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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Hawaii or Rio de Janeiro. If work would have told me months ago I was gonna be off for 10 days, I'd have saved and went there. Japan, not so much now like when I was younger.
  2. "Where did you learn to fight? Capcom?" "Darkstalkers? That sounds like a group of racist rapists. .." "Shocking you lost? More like shocking you're still alive..." "You're from snk playmore you say? More like playless ass!" "You're a bigger failure than the neo geo x. Think about that for a mintue..."
  3. GuyZero32k4


    Hunger Games? It's funny I missed lunch? I eat like I mean it bitch.
  4. Granted bu t they only have sour cream. I wish agents of shield would be a billion times better.
  5. "You really like kissing my fist don't you?" "You should have quit when you heard that crunch from your jaw..."
  6. The game ends up hypnotizing you. I wish there was no winter. Ever again.
  7. World War DBZ. There's Gokus chasing you...

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      already beat two of them...

  8. GuyZero32k4


    You niggas sure you know the way to wonderland?
  9. I know we got that win quotes, but what of those little scenes before the win quote? So a friend and I were talking about fighting games and he said along the lines of "you can tell what kind of personality a character has sometimes from thier win poses.." or such. Made me think about it. Thought also on special win poses, like when Wonder Woman beats Thor for example. So with that in mind, what win poses, or special win or new poses do you wish mugen characters had? *Like Goku standing over Superman after the second win, and walking over and pointing down at Superman going "I KNEW it!"
  10. GuyZero32k4


    The fuck is going on here? Is that Sonic? He looks stoned or if he's retarded.
  11. Anyone try this final Terrordrome release yet?

    1. Noside


      Yes and there's an official FB page where they are releasing patches to fix some glitches.

  12. Hmm..... - to keep your school homework up Don't go to school, so nope. - to end your babes'/friends'/parents'/children's complaint Like I told my ex and her family bugging me, none ya. None of your damn business. - to save electricity/bandwidth/$$$ I pay the bills in this mother fucking house. - to show your haters your rage-quitting decision (my old case) Tell haters to suck more dicks than a porn star at a porno convention. Seriously, tell them to go to hell. - to save your butt at work place Co-workers all know what I do, hell, even seen me do it. People around work still do the Betty voice. - to exchange for good health Nah, damn diabetes is already doing a number on me anyways. - to save up to 12+ GB occupied HDD space Nah, gots plenty of room. Got external HHDs for all the Uhm.....one-piecing I do..... - to make more RPG/BOR/YT videos Man, do need to do more thou..... - to play more Candy Crush and Bejeweled Don't care for those, never played them. DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!!! "This is my mugen. There are others like it, but this one is MINE!!!!"
  13. GuyZero32k4


    Holy fuck balls Batman, GBA Res!
  14. I fucking hate the feeling of when you're getting sick with the flu.

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

    2. RicePigeon


      Well that would be the ricin I gave you. I slipped it into that Stevia crap you're always putting in your tea. Well, goodbye Lydia...

    3. GuyZero32k4


      BRBA. Liked show. I don't drink that shit. That shit's gay. If the flu was a person I'd kick them in the face.

  15. GuyZero32k4


    *Throws Fish at Sakamoto.*
  16. Custom Soul. Was going to do a Betty soundpack for it, but this character is brilliant as is. Also Omega Tom Hanks. I really don't like Tom Hanks so this is too funny for me.
  17. GuyZero32k4


    Wtf? I mean. ..... And also .... with side of .... And ... You know, what he / said. I I ... I swear, one more person asks me if I'm getting a PS 4 on launch day, I'm gonna kick them in the face.
  18. I'm 40 today. fuck....

    1. Wargame-kun
    2. Erroratu


      No country for old men

  19. Granted, then your sound is so fresh, Yuzo Koshiro gets jealous. I wish arcades would live again.
  20. Granted, but you die from a heart attack from way too much sex. I wish that someone I can't stand would catch on fire.
  21. "You wish this game had a tutorial huh bitch?" "No matter how many moves, no matter how you block, I'll always be better than you. I own you...." "Go ahead and try again, I love pissing you off!"
  22. GuyZero32k4


    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMBO BREAKER!!!!!!!!
  23. Granted, then you get stuck in a case of jello. I wish there was new 2D Castlevania on consoles, not just 3DS.
  24. Granted but it catches on fire when you pop in God of War. I wish that there was a Galaxy Fight 2. (Real sequel not Waku Waku 7.)
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