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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. I Found this stage on google and when i clicked the link to download the stage its down giving me an error so if anyone can help get this stage that'd be great Heres the stage http://oi44.tinypic.com/10hq6tg.jpg
  2. Just showed off my latest Character for the game so go check it out here

  3. Here it is guys Enjoy Ka.........No, Cage's Video I Had a lot of fun making this one i made it like johnny would lol but anywho here it is By the way i teased kano to soon i have no snd for him so it would of been kinda boring to tease a mute character so i showed Cage instead since he was just as done as kano but a bit more with an snd and everything so yeah for anyone expecting kano and wondering why he isn't here this is way don't worry and kano and many others will be shown off soon enough but as of now its Cage time so yeah wait it out i'll return soon and my website will be up soon enough to get exclusive news and stuff about the game and other shit so stay tuned get hype and be ready for killer kombat
  4. this isn't the quan chi in the video he has his mk9 voice the one u sent doesn't sorry and also where can i find the mk cyber war download
  5. all i really want is this stage in the beginning and this quan chi at the end he has something i want >: ) So if you could please help that'd be great
  6. Just finished my video and already uploaded it to my website i'll upload it here in the morning

  7. Attention Killer Kombat Announcement So due to the fact I'm having some troubles with some stuff you can be expecting an character trailer sooner then i thought of someone who i should of teased more but oh well you'll see him soon enough and also i have an website coming up very soon you can check out exclusive stuff there and other projects in the works i have not announced on here yet so be on the look out for that i will post a link in a few days if all goes well but for so now stay tuned for more Killer Kombat news right here on Mugen Free For All :bye:
  8. that looks pretty cool :)
  9. working on the next charcater video right bet everyone gets it wrong on who its going to be ^_^

    1. TotalDramaXtremist


      I know who it is, but I'm not sayin' nothin'.

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Nah its not him its on the MK Side

  10. Although his MK2 sprites has some good things i could use, I prefer his MKT Sprites, there still kinda new if u think about it since no one ever really uses it and i just like the look better
  11. Cage huh I'll think about it keep leaving comments on what you guys want or questions and stuff i'm looking out for you guys
  12. Kano can wait says Cage

  13. So I'm Making huge decision on the game and I hope it doesn't piss to many people off but here goes nothing...................... New Font And LifeBars And SuperBars I will be using MK3 Font for in game fighting while KI Font for menu stuff and/or win announcements Another big thing i want to say and this is the part that may piss people off.................. The Superbar will not actually be used for supers like ex moves and stuff and the reason I'm doing this is because most people don't even know how to use KI Characters and there shadow moves/ex moves they where kinda hard to do in the old original K.I.'S and also im running out of commands for it, the double button action can't be used because it's being used for a much better purpose and lastly i can't think of ex moves for the mk characters nor do i want to do it sorry for my laziness but that's the truth The Superbar will be used but in an MK way which i will explain now Level 1.Auto double reset, in KI you only can do 4 auto doubles before u end the combo with this level 1 bar used it will reset the amount of auto doubles you've done so you can pick up more hits and damage on your opponent Level 2. Combo Breaker, In KI if your really good you could combo break out of any combo anytime anywhere so I'm balancing it out the MK way and have it cost 2 bars to use Level 3. Spirit, In KI1 if you had lost the match and was about to be killed (Danger Zone/Finish Him State) you had one chance to put in a command to bring yourself out of the danger zone with a small amount of life to fight one more time this could only be done once in the whole match so no worries about spamming it If you guys have a problem with this leave your thoughts and stuff tell me what you think and again hope this doesn't make anyone mad and be sure to keep your eyes open for more character videos there coming soon
  14. Since Ermac is like 1000 people in 1 shouldn't he have different voices in some moves or actions hmmm

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