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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. I was using the standard mugen and Epoch of Anarchy SPs. Takumas were by Victorys, Mouser, and the third one I deleted has dragon animation when finishing opponent with supers can't remember who author was. Beavis by The_None And BB Hood by KoopaKoot Hope that helps.
  2. Anarchy Reigns...... Piledrive fucking helicopters!!! Good times...

    1. BrawlTheMan


      How about throw a steel girder through it like Bryan Fury did?

    2. Doomguy


      Bryan Fury ripped the cannon part of the tank right off, and threw it at some Tekken Force fighters in Tekken 3.

  3. The fucker I have as my avatar. Just to win (or even close) against people playing Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Gouken, Akuma's mother, etc...
  4. I miss Jamm... And Dizzy.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shinzaki


      They aren't in Xrd.

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I miss Anji and Baiken

    4. Darkflare


      Dizzy's in Xrd, she's just not playable. It's very likely she'll come back for the next GG.

  5. Ok, like the new look. But this is bugging me. Who is the woman on the far left side? Can't figure out who she is.
  6. Found this glitch with these three different characters. 2 different screen packs. Its mostly with grab moves; special moves or regular throws. With Takuma doing his running knee smash special move, this happens. Used 3 different Takumas, same result.: With Beavis's regular grab this happens.: With BB Hood's regular grab, this happens.: These didn't happen before update.
  7. Happy Be-lated Birthday. At the very least you can look at perverted stuff now without looking over your shoulder...
  8. The Backyard? Really? Why not have called it the Otherworld at least? Hearing Backyard, makes me think Hank Hill is gonna pop out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      "I'll tell you what..."


    3. Doomguy


      H'wat the hell is going on here? Time to write my Congressmen!

    4. Trinitronity


      Holy shit, it's Hank Hill!

  9. Ok so I just bought the new Guilty Gear. But WTF kind of name is Xrd? Seriously ARC could call the next game Guilty Gear Turd and we'd like it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trinitronity


      Guilty Gear XXX sounds like something Palcomix would do.

    3. Zemilia


      ...Why am I surprised about you knowing a certain artist?

    4. Doomguy


      Why am I surprised that you've been looking up hentai.

  10. So this char is from that all female anime fighting game from Sega id heard about awhile back right?
  11. Holy shit chick from Sword Art Online. Damn now I gotta wait till I get home after work.
  12. new arcade opened here. Finally got to play Rumble Fish. dont know if it was 1 or 2 though.

    1. Darkflare


      An arcade with rumble fish? Nice find

    2. Darkflare


      Try to find which ne it is. If it's 2, you could ask to put the boss code for Greed, Hazama and Beatrice

    3. Trinitronity


      Rumble Fish, you say...

      Does it have english text? I finally want to know, what the hell the people in this game are talking about in the winscreen and the character infos/dialogues.

  13. Gonna try this one. Are there any other QB characters out there done like this and not chibi? Now a joke. Hear about the stupid ass mosquito in Queen's Blade? It bit Cattelya on the leg.
  14. Today, on Unsolved Mysteries, find out who gives a shit about Dead or Alive. Mens asses.

  15. Before anyone says it.... because we can make fun of who's going to say it when they really mean it. Of course you always got those fuckers who throw Goku into everything. "Goku could take em.... Goku this Goku that. Goku could be on the toilet and his stink could beat them, etc, etc....." Killer Frost is who I'd say could take them.
  16. GuyZero32k4


    I'd have paid to see this movie twice, if it'd have been like that. "Titanic-chan, transaforma!" (instead of iceberg, it's the damn Loch Ness monster) "I need about tree fiddy.." Damn that hoe for making sit through that damn movie...
  17. You forgot Resident Evil. How much time you got? For what went wrong. :) Oh yeah, Final fight also. Remember when Capcom used to make good games? Pepperiedge Farms remembers... So go buy some Damn cookies.
  18. Went to gun range to requalify. Scored good. Thank you House of the Dead Overkill for all the practice. LOL

    1. Doomguy


      I'm not too bad of a shooter either. Although, I'm only 18, so maybe I should be doing other things other than shooting a .357 magnum.

  19. Brock Samson The Monarch Archer Sterling from Archer
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