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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. So I got a pm, but cant open my messages here. what's up with that?

    1. Kazagami


      right click > open a new tab

    2. Zemilia


      or just go to your profile, then "Personal Messenger".

    3. Dumanios


      I say we protest outside of Ryon's house.

  2. Working two jobs, and being too tired on my days off is one reason. Neither job gives me a chance to work on stuff at work like before. Also, even with tutorials, can't color for shit with Gimp.
  3. Tonight's the night.

  4. So, what does it mean when you have really good luck on Friday the 13th?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Erroratu


      It means you will die tommorow

    3. MugoUrth


      @Tenryuu: Doy.

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Didn't even realize what today waz.

  5. Goddamnit. Right when I wanna buy a new game, I gotta get my car fixed. Fucker better not be expensive to fix.

    1. Winmugen11


      While it would be nice to get both things (your car fixed and your new game) and even nicer that your car wouldn't need to get fixed at all, I'm sure you'll agree with me that in the long run, fixing your car will help you out more than buying a new game.

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Of course. And it had to start its shit last night when I was on date. Double Damn.

  6. tip: Don't have Fear the reaper as your ringtone when you work in a hospital. LOL

  7. So maybe I should change my ringtone....

    1. Gaulbetti


      ...To what?

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Don't know. I work in hospital, and my phone went off. Everyone looked me posses when my phone rang as staff was with ducked up patient.

  8. Oh man I wished for someone to beat this douchbag's ass since the days he'd started stiring shit up about video games. Now I can can with my favorite character. Oh the irony....
  9. Holy shit cakes. Thanks alot. I've been looking for this stage for along time.
  10. I'm going to do the fake lottery ticket gag.

    1. Winmugen11


      I'll be so jealous of you if you're lucky enough to make that work.

    2. Arya Chan ☆
  11. GuyZero32k4


    My new ringtone. Played song at work, and no one knew where it was from. They said the song was stuck in thier heads for the rest of the day.
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