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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Mother fuckers who bass out in thier cars. I mean REALLY bad. Bass so bad, It's shaking the ground and you literially feel it Shaking your insides. And not just with rap mind you, I've heard it with Mexician music with these little cocksuckers who act and dress like little thug pieces of trash. Pisses me off enough that I want to take out my gun and shoot. Not the people or the car mind you, thier goddamn speakers.
  2. "I am the tower of power, too sweet to be sour!" "If you can't fight to win, go play FPS sissy!" "You moved like an epileptic rabbit." "Another word and I'll hit you again..." "You bleed like your girl friend. She was a good fuck!"
  3. "What does the ground and my boot have in common? YOUR ASS!"
  4. How tall is Goku susposed to be? Need to know for a wip.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. maxxion


      Nope, it's blank.

    3. GuyZero32k4


      cool man. Thank you. I'll post my stuff later on.

    4. maxxion
  5. Working under the gun to finish artwork. Here's WIP I'm currently working on.: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/guy-zero32k4/Attackontitan1wip.jpg Still need to do Kenshiro and Revy...

  6. Nah, one big stage. I take it that the characters standing too close to one another when rounds start was fixed?
  7. "When will I quit? When it takes me too long to get back up."

  8. Fried chicken and waffles for win. That is all..

    1. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      When I first had it i was thinking, "What is this magical creation?"

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Indeed. Hence why waffles are higher tier than pancakes.

  9. Quick question. The costume Naturo currently wears is the one with the black collar right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kazagami


      Who the hell is "Naturo"?

    3. Shinzaki


      Something tells me he meant to say Naruto.

    4. Kazagami


      Lol i know

      Naturo Shideppun

  10. Almost with the anime art I was asked to do so I can go back and finish my ending projects. Here's a sneak peak at one of those pics, Eren from Attack on Titan WIP.: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/guy-zero32k4/ErenAttackonTitan-WIP.jpg

    1. Galvatron
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Thanks. I also consider it a bit of practice for the Hulk ending being final pic will be Banner and Hulk like this.

  11. Original stuff. Doubly so if they're not fireball jumping uppercut characters. And if they're not broken.
  12. I'm so going to rub this in my friend's faces. I told them Capcom would do this with SFIV originally, each time was: SFIV: WATCH.... SUPER SFIV: See? Told you fuckers.... SUPER SFIV Arcade Edition: I'm a God damned fortune teller.... Now this. What? People didn't catch on to Capcom's game strategy with SF II or SFIII? Capcom: whore the same shit over and over so we can make a profit being lazy. Now lets see how many years we're going to see the same 3D character graphics reused like they did with the sprites from the Alpha games. OOOOOOOOOO....... "That's just wrong...."
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31kdfa_iCis
  14. Slight delay for my endings. My friend has me doing artwork to sold for an upcoming local anime convention. I need the money.

  15. NY Style pizza for the win.

  16. You may want to turn down your volume for this one. Listen to this loud if you dare. You've been warned. Seriously. I'm not playing, this guy likes this product too much.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUFPPVmujbQ
  17. Watermellon candy flavored pop corn for win. I'm going to pass out from this for sure.

    1. Ryon


      or die from diabetes

    2. GuyZero32k4


      That's what I meant. Damn diabetes. I haven't had any of this in so long though.

    3. Kanbei


      Sorry to hear that man.

  18. "Why did you spell it like that?" I went by the subs on the series and the movie and the manga I've read. For this one, a little video editing to make it look like he's getting even with Kenshiro. Now, please don't ruin the anime for those who haven't seen it on why he's able to take Ken's punches. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPaStdR11Z4 DL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/v1owqf The next ending will be the last ending I use these methods. Even though it's going to look different. What does that mean? Read my topic in the WIPs section and you'll know why the next endings will look different. Next will be the Hulk.
  19. Will release Souther ending tommorrow. Had to scrap the Hulk ending. Starting it over. Hopefully in couple of weeks. I s everyone cool with seeing both Marvel and DC chars in it?

  20. I know what OP said, but what about non video game music you use in your mugen with what stages?
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