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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Jago's Announcement Video Hope you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QmdfzDomWk&feature=youtu.be
  2. Got another video on the way hopefully it goes well

  3. so with this OpenBOR Engine thing you can make a side scroller game because this look awesome i would love to make something like thiis
  4. As of now I can tell you Chameleon will "Not" be in the game but you did give me and idea for something that can be done in the near future, As for Ermac i wanted the ninjas to be different as much as possible so i used his MKD sprites instead of his basic ones besides he has those bans on his face in MK9 which is another reason why i use these sprites so i don't think I'll be changing them anytime soon, The cyborg ninjas will diffidently have different small ports I'm only using these for now because i cant find any other ones but give it time I'm not really focused on them the top row of characters is who myself and everyone else should be focusing on
  5. Here's a quick Gameplay video i made it myself so if it blows that's why :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Fr52ES1JE&feature=youtu.be I shall return with character showcases based on who's almost finished so yeah I'll return again when i have videos up and running
  6. If MK was a T rated game i wonder what cage fatalities would be

    1. Doomguy


      The ones from MKvDCU.

    2. Noside


      Check de SNES version.

    3. RicePigeon


      It flicks the dipswitches to turn the blood white as they get drenched in it. Kinky.

  7. I Need an AI vet man i want my characters to kick ass there never fuly done until they get an good AI

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laharl


      thats terrible advice.

    3. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      I just wanna know how AI is done.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      @Roy Teh Hutner That's true and yeah you cant copy and paste AI codes if i ever learn how to do it I'd be fine

  8. I Haven't even seen the Movie Frozen but the stage looks cool finished up I'll be sure to Download this and the other stage
  9. It worked man good looking out my friend now my guy is 100% well maybe 95 idk but yeah thanks a lot
  10. Can you explain the code a bit and how it works cause im kinda lost on what to edit and how to put it in exactly
  11. Alright im trying this right now to see what happens
  12. Yet Another problem has been made i can not get the second death animation to work it will play but then just go back to the normal death state and for those who don't know what the second death animation is, its the lay on front animations instead of on your back I'm at a complete lost so if anyone could help That'd Be Great.......
  13. Now thats bloody fo sho lol like i said man its all up to having the right sprites man get the body part sprites before you even try it though
  14. Sorry but there is no easy way to do this like if your doing a fatality on a character who doesn't have body part sprites your going to have to make them some and to your other problem about exploding the other guys head thats also a custom sprites but all you have to do is erase the characters head that may work and as for punching a hole in the other guys chest (a not existing hole of course) that can be done really easy and with the heart on the other end also easy just get heart sprites and use them as a helper so yeah the heart punch can be done really easy
  15. Yes, So ask yourself is it worth it lol because if you know how to edit spirtes real good i may come to you for some help
  16. I'll try both codes and pick which one works the best
  17. The blood and guts can be added to any character it must be a helper in the characters with fatalities file and as for the body parts if they dont already have sprites for it you will have to make custom sprites of the characters your going to be killing
  18. The "Johnny Cage Head Glitch Fatality" lol is very possible like i said if you got the spites especially the body parts of the character your going to be preforming it on then no problem thats not to hard only hard part i can figure is the second death animation of the enemy lol but I'll overcome that and the head sprites, if you have them will be easy to just rotate and bounce on the ground when it hits. Brutalities is actually rather easy its really just an ultra/super combo where the last hit explodes the enemy so this can be done in no time the only problem i can come up with is the body parts exploding all over the place lol and setting them up right The Body cutter fatality can also be done if you have the right sprites its pretty tricky considering i haven't really done chopping fatalities a lot but i know i can do it easy enough and as for p2 body slowing sliding off thats also not to hard for me it can be done for sure Remember if you have the right sprites almost any fatality can be done
  19. So basically I need help on how to code a move that can only be done when you win a round instead on just round 2 or something you know this has been bugging the hell out of me for awhile I tryed the win code but it no works right i dont know i needs help with this
  20. Its Time i put out my tutorial videos my uploads starts today >: (

  21. I have learned how to do all types of fatalities, i can help as long as you got the sprites I can help code it for you
  22. Is there anyway to get liu kang voice files outside of MK1-3

    1. mkp


      Go to MKW :D

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      MKW doesn't have The Liu Kang voice I'm looking for, I need his MKD and/or higher voices

  23. yeah everyone in the game is made by me coded and everything only the top row of the roster is near 100% but like i said keep tabs on the post and you'll learn all you want and by the way don't worry even though this is a full game the characters will eventually be converted to normal mugen
  24. Now on to the characters and gameplay One good thing to note is all characters is made by me well nearly everything in the game is made by me yeah one man army lol but enough braging lets talk about these guys Every character will have an KI Style special move meaning there's a special move that will open up a combo like Jago's wind kick or laser blade once it connects you can preform your combo, also each character will have 6 combo enders, 4 basic enders and 2 unique ones all having different effects such as............ Launcher Ender : This will send the enemy in the air for juggle combos Stun Ender : The name should say it but if you still don't understand this will distance the opponent but stun him for you to start another combo if your quick enough p2 wont be stun for long Damage Ender : This is the combo ender you use if you want to well really do damage to p2 Power Ender : This ender will give the player power for ex moves Bounce Ender : This should also be self explanatory but if not this ender will cause p2 to bounce of the wall or floor Classic Ender : The classic ender will be a throw back to the characters old school combo ender in there original game All characters have a unique playstyle and play very fast pace not MVC fast but faster then what they normally play Another good thing to note is there finishers yes its time to talk but the finishers. Each Character will have the following finishers.................... Fatality : Each character will have 2 or more fatalities depending on if i have ideas and if there popular enough Stage Fatality : This is a huge want/ work in progress because i haven't really started on building these feature yet but I'm determent to include this into the game Ultra : KI's Signature finisher everyone will have there own unique ultra with a small easter egg hidden in them you'll know what it is if you played the recent KI for the Xbox One Ultimate/Brutality : This finisher has been redone big time the opponent wont just explode at the end and every character will have there own unique killing moves Tag Team Finisher : This is another huge want i have an idea on how to do it but again i haven't really started on making this code yet so i will let you guys know how it turns out if you keep tabs on the post at least I think that covers everything for now, next post will be videos talking about certain characters and stuff so give me time to make the videos and i'll post as soon as i can
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