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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Fav line from a villian ever: "Why do you say this to me, when you know I will kill you for it?"
  2. I'm eating tacos

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      I'm eating air molecules; tasty nutritious air molecules...mmm.

    3. GuyZero32k4


      I'm up late working on the next intro eating tacos from Taco Bell.

    4. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Fake Tacos are fake.

  3. Why the hell is it still cold at night here in Texas? I'm damn sick and tired of the cold.

    1. Gamer251


      And I'm sick and tired of being deep-fried during noon in our country (/ OAO)/

  4. So, I'd mentioned over at MFG that I learned on my own without videos on how to make intros and ending for characters. No internet when I was learning how to do intros and endings. This one was the first ones I'd ever done. Works best if you have Thanos as your last boss. Here's link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ng1j92 It was after these I began to think to myself, this is mugen we should be seeing characters who would otherwise never meet, appear or interact with one another. So began to learn how to use photoshop on my own to make that happen. Got better with it as I made more of them. (Why is it so God Damn hard to find decent scans of KOF mangas? Seriously.) So I'd made bigger endings and thus bigger file size. So if you don't mind an ending that's 11 MB to 68 MB I'll release em if you guys want them. Also, since I have Thanos in my mugen as the final boss, he's mentioned or shown. Currently trying different methods as well. So let me hear what you think. Like that time Nick Fury met Rugal...
  5. Back finally. House problems and paying taxes can suck it. My first ending upload.

  6. Be releasing my endings soon. Freaking the hell out, my water heater broke. Plumbers are expensive. The joys of owning a house...

  7. Can anyone please fix the DL link? non validated account.
  8. Strawberry Pie rules.

  9. Could this be the reason Nolan didn't use Robin?: Aside from the movie sucking, another reason his movie failed.:
  10. Yes this a real scene from an old Batman comic if you've never seen it.
  11. The cool kids hate on Capcom. It's the in thing to do. It always has been. I was hating before most people were born. Shitty Strider port on the NES. The hate began. Crappy Final Fight port on the SNES. No Guy either? 1 player? SHIT. Not being able to know how to count for the SF series. Super SF II Turbo Hyper Hado ken up your ass edition. They lost any respect I had for them back when they tried to sue Data East over the similiarites between Fighter's History and Street Fighter. True story. RE 6. Some people can say they like it. Me? I hated it. I had more fun playing Raccon City than 6. And remember, I hate FPS.
  12. I hate winter. I really hate winter. Really hate. REALLY REALLY Fucking HATE winter. I wish I lived in Hawaii or Rio. Before I die I wish to go there. Maybe even retire there...

    1. Cruto Aerallo
    2. MugoUrth


      Where I live, we seem to get less and less snow every year. It almost feels like post-winter.

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      I love winter and am sad that I am getting less snow recently.

  13. Just thinking: So there's Angel Ryu. Holy Ryu. Evil Ryu. Devil Ryu. EX Ryu. etc.... What's up with the fetish for shoto characters? Here's the ultimate idea.: Hobo Ryu. He pushes a Wal Mart shopping cart and instead of Hado kens, he throws shit from the shopping cart! "Ryu, you're a stinky mother fucker walking around everywhere wearing that Gi..." There, greatest character never made...
  14. OK, let me try. Nachos with everything on them rule. If you don't like em you're full of fail and fail aids.
  15. Just throwing this out there. In all these years of mugen, and with me for the last couple of years becoming more active in it, how come there's no Tron backgrounds. Like in Tron Legacy for example. It's begging to be done.
  16. I'd wish for these two guys: First, this guy. Chitti the robot.: The robot has magnetic powers. Look at that stuff, some of it could be supers. Then, Italian Spiderman. I mean, there's all these versions of spider-man, someone even did the Japanese Spider-man , so what if it's silly, why not? It'd be original.:
  17. Thanos "Death is akin to lovemaking. It gets better everytime..." Punisher "You're not really evil. You're just really stupid." "You hated me more than you liked breathing...." Rorschach "Your turn, look at my face. What do you see?" "Violent lives ending violently..." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT 1985???!!!" Duke Nukem "Hey, I know this classy place where you put quarters in the bed..." Johnny Cage "Yes, I do my own stunts!" "You want me to say: I'll be back??!! That wasn't my movie!!!" Lex Luthor "First rule of business: Turn every weakness into a strength!" "Your data will help me deal with that alien problem I have..."
  18. Thanks man. I do welcome the comments, so I figure out how to make stuff better. Learned how to use the programs I use without any video tutorials or instructions. I also did this using the KOF 94 arranged version if anyone's interested.
  19. Here's some of the ones I use, that I can remember.: "Why don't you pick up some trash while you're down there? There's a big pile of shit.." Batman "Cross me again, never stop looking over your shoulder..." Duke Nukem "Your chop socky isn't gonna work on me..." Superman "Go ahead and cuss, it just proves I'm a better man than you!" "Broke your hands? They don't call me the man of steel for nothing..." Spider-Man "I'll feel sorry for you, as soon as I can stop laughing." Supergirl "Cuss at me again, and I'll throw you into the next country!" Wolverine "Another word, and I'm gonna start cutting things off..." Mai (with the pic I use for her VS screen pic) "HEY! SMART GUY! MY FACE IS UP HERE!" Abe "Did I crush your guts?"
  20. So one night me and a friend had just finished seeing Kung Pow, and then playing SF IV. Friend can't stand Dan, so I was beating the game with Dan for him. At which time he'd go : "NNNEEEGGGHHH!" like Betty when I'd throw Dan's fireball. Don't know who's Master Betty? Or never seen the movie? Here he is: When we were laughing, then I got the idea to do this: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cbspUF1n6o8 Here's DL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/10lxer Thinking of doing one for the boys from SF III, Gato from KOF, or Gen from SFA.... Edit: Damn it, can't get the embedding. What am I doing wrong?
  21. Thanks man. Next Upload Incoming right now. Get ready-- for Betty Dan...
  22. Yay! My first 2 uploads here.

  23. Yeah, my first release here. Was released before over at MFG, but was DL has been removed. Almost everyone I meet who likes KOF has never heard of the song that more than likely inspired the KOF 94 Brazil theme. I'm sure that SNK based the theme of Brazil off of Faith No More's Surpise You're Dead. Similar to guitar riff, bass line, etc. So it seemed natural to combine them both. For you listening pleasure.: That sounds like something that would play while the Ikari Squad kicks someone's ass http://www.sendspace.com/file/zcmpze I fixed the start of it for the DL. Come on, comment people. I'm sure there's people here who play KOF that might not have heard this song before. Edit: Can't embed video, what the hell am I missing? Can someone give me a hand?
  24. Thanks for the welcome. I've mainly just done intros and endings for chars. Custom made. And a few char sound edits and a song edit I'll be releasing shortly.
  25. Listening to the Chaos Code OST

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