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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Young Lady. You've obviously had some good upbringing. And your manners are evidence of the fact. And humility is a part of that too. But I've leanred that the best way to show your appreciation for others is to fully enjoy the blessings you are given. In short...say thank you for the place to crash and hit the road in the morning, Miss Priss. Lol!
  2. Wow...that's really kind of you, Anwalt. I'll take you up on that offer. Sounds great, Anwalt. I take it you and I are sharing a room? Melina teases Anwalt as she happily excepts his offer. LightFlare can be seem chuckling on the side.
  3. Hmph...true. But in a real fight, I'm not gonna just stand there and watch you get up... But hey! It was just a friendly exhibition. Right?! It was a good match. Let's just leave it at that. LightFlare sees Hyde. He checks to see how he's doing. How's it going Hyde? These guys your friends? @Sinjik
  4. Heh...now where have I heard that before? I beat YOU...Miss Priss. So I must be doing SOMETHING right. Sounds good. Lead the way, Lilith
  5. Ok...you're of the hook this time. Come on. Let's talk to Light about introducing you to Darkflare. Let's here it one more time folks. We hope you enjoyed the show! Thanks for coming out! Melina bows in return and heads back to the training room. The crowd cheers for them both as they exit the arena. On the way they see LightFlare waiting to congratulate them both. Well done. You both put on a great show. I see you've really bean working on your CQC, Melina. Quit teasing me, Light! You know full well that Close Quarters Combat is all O got. I aint shooting any beams like you and "Miss Priss" over here. Melina points her thumb at Lilith as makes the last comment.
  6. Melina is hit by the final blast from Lilth and is visibly upset. A cheap shot?! Despite all the trash talk I'm a good sport at least. I was bout to help you up. What's the...uh!? Melina suddenly notices that her Tendan Renki has worn of prematurely. She was hit by the last minute blast and immediately returns to her normal state. What!? Tendan Renki usually lasts longer than that. What did you...!? Well isn't that a kick in the butt?! You lay there, with your arms crossed pouting like an infant! Hit me with an attack after the match that takes away my chi. And YOU get upset?! What a sore loser. If it wasn't for the fact that my chi is gone and you'd kick my tail...I'd kick YOUR tail! How long is..."a while?!"
  7. What? Fighting other people not as fun as you thought? Heh... Just as Liltih's attack makes contact with Melina's body...
  8. What the...? Melina's arrogant rage caused her to miss terribly and Lilith's attack connects and sends her to the ground hard. She rolls back to her feet and speaks to Lilith. Hahahaha! Well done! You got me! I can't believe I lost my cool like that! Light is always talking about keeping your cool in battle. Guess there's something to that after all. Still...a little rage can be good. It's just a matter of timing it correctly. So tell me Lilith... A very faint smoke begin to rise from Melina's skin as she spoke... You gonna tie it up? Or are you gonna knock me out already? Hurry up. You don't have much time you know... Melina takes her stance. Her eyes focused on Liltih. That's Lilith 1! Melina 2! 2min 45 sec!
  9. Now were talking! Haaah! Melina adrenaline pumps as she yells before dashing into the orbs narrowly dodging them before reaching Lilith... You're mine! Melina uses her speed and power gathered to throw a powerful punch. If she connects it will knock Llilith to the ground. 1min 35 sec! Hold on to your seats folks! This is gonna be close! (That aura...can it be?!) MELINA! STAY BACK!
  10. Melina watched as the orbs formed around Lilth as her back was still turned.... (What are you planning...?) Melina doesn't respond. She instead begins to pull her fist back as she did before. Her hair blowing in the wind as she gathers energy for her next blow.... Lilith still hasn't turned around! Was is she gonna do?! 1min 25 sec!
  11. Melina stops just a few feet behind Lilith. She begins to speak to Lilith while watching her closely. I know you haven't even used HALF of your moves yet. I saw you back in the training center. As awesome as that beam attack was, and I must admit...it was pretty awesome, you still have more moves that even that. If fact I'm willing to wager that even though you can't see me, tou know exactly where I am. Heh...of course it could also be my big mouth that's giving me away. The tension is getting thick. What will Liltih do! 2min 15 sec! LightFlare, continues to watch from afar... (Somethings up. Stay focused Melina...)
  12. Leaving so soon? Melina quickly dashes behind Lilith while watching her movements. Looks like Lilith is trying to regroup but Melina isn't having any of that! 2min 5 sec!
  13. Uugh! Melina and Lilith both make contact with each other on the first hit. Melina's face turns from the impact but her eyes remain focused on Lilith as her second punch connects with the already awkwardly positioned Lilith's face. Because Lilith was already off balance, and Melina having the advantage of gravity and her own power the second hit sends Lilith to the ground. What a BRAWL! That's our second knockdown at 1min 55 sec!
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] A Winner is You! [COMMENT] Wuzzup! Here's my interpretation of the most iconic wrestling ring in video game history. It comes with superjump, animations, parallax and looped bgm. It uses scale delta, so that's why its 1.1 only. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
  15. (You read my mind...or rather...I read yours...) Melina extends the leg that was lightly arched and executes a low kick like before that collides with Lilith's attack leaving Lilith in a crouching unbalanced position. Melina quickly follows up with a double punch attack. They're going blow-for-blow! 1 Min 45 sec!
  16. These two have alot to say to each other! Are they rivals!? If they weren't before, that might change by the end of the round! 1min 35sec! Melina smiles in response to Lilith's accusations. She begins to speak to Lilith. She circles her, watching her movements as she speaks... Heh...you may indeed fight like LightFlare, but if the rumors are true you sound like Darkflare. I hear he's a bit of a...know-it-all. You're right. I haven't beaten him. Nor do I think I can in my current state. But...I'm pretty sure I can beat you... Melina suddenly closes the gap and is front of Lilith. She slightly brings one foot up with her knee forward while holding her arms bent with her forearms pointing up and close to her chest.
  17. What the... Liltih grabs Melina and flips her over her over her head. Melina regains her balance and lands on the other side of Lilith. She speaks to Lilith... Well played, Liltih. I'm not shocked that you pulled that off. Considering you fight much like LightFlare. But you also have a few tricks of your own. Yor versatile to say the least. Let's continue... Melina takes her stance and motions for Lilith to come at her. 1min 25 sec!
  18. (Looks like you're open...) Melina quickly dashes in to close the gap on her and Liltih. She firmly plants her feet and pulls one fist while pushing her other hand forward in an open palm formation. It look like the attack from before but her body took on a dark hue to it. If the attack connects it will cause Lilith to fall down. 1min 15sec!
  19. Heh... Although Melina was showing off, she was really luring Lilith in. Just as Liliths attack is inches away, Melina shifts slightly to the side with her arms positioned close ro her chest and executes a low kick directed at Lilith's shin. If it connects it will be a knockdown.
  20. (Deceptive...) Melina knew Lilith wasn't gonna allow her to get close without a plan. Melina had s plan as well. Having not raised her foot very high from before, she quickly placed it down and without turning around leaped backwards over the beam attack and behind Lilith. (Think fast...)
  21. Melina quickly dashes around Lilith as the orbs come within inches of her body before they crash to the ground behind her. Once behind Lilith, Melina slightly lifts her leg with her knee forward. If the attack connects it will knock Lilith down. Sounds like a deal.. Thanks, Raina. Of course I'm not the only one who won today right? LightFlare smiles and winks at Raina. LightFlare hears the announcer calling the match.... (Sounds like Melina is handling business. I hope she doesn't get to cocky and lose fosus. She's good...but her trash talk can get her into trouble...) Excuse me everyone. I'd like to get a closer look. LightFlare heads to edge of the arena entrance to watch the rest of the fight.
  22. Melina's body suddenly flashed yellow just before she delivered a quick punch. Because of the sheer velocity of Melina's punch, it lands before Lilith could finish her attack and it sends Lilith to the ground. Knockdown! And with that, Melina scores the first knockdown of the match! The crowd roars as Melina arrogantly tightens her gloves... A bit slow on the draw, eh Lilith? I'm sure that's not your best though... Melina takes her stance and begins to slowly pace around Lilith awaiting her next move.
  23. Melina waits till the orbs are close and dodges left and right while advancing toward Lilith as the orbs crashed into the ground behind her. 15 sec and the fireworks have begun! Looks like Lilith and Raina don't just share a similar fashion sense!
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