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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Thanks bro and don't worry he will be here soon im working as fast as i can to finish up my current wips so i can get back started on him
  2. Nice to see people still keeping tabs on my work i feel loved xD
  3. Ok buddy another Rash Beta The First Zitz Beta coming real soon buddy working out some bugs with Ryon real quick to make sure he good for testing Pimple will be out soon buddy just need to finish his attacks and stuff
  4. Good news and bad news Bad news i tossed my current gideon project Good news restarting on him really soon when i finish my current wips now since im a better coder and understand a lot more he will return bigger badder and better then ever so see you guys soon
  5. Super Update I Have been gone for far to long and i have big news my friends as followed....... Rash : not much updated with him because he's done just increased speed more intro's and outro's and some fixed bugs/glitches you know code problems Zitz : He's done actually :) waiting to be tested so any takers message me Pimple : Finishing him up today, so happy What i really need done is to keep messing with the custom states so when i mange to get this dizzy/shocked hit in it will be glorious and they will be 100% till a tester finds some problems lol Rash 93% Perfected Zitz 77% Perfected Pimple 59% Perfected Now if you'll excuse me i have to work on there demo video's in the mean time smile and be happy cause im back suckas
  6. Finally i have Returned !!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Yo. Ever choose a new name man?

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Thanks my friend

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      and yea i have actually just dont know how to change it tho

  7. Don't know who really cares to rememeber me you know the battletoad guy and Gideon dude well my internet been down and still is so guys cut me some slack i'll come back beast its not stopping me from my work so expect greatness when i come back

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Do your best man. Hope to see you back here soon.

    2. LansingWolverine


      Thanks for letting us know :)

  8. Its all or nothing now just waiting on the word of my tester to see if he's good enough for release if anyone want to test my wip leave a comment or post in the thread

  9. Super Battletoads Update Details Rash- All done just looking for testers :-) Zitz - Doing his attacks and super moves then he will be done :-) Pimple - Moving slow but all i have to do is the same thing his attacks and super moves only problem i don't have any unique ideas for him xD so thats why im moving slow with him All 3 will be done by June 1 and most likely release on the same day or the next until then Testers enjoy Rash let me know whats up Zitz Video Coming Soon oh and one more thing i found a new name so when i release them you all will know it so stay tuned ^_^
  10. Great i need some testers before i release him i plan on getting all 3 done by june 1 all i have to add are there attacks and code them thats actually the easy part to me i hate doing the 5000 ugh so boring -__- but yea i'll pm him to for a test ride and pm me back letting me know what you think like is he good enough for release and stuff
  11. How the hell did this reach 4 pages and i haven't even been here '/_'
  12. So annoyed trying to test my wip see the problwems fucking ssucks finding a problem everywhere something small or big ugh need some testers so i can fix him right on the spot

  13. So annoyed trying to test my wip see the problwems fucking ssucks finding a problem everywhere something small or big ugh need some testers so i can fix him right on the spot

  14. Glad you guys like him but he's overpowered i got to change his power lol xD
  15. Thinking about just releasing my overpowered Rash lol everyone wants him idk xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Go to the thread to see his basics i can tell you right now he kinda isn't but he still is a combo based character and stuff just go check him out i'll upload his combo video soon

    3. Laharl


      i alredy saw ryons video it was hilarious. OP is a good word for it though.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      OP ? come on just tell me what you thought '/_' and that was just a test it wasn't the actually demo >_> don't let that ruin your exceptions of him he's going to be great come release

  16. Showing his basics and thanks for that Ryon lol Feel the power of the Raging Rash
  17. Yay I've done it at last 100% complete my character up for download asap after a few test now i just got to worry about the updates '/_'

    1. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Congrats Joker, best of luck to ya

    2. Laharl


      I shall test w/e char you made when I get home and give you plenty of feedback on fixes.

    3. Staubhold


      Great to hear that!

  18. Oh thats all really Ok i'll get right on that then
  19. How do i post the video on the site its not working right guys ? had a little trouble uploading the video don't worry its getting up asap when find away to do it '/_'
  20. Thats so plain need something cool and unique abd that can be put into an catchphrase
  21. Trying to upload my character demo no luck anyone know the bbc code for that

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros


    2. Okami


      Lol zombie =P

    3. Noside


      Brock lol.

  22. Uploading it now how do i post the video here instead of making you go to youtube
  23. Battletoads Update Details Sorry I been to busy creating them instead of updating you guys on whats up please forgive forgive Zitz is coming along just Fine he has all his required sprites done now just doing his attacks and stuff if i play my cards right he will be done in now time leaving only effects voices and stuff like that to be done yes i'm still doing his voice lol Pimple is moving slow sorry about that kinda short ideas on his moves and stuff like basics man not special moves crazy right but yeah he has all his required sprites to just need ideas and stuff for attacks and i'll be back on track with him Rash is finished but he has little effects and i quit on doing his voice mine is to deep sorry can't get it that damn soft as i want it lol so he will either be mute have Yun from street fighter 4 voice or a buddies voice i just need to find that buddy other then that he needs nothing more he will be using KFM/Mugen default effects for now his demo video will be up today so prepare
  24. Awe shit sweet dude now he's not going to be so broken up lol anything you need to see or know about the character just ask like i said he has all his sprites just need to replace KFM with his get hit/KO sprites i can easily do the rest
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