to this game it was an awesome idea
  13. This looks awesome Hope Evil KFM makes it and Sauve Dude and maybe some more crazy villains i don't know KUNG FU MAN !!!!!!!!
  14. Well its back to my Scott Pilgrim wips don't what to do still for these requiered sprites :(

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      which ones? u can always use existing sprites and do your best to edit them to what u need them to be, and im not talking about spriting, but like tweeking the motion, like tilting a sprite for a hit or throw,ect,ect

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I planed on it man but these people i know there going to have lots of shit to say about these characters Its Gideon man i restarted on him i wanted to wait for Basara Kun's help since he said he could sprite and my god he can i seen his new scott pilgrim aand damn idk if i should start without him maybe i should and just call it like and early release or somthing then when he comes back i can give him a huge update idk

  15. I noticed Rash's is really big and its already taken care of buddy trust me you'll see all i did this weekend everyone will my first characters out to change the mugen world i feel like a proud dad lol
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGyYJTF7Psk&feature=youtu.be Sorry bit late but heres his gameplay demo vid sorry for the choppy ness of the video like i did with the other 2 i'll explain him as well Pimple the slowest out of the 3 but the most powerful and thats exactly what i focused on his speed and power, he has no cool combos unless you know how to make em most of his moves are ground attacks which is made to take great damage and just overwhelm your opponent he has 2 moves i didnt show in the video where he charges p2 which is used to set up for a combo linker to keep a combo going and a foot stomp which has the same effect but is a low hit and the stun time is a bit lesser then the charge. Now since im being lazy im not going to explain everything like i did zitz but pimple has mainly the same moves as him and a bit of rash far as special moves but the effect is whats different it may be 1 hit or more or more powerful quick whatever but he has a few moves they don't most of pimples attacks are made to link combos together since he dosn't have many ground to air combos or plain default ones he has an cross up move in the air where he spins crazily hoping to land and hit someone which will stun them and pull them in closer for combos and also his crouching low punch is mainly an anti air move and can be use for a good combo juggle His supers are just as deadly as his ground attacks they focus on getting in close and personal and deal massive damage especially when linked with an combo of yours his most usefull super is an charge attack where he puts his football outfit on and just rams p2 like WTF lol its a good way to get in close and do damage but be carefull mess up and you will be punished for it There really inst much to say on pimple that inst self explanatory so for now just watch these videos think of some stuff do whatever because as of now these characters have been tested and approved so they will be playable for all this weekend so until then prepare yourself's IT'S STOMPIN TIME Rash : Friday Pimple : Saturday Zitz : Sunday
  17. It is time my friends My currents wips are all done and ready to be sent out now i can resume Gideon and now since i learned more he will be bigger badder and more of an "ASSHOLE" lol I'll be back with more info on him right after the official release of my wips which is not far away so be ready people and i'd like to personaly thank the people who stuck around for this character seriously you have my thanks
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrxlV7pJsxg Its time to show off somebody other then Rash im very happy to show the leader himself off Zitz i have not seen any other Zitz for mugen so im proud to bring him into you guys life well mugen lol Since this is my first video of him i'll have to explain everything Keep in mind its just a video demo same as rash if you see something strange or off just shut up its just a preview What you need to know : Zitz is an normal fighter i didnt focus on combos or linkers like i did rash he's just focused on the fight and how to win he's an more strategic fighter then the others Now in order of the video First his basic movements Basic Combos : Zitz have just as many ground combos as rash except his do more damage and is focused on getting p2 off of him so he think about his next move he has more crouching combos then Rash a total of 4 and basic air combos, he only has a few launcher combos one standing and one for his counter attack, Zitz also has an dive kick which sets p2 up for combos this i forgot to show in the video sorry thats about it for his basic combos Special Moves : Zitz actually doesn't have to many special moves but he has ones that will fit him just right first he has his Sig. Buzzsaw Knee which can be done in the air or ground, his Power push where he leaps towards p2 with a spiked wall, his tambourine clap like rash except his do more hits, his drill which is used for an earthquake effects but is blockable while crouching , His GTFB move (Get The Fuck Back) like rash double cleat attack you seen in his other videos this also can be done in the air like rash, he has an shoryuken otherwise known as dragon punch which can be done in the air as well, and my favorite i relay on the most his counter attack once this attack is activated p1 has the choice between over 4 different moves/combos to do on p2 or you can let p2 sit there so you can punish him with your own custom combo Lastly Supers/Ultras : Zitz has 5 supers like all the toads excepts his supers are very different, his level 1 supers include his crush just like rash he crushes p2 flat but instead of just kicking them zitz uppercuts them first then kicks them away as his other super also like rash he jumps towards p2 with an flying knee attack and if hit p2 falls while zitz lands on him and starts to punch his lights out then drills the S.O.B, another level 1 which im not sure i'll even keep is his uppercut super where he punches p2 and then starts to do an metsu shoryuken stlye uppercut it dont look to well to me but i really wanted him to hve a super like that idk i'll figure something out maybe in future updates, his level 2's include his buzzsaw where he transform into the saw itself and just throws hisself around and another one is his rush super the only super where he taunts he just beats p2 ass then talks crap to piss him off then kicks his ass some more same as rash second ultra but his not that fast and its less hits now for his ultra he only has 1 ultra at the moment and its his giant fist where he goes to punch and if hit well as you saw he just beats p2 ass charges for the final blow kicks him in the air and finishes off with a huge TIGER KNEE lol well thats about it like i said they will release asap upon approval of my testers sorry again
  19. Waiting on the results of my last few testers until release for the mean time go check out my thered in the WIPS Section videos of all 3 toads are up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Glad you think so thinking about just releasing them man ryon said i should just do it so thats what im going to do im going to work out a few known bugs them there out bro ready to play so yup

    3. Laharl


      make sure you read my feedback before releasing any of em.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I Saw it and im still working out a few things anyway so i got time

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmdYPHIOqWc&feature=youtu.be You've all been waiting so here it is another update on your favorite toad lol so i didnt talk in this video due to lagging and skipping so i'll tell you whats up if you don't notice it Now before i tell the changes this is just a demo showing them off so if you notice anything off like i said its just a video demo of the character Whats different : More Combos, 2 More Supers plus 1 extra Ultra, Much More Intros, and is faster Now im sure you seen what the other 2 supers are and do but i'll explain anyway 2 New supers : both are nothing but and Tatsumaki stlye super one carries p2 forward like Kens SSF4 second Ultra while the other carries p2 in the air then kicks them right back down great to combo together New Ultra : Now this one is an over the top counter attack where if Rash is hit he just kicks your ass DBZ Stlye sorry you couldn't see how fast he was hitting in the video lag man got to love it More combos : Added one extra air hit for air combo purposes, 2 Crouching combos, 1 Standing Combo The rest is self explanatory His release will be this week im not letting anything stop me lol right after my last testers finishes at least but for now you guys can wait lol sorry i'll release them asap when i get the word from this last tester
  21. Someone please code my god damn throws PLEASE DAMN YOU PLESE ARGH I HATE IT >: (

  22. oh yea dude thats been fixed there all balanced just like how they were in there game i'll explain when i upload each characters video
  23. I Know i been dragging this on for awhile but finally at last all 3 are finished and ready for testing i repeat ALL 3 ARE DONE AND READY TO BE TESTED Im really happy people been waiting for these guys cant wait to release them i'll post a video of all 3 showing the basics and stuff then showing them off in combat so i need some testers i dont think ryon wants to test all 3 alone lol oh well its whoever come first and after they been tested and approved i'll release them to everybody So testers message me email, skype names, whatever as long as i have away to give them to you im only accepting 3 to 5 testers people who really pay attention to whats going on and stuff i need some feedback you know well anywho i'll give more details on the characters to the testers but until then i'll see you guys later tonight for the big video lol peace
  24. Got my first friend request i feel special lol ^_^

    1. FlipSide


      Good For You !

    2. Forehead


      Hmm? You have a friend request restriction. I let anybody be my friend (as long as I don't despise them)

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Yea i know i put that on purposely because i really dont want just anybody adding me i want people i know who's cool and likes what im doing you know not just some new guy besides only got 2 and which means i got to get more popular among the pro creators here its only a matter of time >: ) MWAHAHAHAHAHA

  25. Got my first friend request i feel special lol ^_^

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