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Everything posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. If you know what game every post is that we say without hesitation, you may be playing video game too much.
  2. If you ever thought of becoming a taxi driver because you play Crazy Taxi really well, you may be playing video games too much. If you ever got mad because you couldn't get your girl friend to cosplay as your favorite character, you may be playing video games too much. If you ever see a woman with big tatas and yell out "Super Big" like Sega Bass Fishing, you may be playing video games too much.
  3. If you ever donated blood just so you had enough money to but the special edition, you may be playing video games too much. (Guilty) If you were ever in the military and got mad when they didn't teach you how to throw a sonic boom, you may be playing video games too much. If ever thought of throwing someone out of building through a window and jumped out after them to continue fighting when you land, you may be playing video games too much.
  4. If you ever went to your local police department and asked if they had a S.T.A.R.S unit, you may be playing video games too much.
  5. If you think you can out rap someone using rhymes from Prappa the Rapper, you may be playing video games too much.
  6. If you ever got mad from looking at map of the US because you couldn't find the cities South Town or Raccoon City, you may be playing video games too much. If you ever sit in passenger seat while in a car and pissed off the driver by giving them directions like Sega Rally, you may be playing video games too much. If you got pissed because an action figure isn't accurate to how the character looks like on screen, you may be playing video games too much. If you ever thought of trying to destroy a whole car by beating it like Street Fighter II, you may be playing video games too much.
  7. If you ever jumped up yelling "All you can" and landed snapping your ankle, you may be playing video games too much. (Friend actually did this.)
  8. If you ever thought you know everything about guns because you play Call of Duty, you may be playing video games too much.
  9. If you ever thought you could learn an entire martial art from looking at the moves list in a fighting game, you may be playing games too much. If you wanted to get into shoot out and thought that dying was lag respawn, you may be playing games too much.
  10. For the LOLs. Purpose of this topic is see how many funny reasons you can come up with, Jeff Foxworthy red neck style. For example: If you ever wanted to Sign up for military service so you could join the Ikari Warriors unit, you may be playing video games too much. If you ever drive real fast and start yelling Ridge Racer, you may be playing video games too much. If you ever thought that flying a jet would be as easy as when you play After Burner, you may be playing video games too much. What will you come up with?
  11. Been asked a couple of times for it, so here we are once again. For your viewing pleasure, me not being able to play Batman At all. http://youtu.be/OlXJfS9qpso Here's the DL. : https://www.sendspace.com/file/fr7nll Still debating in doing a Christan Bale edit of this... And no, I haven't quit my endings, busy with two jobs. Hopefully I can release something special I've been working on soon.
  12. "Light speed is too slow! We're gonna have to go right to LUDICROUS SPEED!"

    1. Trinitronity


      I invented something that was twice as fast as light, but it's gone now... :I

    2. Galvatron


      LOL! XD

      another classic movie I need to see again.

    3. Prodigal Trailblazer
  13. Where is this guy from? Never seen him before. DLing, for boxer char. For a second I thought Mccoy from Star Trek. "Why the hell did they make the doctor a mugen character?"
  14. So, I'm working right now on Halloween hereat the hosptial. I've already seen some fucked up shit, and it's still early. They just brought in this one guy who's head was bashed in and he's on coke. Blood every fucking where.

  15. Dracula X. The Turbo Duo version or PSP version. Symphony Seconded also. Super CV IV on the SNES is a "retelling of the first game" as is Castlevaina Chronoicals on the PS one.
  16. Im pissed off that I have to work today on my birthday.

    1. Cook4251


      That sucks bro and happy birthday.

    2. Metalkong1


      Damn... Anyway, Happy Birthday though! Maybe things will be fortunate after work. ^_^

  17. something stung my cat on his right ear. took him to the animal hospital. they say surgery is only cosmetic at this point, and within 2 months it'll go back to normal. wish I knew what stung him.

    1. Winmugen11


      Perhaps it was a bee or a mosquito? There aren't all that many animals that can sting so those two are my first guess.

    2. Toshio Tenma

      Toshio Tenma

      I had a cat who lost the moviment of his ears due allergies caused by a fly which had laid eggs on it.

    3. Noside
  18. My cat hates the lightsaber I bought. May take a video of him hating on it LoL

    1. Winmugen11


      Let it not be "may" but "will" instead.

  19. I just bought Darth Vader's FX lightsaber for my living room. LoL I put it on the bottom of my sword collection.

  20. 2 for me. I really like the gameplay system in 6, but for me: 1. No blood or gore in 6 is what I don't like. 2. Lack of stages. For what there is they look nice though. 3. For me bad music. I.E. when the white house music played for the first time I heard it, I was fuck yeah. Then, it changed to that marching music, I was like fuck....
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