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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. (That should do...) LightFlare clenches his fist and ground stops shaking. He continues to hold his arm up and maintained his slightly sunken position. (Well done Raina. You're the MVP for sure...) (I can't run forever...) With the HA soldier in close, Melina decided it was time to strike. Hoping that Raina's initial attack was enough to soften the HA soldier, Melina attacks! The HA soldiers were successful in grabing the wolves but were not able to halt their drilling attack. As a result, the two wolves continued their corkscrew like attack into the armor of the HA soldiers. Meanwhile, Umbra is caught by the flash attack and completely misses his axe attack... What the....AAAAAAHHHHH?! Umbra is stunned but Anwalt, undetected by the guards completes his decent with a powerful punch! You're mine, ya big BASTARD! The HA soldier was preoccupied with giving orders and did not see Anwalt. Powered by velocity and his Firestorm buff, Anwalt strikes him with his Black Doom Spear punch and crushes him under his fist into the ground. Umbra!? They're getting closer...but I've got to help Umbra. ESUNA! Luncent casts Esuna on Umbra to restore his sight. Uuugh....thanks....Lucent. System Information 1. Umbra Sadistic Desire: Inactive 2. Lucent Vermillion Illusion Crystals: 10/10.  3. Melina Braveheart Quickened (Boon of Swiftness Buff): 1 turns left 4. Anwalt Vermillion Strengthen (Firestorm Buff) 2 turns left
  2. LightFlare, seemingly unaware of the worms, maintains his position and continues to hold his arm in the air as the ground shakes... Melina uses her sudden bost of speed from Lucent's Boon of Swiftness to narrowly dodge the blast. Realizing the sheild soldier was down and how strong the HA soldier may be, Melina lowers her stance firmly plants her feet as she prepares to deliver the next blow. If it connects the HA soldier will be in a stunned state for one turn and the strike can also pierce armor. You soldiers are actually beginning to show some life aren't you?! Allow me to guide you to the other side of that coin! Umbra points out as the two wolves dart out quickly circling around the left and right sides of the soldiers formation. They suddenly spin like drills as they burrow under the soldiers hoping to loosen the sand they were standing on. Meanwhile Umbra takes his normal axe in one hand while creating a second "spirit" axe in the other. With both axes attached to chaines, Umbra flinds them out behind him and swings them inward like claws of a crab. The normal axe can possibly become lodged into whatever it makes contact with while the spirit axe will explode on contact. Seeing all this...Anwalt's patience runs out... That's it! I can't hang around in the damn sky all day! Ha! Anwalt leaps of the Griffon into the air, draws back his fist and charges his Black Doom Spear hurling his body down like a comet descending from the sky toward the group of soldiers. (And there he goes...better give gim a boost) Strengthen! Lucent uses Firestorm to strenthen Anwalt's attack power as he decendeded to earth to confront his foes. A barrier formed in front of Anwalt similar to comet entering the planets atmosphere. Well...it seems I have my own pests to deal with... System Information 1. Umbra Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit) 2. Lucent Vermillion Illusion Crystals: 9/10. 3. Melina Braveheart Quickened (Boon of Swiftness Buff): 2 turns left 4. Anwalt Vermillion Strengthen (Firestorm Buff): 3 turns left
  3. I love it when a plan comes together. Now to seal the deal... Umbra calls his two wolves to his side. He points toward the soldiers as he runs toward them with his familiars on each side of him. Meanwhile Anwalt sits atop a griffon disgusted at the fact he's been instructed to stay there, while Lucent floats behind the others. Great...I'm up here and all the action is down there. I guess I'll play nice...for now... (I know it's only a matter of time before your patience runs out...until then..) Boon of Swiftness! Anwalt casts Boon of Swiftness on Melina. System Information 1. Umbra Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit) 2. Lucent Vermillion Illusion Crystals: 8/10. 3. Melina Braveheart Quickened (Boon of Swiftness Buff): 3 turns left
  4. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] OOOOHH...fireflies... [COMMENT] And back atcha wit another bangah! Still trying to crank it up a notch. New original stage by yours truly. Got dem usual specs. Superjump, animations, zoom and looped bgm. It also incorporates zoom delta, scale delta and scale so it's 1.1 only bruh. Props to Razerback for the original sprites. I created the lamp animation from his original lamp sprite and the fireflies where done by me as well. I'll try to keep moving forward guys. Enjoy!
  5. (Looks like I haven't gone unnoticed...those things can't see underground. Yet they always seem to know where we are. I think I know why...) LightFlare suddenly stamps the ground as dark energy rises from his body for a split moment. He then holds his hand above his head as ground around him shakes.... Meanwhile Melina is engaged in close quarters combat. The H.A. Soldier's swing was powerful but too slow to connect as Melina backstepped before the blow could connect. However this was exactly what the sheild soldier was counting on as now Melina was closer to him. Melina slightly crouches and tenses her body focusing on her surroundings... LightFlare continued to hold his hand above him as the ground shook...
  6. Incoming! Nice... (Well done! Umbra and Lucent work very well together...time to move in...) LightFlare begins to circle around the parameter of the sand arena moving closer but not in a straight line. Meanwhile Melina continues to move towards the guards... As LightFlare and Melina advance, they notice the guards actions and come to a conclusion.. (Those guards are up to something. The larger ones shot the smaller one's shields...and...they just "absorbed" it. It charged them! But for what?!) Melina is closing in on the Heavy Soldier that did not fire a shot... (Did they just...shoot each other?!) Walt!? Did you see...? Melina turns around to see Walt isn't behind her anymore, Umbra is attacking a worm seemingly from out of nowhere and a large worm was descending down onto her! Not so fast! As the worm comes close she runs in front of the Heavy Soldier and darts to the side hoping he eats the soldier and not her.
  7. MAJOR UPDATE! Check first post for new video! +Stage is larger +Added scale zoom as well as increased stage zoom +New galaxy animation thanks to Sky79 +Various updates to the existing sprites including re-rendered "goddess" by Margatroid I'd like to thank everyone for their help and feedback particularly Margatroid for his Interpolation tutorial and guidance. Everyday is a step closer to greatness. Later…
  8. Another one bites the sand... That last one almost bit me! How am I gonna land a blow if the only time they're visible is when there trying to have ME for lunch?! You'll just have to be patient. Pick your spots carefully. Those...things...are only out of the ground for a few seconds. How many spots do I even have?! Judging by his size...plenty.... Ok comedian! So how do you suppose I even strike one of these..."many spots!?" It's like Lucent said earlier..."you"...don't actually have to strike it... But how would I...? Speak of the wormy devil! Check out the large soldier! He's charging a large shot like the guards from the first round. I guess that's the "spot" you you were referring to... Indeed it is. For both of us perhaps. Think you could pull it off? Peace of cake... Be careful. Those worms are still lurking... Don't worry...I'll stay alert. Now's my chance... Melina quickly moves around the outer parameter as the guards focus on Raina and Anwalt. (What an extraordinary attack...and it may be what we need. It's large enough to possibly break their defense but the sand is slowing it down...) LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the rear of the wheel hoping to give it enough momentum to break the shield soldiers defense. There's a slight chance it will also cause the wheel to go airborne... Meanwhile Melina is swiftly closing in on Anwalt's anticipated landing point... (Looks like two worms are trying to intercept Walt and Umbra...) (Aaaaand....they're gone...they're gonna pull the same move as they did on us before.) Melina doesn't stop where Anwalt would land but runs past it putting Anwalt and the underground worms just behind her. She moves closer to the guards as the large wheel closes in on them from another angle...
  9. One down! Everyone! They're exterior looks tough but thier interior is not! If you have a projectile...feed them to these worms! That's not gonna help me much! My eyes are on those soldiers... I suggest you keep your eyes on the ground! It's the enemy you don't see that's most dangerous! LightFlare begins charging another Light Burst.... Here they come! .... LightFlare continues charging his Light Burst as Melina waits for the right moment to react... Now! Melina uses her quick speed, combined with the whirlwind boosting her evasive abilities thanks to Lucent, to dash to her right just as the worm rises from the sand and shoots into the air. Haah! LightFlare leaps straight up and as the creature emerged from the sand and fires his charged Light Burst into the beasts mouth.
  10. Nice onw bruh. Got a chance ro use him recently and he's solid.
  11. Here they come...get ready guys... I've seen this formation before. We'll need to wait till the right moment to strike. Most likely when they attack they'll be vulnerable. Any attacks to those shields may be futile. Great...well...it wouldn't be fun if it were easy... My feelings exactly.. LightFlare begins to charge a large Light Burst. My...my...aren't you a big fellah? Not gonna lie...I've seen "bigger"... Now is not the time to discuss you personal life, Melina. I'll keep that in mind... Good to know... Melina waits for the large creature to get close before leaping back of the griffon, behind and to the right of LightFlare...
  12. Good. You seem sufficiently warmed up. Now the real training begins... Nice move at the end... Yea...looks like you found a work around to using your powers offensively. You all did good. I was just a decoy at best...heh. Don't sweat it. I'm sure you'll get a chance to redeem yourself soon... I intend to... Look like the next wave is underway. Better get moving. Right behind you, Lucent! Let's go...! Lucent. Strategy time. I suggest we stick to our current formation. Those shield soldiers. Im sure our usual projectile attacks aren't gonna cut it this time. The heavily armed soldiers are gonna definitely take a few hits. And I'm not even sure what that is moving underground but what I DO know is that they will require some creative thinking... That last move Lucent used. I think it could help. It may not directly damage them but it can definitely unearth those...whatever they are. Then we attack them while there vulnerable. Exactly. That leaves the guards. We'll need to strike them from behind. Melina. Your speed should help with that. Umbra and his familiars would be of great asset. Walt...if you're up to it...we're gonna need that power of yours. That's what I've got so far. Looks like this next wave was designed to counter our projectile based attacks. Any suggestions? @Agni Blackheart @Dumanios
  13. (Walt took a lot of shots. Another shot might have put him down. Maybe Lucent can reverse the effects...) That's the last of them... Got'em! Nice one, Lucent! Walt! Umbra! Get of the ice, quickly! It's breaking fast! Melina uses the solid outer parameter to move safely back to where LightFlare was standing. Ya made it back. How ya feeling? I'm good to go, Light. Ready for the next wave. How bout you, Raina? Lucent? You guys ok? If so, then once Umbra and Walt return we'll follow your lead, Lucent. The last formation seemed to work pretty well. Once we see what we're up against, we'll know for sure. Otherwise...ready when you are. Same here... Melina and LightFlare wait on the edge of the snow plain till the start of thre next wave.
  14. Not good...! (Close call...thanks Lucent...now to capitalize...) Melina uses the large ice formation as cover as she advances around it to blindside the soldier who shot the hole in the ice or any soldier open to attack. (Hang in there Melina...) LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the soldier who shot the hole in the ice. What is he...? Interesting strategy to say the least...but I like it... LightFlare stands still and focuses. As the axe comes within inches of him he suddenly grabs it and swings it with Umbra on the other end at the soldiers in hopes he could reach guards before they recover from the grenade.
  15. Melina recovers from the flashbang... Melina?! Are you ok!? Yea...that flashbang had a short fuse...much like myself I suppose. I was able to prevent it from affecting everyone else. Thanks. Now please...be more careful.. I won't let you down! That flashbang went off too close to me. I avoided the flash but the bang caught me good. But I'm good to go, now. Thanks for having my back, Raina. They're closing in on Umbra. But that ice isn't gonna make closing the gap easy. I'm going in. I'm going to take out one of those soldiers but I'm going to need some cover fire.... Lucent! I didn't see you after the flashbang. Looks like you were out range. Good... Great...now you have even more reason to be careful. That large hole isn't gonna make things easier. If you're going Melina..now's the time! I'll cover you! LightFlare fires a Light Burst at one of the drones as Melina advances around the parameter towards the guards. (We're so spread out...Umbra and Walt have become isolated. Fortunately, this was our strategy from the start.. It it seems to be working. The soldiers are focused on Umbra and Walt. Now's my chance...) Melina advances in to attack the soldier who threw the flashbang. If she can get near him she'll strike him down.
  16. LightFlare narrowly escapes as he dives behind another large rock. He could hear the blast hitting the other side of the large boulder. The soldiers and the drones were focused on LightFlare leaving them open to the rest of the teams attacks.... Melina! Now's your chance! Melina's back is turned and she able to avoid the flash and but is the bang is unavoidable. Her ears constantly ring and she can't hear LightFlare but she can see LightFlare pinned down behind a large boulder. Lucent had just covered the area were the soldiers were with lighting. Umbra was moving and Walt attacked from afar. Light...! Melina tries to move toward LightFlare... That noise! Flash grenade! Of course... LightFlare quickly runs and positions himself in front of Melina. His body flashes yellow as he immediately fires a Light Burst at the guard charging his rifle.
  17. No time like the present... LightFlare roles out from behind the rock as he fires a Light Burst at one of the drones nearby, striking it causing it to explode as he circles around the parameter of the arctic arena. Head's up everybody! Melina does a short leap and kicks the grenade back toward the guards in the front before it could explode. She follows LightFlare as she advances around the arena.
  18. We're here... Let's get this show on the road... Melina and LightFlare slowly follow behind them. Over there. Behind that rock... Raina shouldn't be far behind. But I suggest we use projectile attacks to take out several of the drones at once before they have a chance to react. Then move in according to what we discussed. Umbra, Walt and Melina toward the front. Me and Raina at mid range. Lucent in the back. Walt and Melina focus on ground units. Umbra can help while keeping an eye on drones. Me and Raina will focus primarily on drones. Light...we still need to keep and eye on your teamates. We may need to switch roles or help the other. But I do agree with Light's format. If you agree Lucent, we'll move on your cue. Once the word is given and you guys start, I'll pick a drone, snipe it and move in. I'll move in once the first drone is down...just say the word.
  19. Sounds solid. I'll do my best. My powers may seem explosive at times...but I know how to pace myself. Subpar...heh. Just try not to get sniped. Sit "too" still and the chick with the quiver on her back might end your turn early. Don't worry. I'll cripple her before she can fire a shot. Ready when you guys are.
  20. That's the spirit! I knew I could count on you two. Let's get ready to rumble then... Melina waves as LightFlare smiles and gives the opposing team a thumbs up showing their gratitude. What's the matter "Fido"? Scared you'll have to think for yourself for a change? This bickering isn't gonna help us. Let's put our differences aside and focus on implementing our strengths. We've already established who our medic is. We've may have also established who the other team will attack first. I believe Melina and Anwalt share something in common. They both can take a lot of damage and retaliate quickly. Umbra and Raina seem most comfortable at range attacks. I'm skilled at them as well but I'm versitle...so I'll adapt. Keep these things in mind when the training begins.
  21. Lucent is right. Holding back won't do you any favors. The effort you put in determines the results you pull out. This facilty provides an great means of testing your limits and possibly exceeding them. We should not wast it... The short and sweet....you paid for this...get most out of your investment. I know I will... If the "Scarlet Weather Maid" wants to switch sides...by all means go right ahead. Just don't expect any mercy if we meet on the battlefield. I like her way of thinking. Should make for a challenging trail. They'll have an insider...but we won't know what they can do. That is...assuming she shares her knowledge with the rest of the opposing team.
  22. Now I'm pumped! Waves of opponents. Invaders. A boss battle...this place is worth the pomps. I can already see I'm going to have to strap a chain around your waist and have you pulled outta hear with that ship we came in on if I hope to EVER get you to leave this place. Melina chuckles as she teases LightFlare. LightFlare laughs as he responds... And that still won't be enough. Darkflare may regret letting me join...
  23. Hmmm...now that's twist... I have a few questions. How many enemies do we defeat before someone is teleported! How many enemies can we expect to see once we arrive? How much time do we have there? Is it possible for a player from both sides to be teleported at the same time? And how long do we have overall?
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