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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Dang man its hard to do all im doing while going through all im going thourgh o_0

  2. wheres the hype when you need it someone get me a good hype man because i need em

    1. Doomguy


      What are you making again?

  3. Good news I'm free today and the next so I can talk more about the game so expect more then one post this time, Anyway lets keep this going (Again font problems here so moving on from that) This screen is also fully animated and as you can see you should be able to tell the whole roster from this pic so enjoy memorizing them till there proper revile GAME FEATURES So the game features/gameplay is a mixture KI2 and MK3 with the combo counting and of course the hype announcer screaming the combos in your face, I plan to have stage interactions like on MK3 moving one background to another and etc. I'll do a whole post on the gameplay next post promise but for now im only focused on the basic kombat features and so far its moving pretty well just need to balance the characters and speaking of characters thats what my next post is about i will talk about the key thing of the game and thats the gameplay and the characters in it and how they will fight so enjoy the next post guys see ya soon
  4. Im getting there hang on just one bit im free today so i can talk more about the game and the characters :-)
  5. No its not complete just keep tabs on the post and you'll know when its done and if a demo will be released
  6. Welcome !!! Now lets talk Killer Kombat, First thing i want to talk about it the menu's and gamemodes (The font isn't fully done, like it isn't fully designed to my liking and its to big in, in game fighting so yeah i need more font for the fighting and to redesign this font) First off is the main menu, The Main menu will be fully animated with a roaring fire under the gamemodes, various characters in the game will appear in the background fading in and out and with sparks of fire floating around the screen as well. [Gamemodes] Storymode : It has not been started but the the story has been made so when i feel everyone and everything is balanced and ready I'll start coding this, this may be the last thing i do regrading coding things in the game, it will be and long and hard (pause) story with many battles and cut scenes so i can promise you it will be epic Tournament : Tournament is basically arcade and tag arcade in one mode all characters will have an intro and ending after you beat the boss, it will have a lot of fights (maybe) depending on how long it takes to actually clear the game so I'll have to do a few playthroughs to see how long it will normally takes to beat the game Versus : This is self explanatory but it will have tag/turns in it so don't worry if the other tag modes are gone Survival and Survival Co-Op Dojo (Training Mode) Demonstration (Watch) Options (Of course) Exit (Not sure I should of listed this but yeah) (Again font problem up top as you can see) The option menu is also animated with the skulls moving around the screen There is an gameover screen but i didn't take a screen shot of it i will get one when i can And there you have it the menu and gamemodes explained i will talk about the in game features and character select screen next post, See ya for now
  7. There you have it, The dark deed is done and now we wait

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Yes i did all of the above

    3. ShiniGami NoMeresu

      ShiniGami NoMeresu

      good boy,, now breathe deep. and get to bed!

    4. Ultra Fatality
  8. I Have been MIA for a long time, I had lots on my plate and still have lots to do but for now I think its time to finally show the people of MFFA what I been up to since January, Now Behold................ (Tittle Made By Ryon) As you should be able to tell its a MK VS KI Crossover Over 50 characters all with unique play styles yes even the ninjas (I Did not make the lifebars i actually found them on google can u believe that so credits to however made them) Well there you have it just a quick announcement and revile of what i been up to i will talk more about the game itself in later post but for now enjoy the news
  9. Finally going to annouce my works i hope it goes well o_0

  10. Never thought I'd say this but im running out of idea's

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      no no i know who to make im actually already working on a huge project looking for help but yeah you cant tell how thats going im running out of special moves and stuff to add

    3. Doomguy


      Who's the character?

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I'll message you want to keep my works a secret till i show it off

  11. Should Sub Zero rip the spine out of someone's chest or there back hmmm ???

    1. GuyZero32k4


      The back. Through the anus. It'd be like reverse birth.

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Ha sick i like it

  12. i'll check this code and my tag teams are coded mvc style so yeah
  13. yeah thats it fight on person its red fight reptile or something its green and so on well ok i got the blood as hit sparks and if those triggers work i'll try it well im going to try it anyway but yeah i'll see what i can do and let u know if it works
  14. This blood shit is really pissing me off its the last thing i need ugh change colors already :(

    1. ShiniGami NoMeresu

      ShiniGami NoMeresu

      i have told you to get them so easily what the fuss is about then ? really

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      no i got them its coding thats the fuss man didnt u see my mugen help post and stuff

  15. i got the blood to show up and splat sound not added yet working on it only thing now is getting the blood to change colors on different characters ugh just when i thought i had it
  16. i been trying that and i have no idea how to do it just yet im pretty good at coding stuff within the game so maybe if i just give it another wack idk i'll find out someday somehow
  17. i got to of them one from the site and the most recent released one i found both failed blood comes out but doesn't change colors nor hit the ground and splat whatever one u got or saw send a link or something i needs this
  18. nope it did not work next plan o_0
  19. lol so you mean to tell me that this screenpack has blood for any and every character not mk people and when they get hit blood comes out and hits the floor if so i will download this in a heartbeat lol nah kidding but i hope your right because im still going to download and see if it works i'll let u know when i try it out
  20. I Think this is the last thing i will need help with for awhile.............................. So the problem exactly is when someone gets hit the blood doesn't change to the right color sometimes doesn't even show up and also it doesn't hit the ground and splat this has been bugging since i started this project and it was suppose to be built in game effects not character effect i got the normal hit sparks in and guard sparks but these blood sparks are ugh so if anyone knows this problem please help this should be my last problem so yeah i wont bug you guys anymore once this is fixed xD
  21. Nevermind the stage var code work so forget the stage thing :) yay one step closer to getting this game done
  22. Alright it worked but o_0 it plays twice like when p2 gets lower then 150 it plays then lets say p1 gets lower then 150 it plays twice and doesn't cancel the first sound so other then that it worked just fine now i need to mess around with it and find out how to get it to play only on certain rounds certain time limits tag team modes, stages ugh so much to mess with but this is a big step on the danger sound im glad it worked
  23. Alright and by the way i am using it within the game its a built in danger sound dont worry i know what im doing cept with the sound of course but yeah i will let you know if it works and yeah i only want it to play once for when whoever gets lower then 150 first and keep playing till someone dies and to think ahead of time if it doesn't work built in then its cool still got the codes and stuff
  24. nah its cool i need help with other important stuff anyway i'll find a way to make the pics i have look good
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