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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Im down with free sweets....haha! Agreed...I'm even more relaxed when you're around. Come and enjoy it beside me....
  2. Melina and LightFlare arrive on the deck. The view is beautiful up here. It's breathtaking....don't you agree, Walt? Walt...is your brother ok? Melina looks around for Penny... Penny?! You enjoying the view, lil sis?
  3. Right behind you guys! Hey Walt...I'll see you on top... LightFlare follows as well...
  4. Melina was laughing as hard as she could. Wh-what....is going on?! Heh...looks like we're witnessing Lucent's "nightmare" abilities. Whatever it is...it's highly enjoyable. A sweet from a "sweetie." Thanks, Lucent! Don't mind if I do. Thanks a lot, Lucent. Melina and LightFlare take a truffle. They both bite and immediately realize they are exceptionally good. These are great, Lucent. I gotta say I wasn't expecting a hidden talent like THIS. Mmmm...mmmmm! Scrumptious. You headed to deck, Lucent? I think I'm going, too. You guys coming? Melina looks around at everyone but then makes eye contact with Anwalt and smirks slightly... Sure...I bet the view will be pretty awesome...
  5. A slight grin appears on Melina's face. She sees a fire in Penny's eyes that she hadn't seen before. Uh oh...looks like someone has an aggressive side after all. Well...we all have to fight for what we believe in. Penny's warm heart is a reminder that not everyone is this cruel world is without a heart. He smiles as he speaks... Yea...we all deserve a second chance. Or even a third at times. Some people express their love in different ways. I guess in the end it's a combination of intent and execution. If the intent is good, but the execution is so bad it overshadows the intent...then it's hard to see the love. But if the execution is good, but the intent is bad...like to maybe gain the trust of another only to double cross them...then it's still bad. A little life lesson for you, Penny. Free of charge... We're good, trust me. He's young and still learning about his own emotions. Yea...I'm not mad at him. Umbra on the other hand...might catch a roundhouse kick to the back of the head! Melina...it's not nice to kick people in the head outside of battle... Even if they deserve it? Even if they deserve it...
  6. I totally agree. Light isn't saying anything, but I'm sure he does too. This guy obviously gets his rocks off by torturing others verbally...and even physically. I find it funny that he singled me out when in fact ALL of us are benefiting from Lucent's kindness. But don't let it get to you. He can talk all he wants but ultimately it's Lucent's decision on how he spends his money...or even how he treats others. If Umbra doesn't check his arrogance he's gonna piss of the wrong person and get his block knocked off... Well, well. Looks like someone is in a chivalrous mood. I appreciate the thought that you think I'm worthy of giving anyone beauty tips. But, no I didn't see another guy. But the guy I DO see WAS with another girl... ...and her name is Umbra. (Oh snap...) LightFlare couldn't help but overhear the last thing Melina said. He walks over to where Melina, Penny and Walt are. I'm not opposed to a little tough love at times, but not for the sake of embarrassing others. I guess we all have our flaws, though...
  7. LightFlare finds a spot to relax. Meanwhile, Melina notices a sharp change in Penny's usual upbeat mood. It was obvious that the confrontation between Lucent and Umbra had bothered her... Hey, Penny. You ok?
  8. LightFlare and Melina were both disturbed by the "servants" treatment of his "Lords". (That was tough to watch. As condescending as Lucent was, I still feel sorry for him. This Umbra guy is a sadistic prick...) I humbly except your apology, Lucent. Thank you... LightFlare walks and is checked by authorities before he is declared ok to board the ship. (This guy is supposed to be their servant? Seems more like "he's" in charge) Umbra...you seem like a great guy. I think you and Lilith would be perfect for each other. Melina puts her things in the trays and walks threw the scanning devise and is cleared to board the ship.
  9. Great. Now that the party pooper is here, we can head for the boarding area. Yea. Let's get a move on. Umbra, I'm sure we can talk more along the way. LightFlare and Melina head towards the boarding area.
  10. Well...to be honest, I'm interested in how this encounter with Liltih and Darkflare will go. I have a feeling there is more to this story than meets the eye. Also it's always good to check in on my old friend. Business has been booming for him these past couple years. I'm interested to see how his facilty has flourished. I wanna see the place as well. I hear it has an epic arena that can look like anything you want. Plus I just wanna get out of Kalos.
  11. The clerk takes the payment and completes the transaction. She hands Lilith her items purchased. Thank you and come again! Walt...you seem a bit to intense. Perhaps you've been working too hard lately. Maybe I could help you..."loosen up." Melina winks at Anwalt. LightFlare just chuckles slightly and shakes his head..
  12. Thanks bro! Maybe I'll get back into creating soon...
  13. The clerk hands Raina the items she purchased. Thanks and come again! LightFlare smiles in response.. I'll keep that in mind, Walt. No prob... LightFlare and Melina where highly amused by Anwalt and Umbra's little dispute. You two are a regular riot... No love lost between THOSE two...
  14. He got us...that?! I beginning to think your brother has a problem...but who am I to judge. Besides...I get to ride for free. Meanwhile... (Bossy little...meh, whatever. At least he's paying...) LightFlare walks over to Melina, Anwalt and Umber. Lucent has graciously appointed me as messenger. He's headed to the boarding area. He requests that we make our way to him, post haste! LightFlare had a big smile but the tone in voice hinted he was not exactly "happy." Looks like someone put on their sarcasm suit today. I take it our ever charming young royal friend Lucent got under your skin? LightFlare immediately chuckles... Maybe just a teeny weeny bit. I commend you Anwalt. You seem like a guy who can really keep his cool. I didn't mention it before, but back at the bottom even though I was meditating, I could sense a power level slowly rising. It was gradual. Almost like the person who it belonged to was also meditating. But when we met, I realized it was the same aura. So even though you were in the heat of battle, your power did not deminish...it was actually growing. When you told your story it all made sense. Your training must have been intense... Anyway...Once the others show up, we'll catch up to Lucent.
  15. The clerk scans Lilith's items. I hope you found everything you needed ma'am. That'll be 25 zennies! Melina was about to approach LightFlare but notices Anwalt and Umbra. They seemed a bit tense but Melina just pretended to not notice... Hey guys. You ready to go? I know I told Penny to sit with me Anwalt, but that doesn't mean you can't sit across from me, right?
  16. The cashier scans Raina's items. That'll be 45 zennies, please. As Melina walks out she notices Liltih is still looking around... I'm heading out, Lilith. Penny is right behind me. Raina should be checking out. We're all meeting in front of the store before we board. See you out there.
  17. The clerk finishes scanning all the items. Alright! That'll be 35 zennie! No prob. Here ya go.. Melina pays for the items. Thanks! Come again! Ok Penny. I can see LightFlare and Lucent still outside the store. Let's go meet up with them and get ready to depart. Raina...we'll see you outside the store. Melina starts walking toward LightFlare... I'll take the next customer!
  18. Melina notices a quiet little purple shadow creep up and suddely begin to follow her... Flights to Candor...? That's us. Come on Penny. We should check out. Melina leads Penny to the cash register.. Hello, Ma'am. We're ready to check out. Sure! Right this way... The clerk stands behind the register waiting for Melina or Penny to place their items on the conter... You're up Penny! I'm not buying anything, today. Just browsing... LightFlare glances back threw the store windows and sees Melina, Penny and Raina in the store. Looks like Melina and Penny are at the register. Raina may be ready as well. They must have heard the announcement. They should be out soon...
  19. (This kid is twisted...at least he's hospitable) LightFlare nods in acceptance of Lucent's "request". Light and Darkness huh? I suppose we have a few similarities after all. I can't help but wonder what you and your brother had planned for a vacation. I like a good fight but The Bottom is at "the bottom" of my list of vacation spots. Why did you really come to Kalos?
  20. You and Anwalt have had a rough turn of events. You obviously have a bad impression of powers like mine. Inherently that's the case. But not all practitioners of it use it with malicious intentions. Darkflare...the man we are going to meet uses them as well. But he chose to use them to help others. He's an...interesting character to say the least. I guess what I'm saying is... Don't judge a book by it's "Dark" cover. Let it's story...speak for itself. LightFlare extendes his hand to shake Lucent's hand. Meanwhile in the clothing store... Melina chuckles... Ok...ok. I'll be nice. Melina looks around a bit and suddenly hears an excited young girl who has obviously found what she came for... Looks like someone hit the jackpot. Actually they have bags hanging up on a rack. They're pretty sturdy. Melina pointed to a rack with bags hanging from it. They were a nice size and looked to made of cotton and nylon. Melina addresses Lilith, Raina and Penny... We still got a little time. Look around. When you're ready just see the clerk up front... Melina continues to casually browse the store.
  21. Great! Let's go, girlfriends! Oh! And don't worry, Penny. I gotcha covered. Just one of the benefits of being a winner. Isn't that right, Raina!? Melina chuckles as she leads the girls into a clothing store nearby. It wasn't especially large but there were several other stores so they could visit them as well. Most of them had a small selection of certain types of clothing. From Urban Street Wear, to formal clothing, to casual and clothing only people from far away distant lands would wear. Melina was happy to go shopping with some new friends. She liked Penny a lot and instinctively wanted to play the..."cool big sister" role. Raina seemed nice as well. And even though her and Liltih seem to bump heads a little, Melina wanted to give her a chance. Maybe Lilith would loosen up a bit. Maybe not... Meanwhile LightFlare confronts Lucent about the recent allegations that Lucent harbors some resentment...for LightFlare... Well...I want to thank you again for the hospitality. I rested well and breakfast was great. But...it's been brought to my attention that you may have reservations about me concerning my dark power. I honestly don't blame you. It's a common occurrence when people first see it. I truly hope that you don't judge me based on a small part of who I am...but that you get to know me first. Your brother told us what happened years ago. You were very young and it must have scarred you deep. I've seen a lot myself. Let me elaborate... LightFlare shares his story with Lucent in hopes that Lucent will open up and feel more comfortable with him. And that's my story. Anwalt didn't go into detail about your side of what happened. We've got time. Feel like sharing? LightFlare awaits his response...
  22. Sounds like a plan. It's good to see you, Lucent. Raina...Penny...Ready to look around? Oh and Lilith...you're welcome to tag along too. You guys have fun. Lucent...can we talk for a minute?
  23. Roger that. I hope he takes care of himself... Right behind you. Ready to rock! Melina and LightFlare follow Anwalt.
  24. Well...Heard Raina say she wanted to go shopping. Maybe we can all so do a bit of shopping and find you something to wear. Where is Raina anyway?
  25. A short while passed and LightFlare and Melina both came back with their things to meet everyone at the Lobby. Alright guys. I'm ready when you are. Where's Hyde? Ready for our trip. Penny not down yet?
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