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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Thanks. We'll go around... LightFlare couldn't help but wonder what the guard meant. Maybe Darkflare or some of locals would know... Hehehe...well that didn't last long. She is adorable... Absolutely. Looks like more people are taking that way as well. Which probably means we're less likely to run into another closed of area. Follow me guys and gals... LightFlare leads the others toward the left path...
  2. I met him during the events that surrounded Igniz's invasion. His name was Agni Artwaltz. He was... LightFlare stops mid sentence. He notices that the number of people in the immediate area dropped sharply. He could sense something was up... (I sense trouble...and it's major. Even Penny can feel it, so I know it's not just me. This day gets stranger and stranger. What's going on...?) Indeed... Yea, Penny. We gotcha back... We could just go around the block.... But before LightFlare would lead them around, he noticed one of the Mech Guards was in close proximity to the group. He decided to approach him and inquire about the situation. Excuse me. Is this area safe? We're just passing through and were concerned about the situation. @A person
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Dreamy... [COMMENT] Well hello, old friend. It's been a while. Just thought I'd drop in and leave a lil something I had sitting around. No smoke and mirrors guys. Just some beautiful art by Waneella converted for you mugen pleasure. It's 1.1 only. See ya around...
  4. A lighthearted smile came on LightFlare's face as he replied... That's a great story. Seems logical...but it's not entirely accurate. I did train with him. And by with him...I mean I trained and he watched. I've used his facilty on a few occasions. In return I've been...for lack of a better term...his lab rat. But it wasn't all cheese mazes and beakers full of mystery fluid. I learned some things about myself as well. But our names are unrelated...well...as far I know... LightFlare has wondered the same thing. He never questioned it.. He's good...but he's no angel. But who is in this crazy world we live in. Actually...I know an "angel"...if you can believe that. LightFlare chuckles to himself...
  5. Some would say...but there's a method to his madness. As far as dream place goes...sure. It shares some similarities to The Bottom. With one major difference. Darkflare himself. Any fight can be a learning experience, but having someone who watches from a far and give you constructive criticism from an angle you can't see...because your fighting...is beneficial. Walt...I'm gonna need you to put your dog on a leash...before he ends up neutered... (Heh..good. Glad he's in a good mood. The fight back there took him to a dark place. He's obviously been through a lot...) As LightFlare leads the others, he continues on about The Warriors Hangout... Liltih...I'd strongly suggest you take advantage of Darkflare's facilty. It's state of the art. He uses advanced equipment to analyze and "dissect" fighters in order to draw the best out of individuals. If he's hard on you...it's probably because he feels you can do better. And that's usually based on previous data, observations and experience. He's like a cross between a personal trainer and a scientist. Not to mention the mecha maids running around all over the place...
  6. Heh...no. It's just that all types of people show up there. Fighters. Bounty hunters. Royalty...from one end of the spectrum to the other. And Darkflare's..."infamy"...comes from his methods and state of the art facilty. If you're looking to learn more than just whether you and him are similar...like maybe a few new techniques...or maybe just refine the ones you have...his facilty is a good place to start. Yeah! He looks a bit menacing, but he's just a big ol' teddy bear...with the fur to match. Speaking of...hey, Walt! I bet you'd look super cute with a beard as well. It doesn't have to be too thick...just enough that I could..."stroke" it. Melina winks at Anwalt as if her words had a double meaning... Sounds like you guys want to take the scenic route. Walt...Lucent...? Sounds good! Roger that. Follow me, guys. With that, LightFlare begins to lead the others to The Warriors Hangout.
  7. (Candor...this place is amazing. It's medieval charm can't be denied. Why Darkflare chose this place however...I'll never quite understand.) Wow...it's...so different... Melina looks in the direction Lilith is looking... That is a sore thumb on an otherwise normal looking hand. It looks like it belongs back in Kalos. That's the Warriors Hangout...the infamous training center ran and operated by the it's possibly even more infamous caretaker...Darkflare. LightFlare smiles and nods at the greater as he walks by... ...Melina waves and says hello. ...and the welcoming committee has arrived. LightFlare and Melina watch as guards board the ship. (Take care young man...till our paths cross again...) He seemed like a nice young man. I hope he's ok... Im sure he'll be fine. I don't know why...but I don't think it was a confidence he crossed our path... You getting deep on us, Light?! I thought you only did that during battle. What!? I can't share my feelings? I'm not just all muscle... Yea! That beard makes up the rest of you for sure! Am I right Lilith!? Melina laughs as she teases LightFlare who chuckles along with her. Well...its quite a walk. We could just go on foot or use public transportation. I'm fine with either. I'm sure if we catch a ride they'll take us right to the Hangout. But I know the way so if we're walking...I'll get us there.
  8. Melina and LightFlare listened in as well.. LightFlare and Melina follow the others to the cabins as well.
  9. Let's go, Light. Yea...maybe we can actually "enjoy" the reat of our flight. Speak for yourself. I had a blast caving those pirates heads in. Ok...me too a little...hehehe I knew it. Tehehe! Raina! Lets go in, girlfriend! Melina and LightFlare follow the others inside.
  10. Guess they had that coming... I guess I wasn't clear enough...heeheh... LightFlare and Melina await the results of the "interrogation"...
  11. You...YOU! I TRIED TO HELP YOU BEFORE! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE! Dark energy swirled around LightFlare... He suddenly stamped the ground as his eyes turned a glowing red... Not...this...TIME!
  12. Actually...I think handing them over to authorities is our best option. Let them handle the clean up. But, that doesn't mean we can't ask them a few questions. Maybe Umbra has the right idea. But I don't think Rufus will talk so easily. Maybe one of the lackies instead. Just don't overdo it, Eh Umbra? Wait...Lucent! Where's Lilith? I know Penny went to her cabin. I hope they're both ok.
  13. No problem, Captain. It wasn't much trouble. Hi, Jin! Nice to meetcha! Glad to help, Captain Odin. Good to meet you, Jin. You have a fiery spirit for sure.
  14. LightFlare's dark aura subsides... Sounds good. I get the feeling I haven't even seen half of your power yet. So I'm looking forward to a great match. If you say so, Walt. But I know who isn't ok. These guys bit of much more than they could chew. Wow! I feel great! Thanks, Lu! I've never actually been healed so quickly. Thank you, Lucent. I'm feeling good. Its been a while since I've fought along side a mage. LightFlare chuckles as he recalls someone who often asked for..."healing"... (I wonder how he's been...)
  15. Heh...don't worry. I know my own strength very well. But...I understand the concern. Aww...you guys are dropping like flies. Had enough, yet? Well...they came to their senses...before we knocked it out of them. Melina's Tendan Renki wears off. Her and LightFlare begin to survey the area. Walt...is your brother ok?
  16. I wasn't going to kill him... LightFlare suddenly performs a soccer kick at Okans' head while he was still on the ground. It would be enough to knock him unconscious if it connects. (Why did Walt save that pirate?) Melina pulls her fist back for a moment and quickly dashes forward like a bullet toward one of the pirates and performs a straight punch.
  17. (This must be his power in it's true form. Before only Umbra could see it. Now...we all can...) Or...we could cut the head of the snake...now... Melina...i suspect you and Raina can handle the rest? No question... The choice is yours, Anwalt... LightFlare stomps the ground and a redish purple aura rises from LightFlare's back. His appearance remained the same but his aura was darker. He suddenly leaps into the air draws his fist back as he decends toward Captain Okan... Come on guys. Don't tell me you're having second thoughts? Melina taunts the pirates and takes a defensive stance.
  18. Awwwe....the welcoming committee is taking a nap... Poor guys didn't stand a chance. Maybe next time warn them before you go Super Girl on them...heh. But they're not dead...i don't think...So unless where gonna tie them up until we land, where gonna be doing this again soon. Raina! You ok!? Looks like back up...wait... Looks like someone you chose the wrong party to crash, eh "Captain" Okan!? Confident that they have the upper hand, despite being outnumbered, Melina taunts Captain Okan as she LightFlare, Raina and Anwalt stand surrounded by the bruised and beaten pirates.
  19. Melina's body begins to emit a light smoke... All this trouble for little ol me?
  20. Good shot, Raina! Four down...! And four more coming at us! Watch it, Light! The pirates swing their swords just as Melina flips over them and land behind them. To slow.... Melina moves slightly to her side as she executes a hard roundhouse aimed at the head. The impact would be enough to cause a concussion to anyone not prepared for the impact, causing him to be launched to his side. Anyone in the path of him would also be struck by his flying body. Hmph! LightFlare rolls forward, turns around and fires another Light Burst at one of the pirates that isn't in range of Melina's attack.
  21. Don't worry...a few projectiles never hurt anyone...except when it does... LightFlare suddenly fires a Light Burst at one of the pirates. If it connects when the enemy is attacking it will knock the enemy back otherwise it will stun them leaving them more susceptible to another attack. Melina quickly positions herself behind LightFlare and takes a defensive stance as she focuses on the surrounding pirates...
  22. Face of a broke...heh. That must be your weird way of calling me a hobo. I've been called worse. You guys seem pretty confident. You sure you brought enough. I've been told I can be a bit of a...handfull. Melina takes a defensive stance as she surveys the area. They are greatly outnumbered but she seems very calm.. It seems we got ourselves a bit of a dilemma. You want to rob these innocent people. And we can't allow you to do it. I guess there's only one way to settle this then... LightFlare takes his fighting stance. Melina remains focused. With Anwalt and Raina prepared for battle, the odds seamed stacked against the four fighters. All seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move...
  23. LightFlare notices Raina summon her orbs. He knew things were getting serious... Raina! What's going on?! Is someone in trouble!?
  24. Walt!? Melina!? I know you felt that. Something just shook the ship. Something is definitely wrong.... Melina surveys the area while LightFlare begins to focus on his surroundings...
  25. You should know the answer to that.... I'm sorry, Walt. I didn't mean to offend your girlfriend. (Somethings up...) We've stopped? Why...? You too. We'll hang tight here. Yea...something seems...off... Melina and LightFlare wait with Anwalt and Penny.
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