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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. GuyZero32k4


    *Hands audience potatoes with toppings.* This fight is entertaining, I an'te ever seen so many fists and stabs since that time I saw Ken get stabbed by some cholo thug in Compton. The cholo's girl friend went on to yell at Eliza: "WAZZ UP PUTA!"
  2. I'm being totally cereal. What bosses asses would you want to see kicked? Shao Khan, Geese, Bison, who else?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CityGent


      Shinjuro Goketsuji from Power Instinct Matrimelee.

    3. GuyZero32k4


      Who's Bloody Mary?

    4. TheYukiKonata


      Skullgirls boss

  3. Thanks. It was fun doing them, hopefully I'll improve more as work on my endings. It's fighting games bosses you guys can't stand who you'd like to see in the Hulk ending beaten I meant .
  4. GuyZero32k4


    All the big bangs, and I dropped my Snickers.
  5. "Do you like butter, 'cause here comes the toast!"

    1. Toshio Tenma
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Yes. Finally someone got it.

  6. I'd previously mentioned I was going to start drawing my endings my self in another topic, and while I was on vacation, I did drawing drills and all sorts of stuff to get me back up to snuff. Well, I don't feel I'm back to the level I was at my peak(10 years ago), and I don't have my speed I used to, yet. The biggest challenge was overcoming the pain of my wrist damage and my joint pain in my fingers while I'd draw. (Those are stories in themselves.) I was drawing the Hulk ending I was going to do first when my friend had come over and saw I was drawing again. He asked if I could get some art for his booth at a recent anime convention here, and I'd get some money. So i said OK, and put my stuff on hold to do some 11 X17 pieces. So, here's some of the things I can show you. Out of a total of 24 pieces here's three.: A while back on my updates, I asked if Naruto's current costume is the one with the black collar.: With Attack on Titan being one of the big things right now (wether you like or hate) I began to think of what to do for it. Here's what came to mind, when I thought of 2 comic covers my fave artist John Byrne did, so I wanted to do my spin on them. Here's the progression of the first piece.: Then, you might remember this stage as I'd posted this an one of my updates awhile back.: Finished piece.: Then the second Attack on Titan one, wanted to show a favorite camera angle I like for horror, and a couple of more characters.: Progress of it.: Finished: Who happened to delay me a couple of times, likes to sleep on my drafting table, too often. Here's sneak preview of the Hulk's ending. This was as far as I'd gotten before I put everything on hold while doing all those anime drawings. It was like saying hello to an old friend as I started the picture, as I liked the Hulk as a kid and learned to draw because of the Hulk. Well, now I'm working on his ending. As you can see Shao Khan, Geese, Bison, not sure who's it gonna be by the Hulk's foot, maybe Ignis or Orochi. What bosses do you want to see with thier asses kicked in the picture?
  7. GuyZero32k4


    Just came back with Nachos, is that dem dere fight still going?
  8. GuyZero32k4


    Forgot the VS music This needs music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZPUHVDHauI (Didn't want to use SFII music, that's like so expected.)
  9. GuyZero32k4


    *Hands some popcorn to Zoryuken.*
  10. GuyZero32k4


    Oh shit dere be a scrape on!
  11. "Stick a fork in him, he's pasta!"

  12. "Sometimes, the apple falls and attacks the tree."

    1. Kanbei


      Yes then Kirby can suck em up and hit the tree.

    2. Zaibatsu


      A perfect way to feed a starving Pikachu.

  13. GuyZero32k4


    Dude, that sounds so fortune cookie. Just messing with you mang.
  14. Cooking hamburgers outside. Under patio, fuck you rain, you can't stop me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Lol i do that all the time.

    3. Shinzaki
    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      lulz there was rain at my place aswell

  15. GuyZero32k4


    But alas, we can not. If she was a red head, I'd --- In Soviet Russia, thread fucks you!
  16. GuyZero32k4


    "I'm sorry, but that isn't the level of excitement that a velvet painting of Godzilla vs Superman while 2 hot chicks lez out would be."
  17. GuyZero32k4


    Come on, make the thread all spamy. It's like the thread is saying: "Give it to me baby..."
  18. "Quit hitting continue. You're never going to win." "You don't get my style. That's why I'll always win." "I like people like you. Too damned stupid to know when to quit..." "I've flushed better things than you down the toilet." "I'll let you walk away now if you never, ever... NEVER, EVER, EVER EEEVVVERRRR continue again." "Of course I'm cheap! Look at who made me!"
  19. GuyZero32k4


    Dude, I'm spamming it up. The only part of that story that's true is me calling my ex a bitch. Playfully. And hating spam. And sex wrestling. And throwing stuff at one another with no malice. "YOU GONNA GET IT!"
  20. GuyZero32k4


    R.I.P. to that departed thread, I thought it'd have lived past 100 pages. Ashes to ashes, etc, etc, etc... Spam I hate spam. My ex tried to cook that for me one day for breakfast. I bit into it thinking it was ham. "WTF is this?" I said repulsed, spitting it out. "I fried spam for you." that bitch said. "I HATE spam bitch!" as I threw it at her. Then she threw the kitchen knive at me. Then we wrestled on the ground, knocking shit over. We had make up woopie afterwards. Thanks spam!
  21. Nope different people going up and down the street. As a result I loath people who do big time bass in thier cars in public.
  22. Dude seriously, enough to rattle your internal organs literally. You can feel your lungs and heart shake. I like some bass but that fucking overkill on a retarded scale. Even those who drive in front of my house, bad enough to shake my house. Mind you my house is 3 bedroom house and these fuckwads are loud enough for all my walls to shake. I work at night, now imagine being woken up with that shit.
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