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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Glad everyone likes what i couldn't have while i was there with her :( as a reward heres another of her alone I got lots of hot cosplay pics but morgan was by far the best i seen maybe
  2. I want to get married someday :( hopefully to somebody who cosplay's like her i mean geez epic nose bleeds
  3. I am requesting a field of workers for my newest project who wants to earn some cred for making one of the best mugen projects ever >: (

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      the greatest full game ever..............for about a month or 2 lol just need a bit of help with my characters to speed things up

    3. Ryon
    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Dude your totally sandbagging me don't sandbag me bro :(

  4. Thanks i try lol i got lots more but i didnt want to upload all my pics on this one thing idk maybe one more xD SHADOW CLONE JUTSU
  5. yes............YES !!!!!! think of it, THINK OF IT
  6. Yay cosplay topic How about some Naruto cosplay ^_^ (I have a lot but it's only naruto characters i'll show i'm Tobi) Thats all folks more cosplay pics coming later something other then naruto at least :)
  7. I Think i been on here long enough to show myself be hold who i really am......... Cosplaying a black guy I'm a really good Boy Hmmmmmmmm
  8. Hope he has his voice from SSBB and of course his Falcon punch lol
  9. I Approve of this And Bmo is just voiced by a girl but still could be one thanks to the hentai i've seen o_0 What i was curious lol
  10. With the help of zombiebrock i can get back on track with all my wips yay him^_^

  11. I need pals done someone do my bidding........please

    1. Ryon


      please don't make it be Jago?

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      No it's not...........................yet >_<

  12. im trying to find the right code to use to balance out my characters the problem is he has infinite combo priority and im trying to figure out how do u make it so u can do a move only a certain amount of times in a combo im at a lost
  13. I need yet anothere new name this will be the last it must be something that matches killer instinct and mortal kombat

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Winmugen11


      Mortal Killer Kombat Instinct?

    3. Darkflare


      Mortal Kombat: Ultra combo edition.

    4. Cayne


      Ultra Brutality

  14. Are there any artest out there who's willing to work with me

  15. Dude so happy now if theres only an Tatsmaru and Onikage and shit just everyone from warth of heaven ^_^
  16. I have the "Killer Instinct" to fight in "Mortal Kombat"

  17. Who wants to make a full game with me ^_^

  18. Got him up in running bro its just those requiered sprites is a mess lol he will be kfm everytime he gets hit and stuff and it just looks awe full but other then that i'd say he's pretty nice and since you want him so bad i'll just add a few finishing things i can add and send him to you and let you tell me how he is so far just as scott has his strikers as you seen in my old preview Gideon has his evil exes im trying to find some matt sprites some good ones at least so i can add him and the twins i got everyone else and i also want more super gideon sprties and that monster form of his lol that would be freaking awesome
  19. YAY More SP Characters seriously sucking on getting those other sprites for gideon dont know how you do it man i tryed it by taking snap shots and editing them did not go well at all
  20. Hey i was making a fatality and the problem is that the sound for the dun dun DUN !!!! lol plays to long its the MK9 fatality sound so anyone who played the game knows how long the sound can be i was wondering how do i cut the sound and go to a different part of it if possible
  21. Tetsu The Hidden Rain - Anata_Teme_Tetsu
  22. It sorta Worked but not really or the way how i wanted it but i did copy a few things that helped so idk i'll show it off when i get it to work 100%
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