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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Mahandled someone at work. Sissy should have left when I told him to.

    1. Ryon


      Yup. sometimes you have to.

    2. GuyZero32k4


      What made it funny, was when I had enough of his shit, and made a bee line right to him saying "Fuck it, it's MY WAY!" the guy started to fall to his knees going "No sir.." Before I put the cuffs on him.

    3. Winmugen11


      The name's Guy...GuyZero a.k.a. Agent 32K4, who gets all the bitches and manhandles all the pussies (no pun intended).

  2. Akuma's still a stinky hobo. With a hado ken. Hobo with a hado ken. (yes like that hobo with a shotgun movie) You know you'd watch it. Don't lie. Starring Tom Hanks as Akuma. Directed by Micheal Bay for explosions and shit.
  3. Man... Akuma lives for fighting. I get that. Akuma would rather fight than anything. I get that. Akuma would want to fight than get sex. More than likely. Akuma would rather fight than eat or take a bath. Pretty sure. Akuma's had the same outfit for more than 20 years. Yup. So he uses a rope for a belt? WTF? Akuma is like the homeless Street Fighter. Seriously, we all know it. Hobo with a Hado ken. He probably stinks like a mother fucker too. He teleports behind someone and doesn't surpise them, since they can smell him. Guile would say : "Go take a bath you nasty mother fucker. All that dirt on the back of your neck, you're a firthly mother fucker too!"
  4. Fucking Lowes. I just spent over $500 on a new air conditioner, and they still haven't at least called to say they're bringing it over. House is hot as fuck.

    1. Doomguy


      We have a custom built Superfan: a small engine attached to a fan inside a metal box that happens to run at a loud noise and connects to any outlet. Thing is probably 25"x25"...

  5. Yup yup. Snapped ankle for not tapping out. Countinued for 1 more round till I couldn't take it any more. Didn't get proper treatment either. I was 23 at the time. Fucker pops when I walk sometimes. My non sports releated injuries are more interesting.
  6. Fights over? In other news... Hey kids now you can BLOW up Wolverine. Who the fuck designed this toy? WTF were they thinking?
  7. Started training martial arts hardcore again today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Took a break from it,now I'm going again. My feet are being stubborn from the god damn diabetes.

    3. Doomguy


      I find it weird that I teach myself Self Defense. I get it from Fighting Games xD

    4. Doomguy


      But it works Dx

  8. Glad to see you got a kick out of it. Well, yeah. Geese would throw himself out the window. Then when he'd get up and say "Come on..... Young boy...." Terry more than likely would say: "Oh, FUCK ME......"
  9. Like last month I asked out this girl I really liked. She liked me too and is all in denial thanks to her co workers. So when she said no I was: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! In my mind.
  10. I came in here and didn't notice what it was standing in front of. I was like who the hell glued a wiener to a pokemon? Why do they want it to look like his wiener? I need to start wearing my glasses more.
  11. GuyZero32k4


    I scared the hell out of a nurse where I work. I can't stand this bitch. Middle age married white chick with kids who looks down on everyone. We were locking up a dead person in the holding area for the moruge to pick them up later. I can do a little of ventrilqusim, and did it just right. Began to say "Let me out!!! I'm not dead!!!! HELP!!! HELLLPPPPP!!!" That bitch jumped! Grabbing her chest, she looked at me and "Fucker that's not funny!" That bitch went from ghost white to red.
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