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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Why Hello there friend, My name is Tremaine but you may call Infinite_Joker or whatever else you may like ;) I'm here to tell you about the wonderful world of Mugen Speed dating its so fast, so fun, so playfull ;) Don't be shy boys and girls its for almost all ages almost kiddies mmmmm ;) Here you may find all that your looking for in life wheater its an Ryu checking out hot and sexy, Fan throwing Kitana or maybe an Johnny Cage eye balling that tight green spandex wearing Orchid or if you want somthing plain like Chun li wraping those legs around The four arm beast Goro oh yea Mugen has it Mugen has it all baby and if your looking for more oh oh yes my friend theres more An sexy battleground for those beast to be wild and become one were talking Kazuya and Akuma on a moving train baby or how about Jago and Scorpion fighting in a waterfall awe to sexy oh and my personal favorite Mileena and Mai getting it on, on the sky bridge baby oh yea just waiting for one of them to just tumble down into my arms of lust So as you can see we have a lot in store for you sweethearts so come on down take a seat relax and enjoy the wonderfull world of Mugen Speed dating But don't take my word for it Take it from my friend he know's what he's doing I Love Mugen so much i Fap err i mean create every chance i get thank you Tremaine for making me feel so much better about myself and my lust for mugen - Ryon - See better call now asap and if you do we'll find you a lucky lady to be your partner in love ; ) [Note your partner will be a real women sorry] JOKES ON YOU Order Now !!!
  2. Time to finish him !!! OH RYON >_>

  3. Hey thats not a bad idea he turns into KFM everytime he gets hit a certain or gets KO'ed hmmmm i'll keep messing around with it
  4. Its almost here >: )

  5. No sorry bro but i do plan on redoing him in the future so don't worry for now you just have to take what you can get I'll try my best not to disappoint you man thanks by the way more pics coming asap
  6. Warning he will not be a complete character he is missing get hit sprites and a KO sprite I'm improvising on most sprites and actions but all in all i think he's an A1 character so my advice to all who end up downloading him please do not focus on what he doesn't have but on what he does far as attacks and specials blah blah blah and with that being said ENJOY !!!! I have better pictures but i don't know how to upload them on here and stuff so i'll upload more on photobucket and post them afterwards but like i said enjoy because The Jokes on you !!!!
  7. '/_'

    1. Vality


      You are a Joker?So its Very Funny

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality


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