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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. I'm on vacation for 9 days....

    1. Winmugen11


      Where are you heading to?

  2. GuyZero32k4


    Your avatar guy looks rapey. The guy looks like he was born with a rapey face. He must be thinking "Thank you baby Jesus for making me look all rapey."
  3. Granted till the people from the Hobbit show up while Sasha cries in the corner. I wish Sonic and Mario would be together in a real adventure game together, not Olympic or melee games.
  4. GuyZero32k4


    Blame Kayne West for being a gay fish.
  5. GuyZero32k4


    Blame Digimon? Or however the hell its spelt. I honestly don't know the difference.
  6. "It's made out of fucking cookies!"

  7. Granted, then Sasha from Attack on Titan tackles you down and takes them away. I wish for new sega system.
  8. Granted, Captain America throws you his shield. I wish giant monsters were real.
  9. I like this. I can vent for a bit. Though aside from taxes, health, owning house problems, or relationship shit, this is what bugging the hell out of me right this moment. Right now at work, the company I work for was bought out by another. This company let go of my cool supervisior. Then, 2 weeks later his cool supervisior gave his 2 weeks notice. As a result me and my co workers were like WTF? More lay-offs coming as this new company tooking over? As of so far not yet. Though we are a bit worried about it. I get paid well, and if I'd get laid off I'd have to get 2 jobs to make close to the amount i make now. So I worry about that what if. As result of our cool supervisiors not being there, my schedule changed a bit. Remember when I said that i could work on mugen my entire shift because of where I was i could work uninterrupted? Well, now I'm only there 2 days out of my work week, because of the shake up of losing the two supervisiors. So as a result, I'm now limited with the amount of time I get to work on stuff, and with those gaps of time between being at that place, I forget which projects I'm working on, or how far I've gotten on them. I enjoy working on mugen stuff as it get my mind of all this shit and other shit I haven't mentioned. I cashed out some of my unused vacation time so I'd have some money to treat myself this christmas for a PS4 and other stuff. One of my electrical breakers on my house went out. Bad enough that it would have burned my house down, so had to replace my entire breaker box. There went all my vacation pay and then some. $800 +. FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!
  10. GuyZero32k4


    Wtf is going on in here? Aids, wieners, sex and anime. *turns and walks out the door* Get a room!
  11. Granted. Then zombie Bruce Lee comes back to fight you for them. I wish I didn't have to pay so damn much for my taxes.
  12. Seconded. Mr. Karate would on those grounds too, but we all know its Takuma being crazy or silly. Or on cocaine.
  13. Granted. He lights you on fire thinking its funny. I wish snk would buy capcom's fighting games rights.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwud6Qh4e_c
  15. It was ended because there wasn't enough manga material for it to keep going. Right now Chapter 52 is coming right now. So if another 25, they'd have caught up quick. They didn't want to put filler either. Last i'd read we'll see season 2 in summer 2015. The author said he'd like to finish the entire story, so then the anime will tell the entire rest of the story to the end next time. He'd recently said that originally he was going to have a shock ending, but now in wake of its popularity, he's dropping the idea of doing it. Though sometime this month or soon there'll be an OVA. If it's what i think it is, we'll see a titan talk for the first time.
  16. I once found the city of El Dorado turns out it was cracklin oats

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