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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Sorry Everybody my internet been off for a lone while but im back and i've got some news Altiar will be ready real soon before 2014 i promise well maybe early 2014 i got to work and not to mention on the game a a lot sorry But the real news is Altiar has been fixed and ready to be released for the public to test and bitch about his problems and also the Battletoads have been updated as well i'll post it in there thereds later so u can see whats new videos coming soon don't know how soon depending on what i got to do but yea..... Anywho good to be back ^_^
  2. So in one of my wips they have a fatality and the way i wanted to do it was MKSM (Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks) way and for those who dont know the opponent would have to get hit for a certain attack and then you put the combination for the fatality in sounds easy enough the problem im having is being able to do it like you know it has to be done only on round 2 or 3 long as u win one and p2 have to be at a certain life percentage so i basically need help on coding that properly into the game, If anybody need me to explain it better just let me know
  3. My internet is back yay

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      welcome back,that reminds me,if i dont call att later today i woNT HAVE ANY NET LOL

  4. Just got back from my anime convention youmacon and i got to say it was a fucking last

    1. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol meant blast but ok

  5. My anime convention starts tomorrow yay so excited

  6. One of my biggest wips just got corrupted got to love life v_v

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      it was Gideon wasnt it?

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Fucking sucks all that work gone

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      and no it wasn't i still have gideon bro no worries still need those other sprites tho o_0

  7. Well resizing the portait is easy for me i dont even have one for him yet tho resizing the character may be a problem because he will look ugly so idk i may ask someone to resize him for me i want a lot of my characters resized actually and no theres no beta yet he still needs work before he is actually playable for everyone if i release him now a lot of people will bitch and wine about lots of things so yea got to work out the bugs some more The progress i made was yea his bomb comes out his hand now lol he has more attacks lots of dodge moves and counters and just lots of all other shit man he's going very well guys i'll release another video when i can im sorry i been moving so slow just life man girl troubles working late just everything man so be patience and my glorious wips will come lol
  8. Been posting a bit much in the mugen help forum but i need all the help and brain power i can get for my latest project trust me it will be worth it

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      long as its for legitimate reasons u can post all day n night in their ya little monkey

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol awesome and i been seeing your post man you wanna do some pals for me

  9. So many WIPS so little time

    1. DuckAzz


      sadly yes...

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      why am i just now seeing this lol but yea man its crazy i got so much to do ugh

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      why am i just now seeing this lol but yea man its crazy i got so much to do ugh

  10. I have not been online in awhile well posting at least and im sorry to all my fans if i have any lol i have a job now a i barely have time to show all my stuff but I promise after i release Altair I'll show you guys something fucking amazing seriously im planing something huge and you al will love it or else >: (

    1. Staubhold


      Oh, can´t wait for it!

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Trust it will be worth the wait i just need a crew to make it run faster ryon to busy and my other buddy doesn't know that much about building stuff on FF3 just pals and CLSN boxes lol oh well i'll find a faster way some how

    3. Staubhold



      If you need any feedback, count me in...

  11. At last its playable time for some pokemon
  12. Got some good news for once finally

  13. My Next wip has to fucking much argh oh well its worth it

  14. This is going to be beast can't wait for the release
  15. Here's my Newest WIP Altiar from Assassin's Creed Hope you enjoy his demo preview and just in case you cant hear me to well in the video I'll explain some moves Altiar has 2 evasive rolls which can dodge anything He has 4 basic combos which can be linked together or cancelled into a different combo His special moves include a bomb toss where you can get hit by the bomb itself and the explosion, a crossbow which can shoot forward or upward, 2 counter attacks where one counter allows you to punish p2 your way by leaving them stunned for a short time while the other counter sends p2 flying back, he has a spinning back hand where he can dodge certain attacks for a certain time, and lastly he has an dash attack where he runs to p2 and depending on which button you hit he will do a different attack or dodge For his supers he has an Fire arrow which shoots up or forwards and an ice arrow which just shoots forward, he has an counter attack which can counter almost anything but projectiles and it does a ton of damage and for his ultras he has in akuma style move (ranging demon) where he walks in a crowd of priest to p2 and if hit altiar delivers a deadly blow in the shadows leaving p2 on the ground dead and his last ultra is his normal hidden blade strike instead of just falling on p2 like he did in the games he prays first then leaps into the air hopefully leading on p2 and once he does its basically game over from there well there you have it and like the battletoads he will be getting updates in the future it only took me 3 days to make this guy lol all i need now is a good snd and effects and he's ready for action until then see you guys
  16. actually they do have sprites everyone from MvC has enough sprites to be a full character I used these sprites dude can't you tell and i know it sucks you don't fight the dark queen but i know i could find away to make her
  17. Anybody know a good broly or akuma im looking for some special characters to make the battletoads have a crazy intro with them or somebody that would fit well with them anybody

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laharl


      you do not have to ask permission espescially when its just intros.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      You sure man i don't want no bullcrap coming my way because once i put the intro in there i want other people to be able to see in for them selfs you know which means i must re upload there creations

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      lol just heard that battletoads rap shit was funny as hell lol i can use them as some win sayings

  18. If i was to make them bigger they would look really bad there fine the way they are believe me i wanted to make them bigger but it looked really wrong
  19. Thanks man seriously :) and just read my within the rain files to see who im working on next alright Thanks man
  20. Hey its not my fault people don't know there battletoads and for rash he the only one he does have a mix of Battletoads battlemaniacs sprites because he didnt have enough hurt sprites in Super battletoads or battletoads arcade so there thats why his pal is crazy and im really having a hard time fixing it guys :(
  21. Ok People First off he is at his normal size and he only looks bigger in his game just because its his game i mean come on now and as for the pals im already working on it and he has his normal green pal just hit x and i know rash has some pal issues i said it like idk how many times it was a rush job im already working on the pal fixes tell me something i don't know please but any who i already got one fixed so dont worry they will be fine maybe
  22. I honestly want to make her but she doesn't have any enough sprties to be a full character just a helper at best and i know that sweet sweet ass of hers lol
  23. Hmmm having the dark queen and the double dragons in some of the intros or outros would be pretty cool I'll really think about that one and the grab move hmm i might give them a more simpler command so they match each other since they all have that combo i'll think about it and im glad you like the sounds bro i thought really hard on which to give them i wish i could do more with pimple but hey i tryed my best and The pals was an last minute add i know me and my buddy could of done better so like i said don't worry more and better updates will come to the toads im no where near finished with them
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