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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Cool guys. I hope that I get to know people here. I like to be able to talk to people about games without someone in the group saying "fighting games suck, FPS is where it's at!"
  2. So I've been around for a while, just never introduced myself. Been going through lots of drama and with long work hours, it's been hard for me to manage my free time. I'd like to make friends here hopefully. Been playing mugen for a few years, made a few things I've never released. Taught myself. I tend to call myself the older jaded gamer. Being that chances are; I'm more than likely the oldest person here. I usually am. I like games, fighting games especially. Even to this day. I collect and play games as one of my hobbies. Lots of games. Lots and lots of games. From my original pong 70's game to Neo Geo to PS3 you get the idea. As of late though, I find myself not wanting to play the recent stuff I buy or getting really disappointed in it. Not just fighting games but other genres I like. No, not because I'm getting older and don't want to play, just personally being disappointed in this generation of games that's susposed to be "so awesome..." I don't have a boner for FPS like every single person I know. So I tend to find myself playing or makeing things for mugen, or hooking up one of my older systems to my TV.
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