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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. GuyZero32k4


    Imagine when he got home and his wife asked if he had a good day or a shifty day. "You bitch....."
  2. That girl stood me up. Now I gotta work beside her. "Get your own Damn chocolate bitch." LOL

  3. I'd wish for: Fighters Megamix 2 Fighting Vipers 3 Garou 2 Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2
  4. Godzilla (1954 Japanese Original) Street Fighter II anime movie subbed Terminator 1 and 2 Blade Runner Enter the Dragon The Avengers Predator The Untouchables (1987) Superman II (the Richard Donner cut) Spider-man 2 Ong Bak That's all I can think off the top of my head. House of the Dead ( I KID, I kid, I kid...)
  5. GuyZero32k4


    Damn it. I should have known better.... Especially with the un-see warning.
  6. If you gonna claim Illuminati, then you guys need the right bling like me.
  7. Damn right. They can go suck a wiener. Those elitists in the community need to chill out anyways. You're cool and I appreciate what you do around here and your warehouse.
  8. Nah man. Dumb bitch went back to her loser ex. Next, I'd say: Any movie from M Night Shyamalan. "What a TWEEST he makes a good movie!" HA! Like he ever will... and Robocop (2014)
  9. Titanic. What pissed me off more about it is that's a chick flick. And I knew better than to see it. Stupid woman I was on date with wanted to see it. I'm too manly to watch stupid shit like that.
  10. The Howling movies. Only the first is ok. Everything else after is ASS.
  11. for the first time ever in my entire life, I got nervous asking out this one girl. I sounded like ducking Sheldon Cooper. Dam

  12. Knight Rider 2010. Worst movie I have EVER seen.
  13. Godzilla. The US 1998 movie. I saw this piece of shit in theater opening day. Saying since we're gonna have Hollywood's seconf attempt coming up in May.
  14. Too dark, can't make out stuff. At first glance it looked like Batman running away. Like Ray Charles would say: "I can't see shit."
  15. My friend all those years ago out of anger when Ninja Garden on the nes was new , got mad at this one part near the end of the last stage where he kept getting killed on a jump with a bird every time. When outside and started to shoot birds in his back yard in the trees with a BB gun. His mother got home from work and saw all the dead birds in the back yard and told him "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
  16. Hello yes. Damon it. Shingeki No Kyojin That's what I think of when I heard SNK. Fucking predictive text, on this God Damon phone. See?
  17. MechaGodzilla. Any problem, just step on it. Then shoot it if you feel like it.
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