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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Melina was quite amused. She laughed harder than she has in a while.. Penny! You are just to cute! Melina laughs a bit more and calms down. Penny, my adorable new friend. You need not worry about some...big guys. Ain't a guy big or small I can't handle. Melina glances at Anwalt as she says this... Isn't that right, Walt? Melina looks back at Penny. I'm only teasing you, Penny. Except the part about the "weird sport"....which by the way is called Mixed Martial Arts. Or MMA for short. My style is perfectly suited for it so im very familiar with the sport. Anyway...gotta grab my things. I'll see you guys in the lobby! Melina heads towards her room...
  2. Sure it will! We'll hangout...like sisters. I can even show you a few moves once we get to the Warrior's Hangout. That's what they call Darkflare's facilty. Walt?! What is that supposed to mean? Don't you think I'm a good girl? I wouldn't do such a thing... Melina suddely grins and leans toward Penny and whispers... Unless you wanna get wild and crazy. We can have a girls night out. Shhhhh... Melina continually nudges Penny with her elbow teasing the young girl. Melina knows Penny is way to young to get too crazy but she enjoys Penny's innocent personality.
  3. LightFlare smiles and nods in acceptance of Lilith's reason for wanting to meet Darkflare. Alright. Seems like a legitimate reason to meet him. I figured if I'm escorting you to meet him, I should at least have a decent understanding as to why you wish to see him. LightFlare finishes his meal. That was really good! I've gotta grab my things and I'll be ready to go. I'll meet you guys in the front Lobby once I'm done. LightFlare heads to his room to gather his belongings before they head to Candor.
  4. Melina was quite amused at Penelope's story... You're just too adorable for your own good, Penny. You can sit next to me on the ride to Candor. I wanna know how a cutie pie like you actually ended up here alone. Oh if you wanna learn about that "weird sport" I'm sure I could show you a few moves. Suddenly LightFlare looked up at Liltih... That reminds me. I almost forgot to ask...before we go, I was just wondering. Why do you want to see Darkflare?
  5. Melina is quite intrigued with the stories of Raina, Anwalt and Lilith. She even learned the origin of LightFlare's dark power. Wow...you guys come from some interesting backgrounds. I guess it's my turn...
  6. LightFlare takes a break to talk... Back then, I would have fits of rage occasionally. But ever since that day...I've been at peace. It's probably why I've been able to settle down as well. It's like...tranquility...peace. I was calm...and sure of myself. I may joke at times, but even in battle...im confident that I'm in control.
  7. I see...well. I can't blame him for being cautious. A power such as this does not come without a price. Since we're all here to get to know each other...I'll start...
  8. Melina laughs sarcastically... Don't hold back on my account, Walt. Dig right in! I wonder if your brother shares your appetite. Where is he, anyway? He gonna show up or is he gonna keep dodging or "local hero" ovwr here? Who...me? Why would he be trying tp avoid me? Yea, Walt. Why do you suppose that? Melina was being an instigator. She knew Lucent didn't particularly like how LightFlare used his dark powers during battle. She stood up for him, but she could tell he wasn't buying her or Lilith's explanation. Coupled with the fact that Lucent had avoided being in Light's presence, and she realized that Lucent has avoided LightFlare this whole time...
  9. LightFlare chuckles as he sees that he isn't the only one with a big appetite. I knew a reason I liked you, Walt! Dig in big guy! LightFlare starts eating.. Good morning, Walt!
  10. Looks like most of us are here now. Let's have a seat here, Melina. Sure. You got enough or are you gonna get a third plate too? Melina laughs as she teases LightFlare. LightFlare places his two plates on the large table and chuckles as he responds. I'm a growing boy. And no...this probably won't be enough. LightFlare and Melina sit down. Melina smiles and waves at the others to join them at the table.
  11. LightFlare, Melina and Lilith find the cafeteria. Much like the rest of the hotel, it was quite elegant. There was beautiful and relaxing music. Chef's could be seen preparing fresh entrees. There was also a buffet style set up with various items to choose from. The traditional breakfast foods were available as well as items that my be considered lunch or even dinner. What a spread! Well...can't eat standing around... I second that... Melina and Light grab a plate and begin fixing thier plates...
  12. I gotcha... LightFlare approaches the clerk at the desk... Excuse me. Would you point us into the direction of the cafeteria? Sure hun! Just head that way. You'll smell the goodness soon enough... Thank you, ma'am. This way guys and gals... Right behind you, big guy. LightFlare and Melina head down the hall toward the cafeteria.
  13. LightFlare smiles and looks at Lilith... The key is to have fun when you can and know when to buckle down. I enjoy myself...but If it's one thing I take serious...it's combat. If you're to tense all the time, it not only takes a toll on you mentally...it effects you physically as well. A little laughter will do you good, young lady. Well put..."LightBulb". Lol! Ha...ha...ha.... LightFlare looks agitated but quickly smiles as the elevator stops. The door opens and Melina and LightFlare exit into the lobby.
  14. Excuse me! Young man! I believe you have a visitor. I told him I couldn't give him your room number, but it would be ok for him to meet you in rhe lobby. He's waiting for you ovwr there. Meanwhile as the others took the elevator... Got up on the wrong side, eh Lilith? It's ok... Play nice, Melina. Not everyone can handle your..."pleasant personality." Heh.. Lol! Im cool as a cucumber. Caught a fat "Dub" at the arena. Got a sweet payday. Got to stay in a super sweet hotel for absolutely nothing. Aaaaaand...I'm bout eat some delicious breakfast on the house. I mean..why should I be upset? Heh...You...are a piece of work...
  15. (Rude much? Where's her manners at now? She must be still butthurt from that beatdown yesterday...heh) Morning Melina! Heh...not a morning person huh, Lilith? Well...don't take the wrong way...to be honest, I haven't known you for very long but I'd say if you know yourself...you know him already. A skilled fighter. Strategist. He doesn't smile much and isn't very friendly. He may hurt a few feelings along the way but ultimately...his intentions are good. Yeah...I'd say you two are two peas in a pod... Oh...lol...forgive me, Lucent. I was just messing with you. Just trying to lighten the mood. I'm taking the elevator. LightFlare walks over to the elevator and pushes the button to call it. When it arrives, he steps aside and motions to Lilith and Melina... Ladies first. Well talk more on the way... Thanks Light! At least you haven't forgotten your manners... Melina steps into the elevator...
  16. LightFlare suddenly becomes very serious... Neither. I will summon enough power to blast a hole...threw the floor...and every floor under it...till I reach the bottom. Then...I'll jump down several stories to the bottom floor. This...is my destiny... "Light...stop being so dramatic..."
  17. Some time passed. Melina is relaxing by the pool... (This was nice. Too bad no-one showed up. I suppose I'll head back to my room and call it a night...) Melina heads back to her room... Well...tomorrow is another day. I guess we'll find out just what type of day that will be when it comes... Melina crawls into bed, shuts her eyes and smiles as she falls asleep. The day ends and with everyone in their rooms asleep...they all rest until the morning.
  18. Everyone was in their rooms. Some where settling in while others were contemplating what lied ahead for tommorow. LightFlare was in his room reflecting on the day and things to come... (It's been an interesting day. I find myself in a hotel room. The finest around and I didn't pay a dime. Seems like this kind of thing happens to me a lot. Even when I settle down...I somehow find myself moving around. Guess I'll be paying my old frienemy a vist. I'm interested to see just what Lilith has to do with Darkflare. What is her story? In fact...what is the story of everyone here? We'll have time to get to know each other tomorrow, I guess. Most of them seem friendly. Or polite at least. And strangely they all seem like skilled fighters. Well...except young Penelope of course. One of them must be her guardian. Same with Hyde. But that doesn't seem like the case. They don't seem to be related or even know each other very well. Guess I'm not the only one who quickly befriends strangers. Guess I'll hit the showers and go to sleep...) LightFlare freshens up, hops into his bed and falls asleep. Meanwhile, Melina was about to hit the shower before she headed back downstairs... What a day. A girl can only take such much before she has to unwind. Time to get clean...and later if I bump into Anwalt...I can get dirty again. Lol! Melina showers and heads downstairs to the pool. She finds a nice spot to chill out and gaze at the starry night as she reflected on the days events...and what's to come. (Ahhh...that's more like it. Underneath this tough girl exterior is a girl, who like any other girl...just needs a little me time at the end of the day. And what better place than in one of the most swanky-danky places in this oversized city. And how did I get here? Oh yea! Cuz some rich kid and his cute older brother fronted the bill! Lol! Gotta love that! Gotta say that Lilith gave me a good workout. That move at the end...I wonder why she held back. She could have definitely gained the upper hand had she used it earlier. Guess that's inexperience for you. Still...she's much stronger than she realizes. I'm sure Light feels the same about Hyde...) Melina continues to relax by the pool. The pool itself sits in the center of the hotel and can be seen by tenants who's rooms are odd numbers.
  19. LightFlare and Melina step of the Elevator. Hmm...I guess Anwalt's brothet has already gone in his room. He's probably just tired. It's been a long day wouldn't say? Yea. Its funny. I always seem to find myself in situations like this. I've moving around. Staying in various cities and hotels. Not until a few years ago have I really settled down in one place. A regular nomad huh? One of these days you're gonna have to tell me more about your past, "Mr Mysterious Warrior." Huh...we've known each other for a lil while now. I guess I could share. Just not tonight...lol! Oooooof course. You crashing for the night? Yea. Imma hit the showers then hit the bed. Melina smiles and looks as if she's thinking... And no...you can't join me in either...heh heheh. You're such a goodie goodie. Lol! Good night, Light. Good night, Mel. LightFlare and Melina both go into thier seperate rooms.
  20. I'll take room 720. If you still decide to go with is to Candor, Darkflare has an excellent facilty. Good for developing your skills...training... ...sparring. You should check it out. LightFlare face becomes serious and he focuses directly on Anwalts eyes as he says "sparring". He states for a second then quickly smiles and chuckles a little bit. Lol! Way to go, Light. The man pays for your stay in the single most stunning hotel in the area and you thank him by challenging him to a fight?! Heh...just saying. Well thanks again, Walt. See you guys in the morning. LightFlare heads toward the elevator. Once LightFlare has walked away, Melina leans closer to Anwalt... So..I'll take room number..."Whatever room you're in, big guy". Lol! Melina laughed and moved in as if she was going to kiss Anwalt, then quickly snatched the 718 key card while Anwalt was distracted. I'll be at the pool...later. You know...just saying. Hey, Light! Wait up! Melina catches up to LightFlare as they both head towards the elevator...
  21. Coming right up sir! The clerk checks everyone in. LightFlare and Melina see Lucent and decide to thank him. Well, well. If it isn't our long lost Pretty Boy himself. Hey Light! That's Anwalt's brother. He's the one who set all this up. Really? I should go thank him then. LightFlare approaches Lucent... I take it you are responsible for our lavish accommodations. Thank you. Yea! Thanks Pretty Boy. You've got good taste. You missed me kicking Miss Prisses tail all over the arena. It's ok. I'll be by the pool later if you wanna hang out and make it up to me. Lol! Melina notices Penelope freaking out in the corner. (Is she ok?)
  22. Before they left the Bottom, LightFlare and Melina grabbed some change clothes they had with them at the arena. They then followed the others. Everyone was amazed by the site of the Hotel. LightFlare and Melina were natives to the area, so they'd seen it quite a few times. Still...seeing it and knowing you arw actually staying there are two different things. Wow...it feels like a dream. I've been on the outside looking in. But at least for one night...I get to live like the cool people do. Well...this is indeed an honor. Thanks again for this opportunity Anwalt. They all arrive and walk inside. Anwalt introduces himself and explains he has reservations for him and his friends. As Anwalt checked everyone in, the clerk suddenly looked concerned. Although most of them were dressed appropriately, LightFlare and Melina still had on their training gear. LightFlare in particular, was a bit underdressed. The clerk addresses LightFlare... Hello sir. I'm sorry. May I help you? Heh...i guess I'm a but underdressed for the occasion. Yea Light! Put a short on Macho Man! Light!? Wait...! I recognize you! From s few years ago. You're LightFlare! This city is in your debt! I heard you were still around. Please...forgive me. Enjoy your stay! Thank you. We'll talk more in the morning guys. Let's get some rest. I think I'll go freshen up too. But I'm gonna go chill by the pool for bit later. Anybody is welcome to join me. Anyways...I'll see you there.
  23. LightFlare chuckles at Penelope's comments before heading to the collect his winnings. Melina notices LightFlare and remembers to go collect hers as well... You handled yourself well out there, Melina. How did you just take that blast from Lilith's last attack? Was that the result of our occasional training? Or something else entirely? Now, now Light. A good girl never kisses and tells. I'll just keep that one to myself. In case I...want to give you a surprise gift one day... Uuumhhh... LightFlare smiles. He knew full well that Melina wanted to challenge him again someday. Their first battle was in the arena. LightFlare won that battle. Since then, Melina and him have been friends. They trained together a few times but LightFlare still hasn't shared much of his past with Melina, but he has a lot of respect for her. Melina...feels the same way. The two collect their winnings and reunite with the group. Ready when you guys are... Same here...
  24. Heh...your loss. Thanks for the invite, tho. Agreed... Sounds like a plan. We'll rest up and head out tomorrow... It's a couple hours. Well need transportation that will accommodate all of us. We could just catch the shuttle. It's pretty inexpensive but I'll help anyway I can. That reminds me! I have to go pick up my winnings...
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