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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Sorry if I was a bit forward. I was hoping we'd get some info on the particular souvenir shop Anna mentioned. She said it was near the castle gate.
  2. Melina could tell that the young girl was little bit conflicted. She didn't want to discourage Penny. It was then she noticed that Penny's eyes glanced at the plastic swords down the aisle... I undertand. Hey I noticed you checking out those swords. You still thinking about learning how to fight, huh? Well, those swords wouldn't be much use in a real fight, but I imagine they'd work just fine for sparring. Of course you'd need a instructor. I'm more of a hand to hand fighter myself. Melina then notices some small boxing gloves... Now those gloves in the other hand...are right up my alley. They're meant for kids, but they can be useful. I could show you a few moves to defend yourself. Who knows....maybe there's some hidden potential you'll unlock like in those "Drakon Sphere Zii" animes. Hahaha! You can even grab the swords. Who knows? You may meet someone who can show you how to use them. Excuse me, sirs. My name is LightFlare. My friend Lilith here works for Darkflare, CEO of the Warriors Hangout. She has delivery to make. Lilith, would you mind explaining furher?
  3. Given your situation I'd say it's not out of the realm of possibly. That...and the current events. The group draw closer to the caslte. LightFlare can see the castle entrance ahead. Looks like we're getting close. Lilith, do you see your destination ahead?
  4. Lol! Thanks, Edison. Yea...that was by design. I wanted to use chars from the game in the vidz. Once I seen the special intros, competitive AI and the special win poses I had to use them.
  5. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Doomsday Warrior [COMMENT] Sup guys? Went back to my low res roots with this one. Custom Doomsday Stage Pack. The got my trademark specs. Superjump, zoom, looped bgm, animations and parallax. Should work on 1.0 and 1.1 mugen. Maybe I'll keep this low res thing going for a while. Enjoy!
  6. That's right. We still don't know why you ended up here, Raina. And the fact that both of you vaguely remember working together but don't remember who you worked for is just as strange if not more so. In fact, we still haven't solved Penny's case either. Yet, I also get the feeling this is somehow connected to the creature we fought earlier. Do either of you remember Flandre?
  7. Dragonzards are super sweet! I a would've pegged you for more of a "Pika-mon" type, but that's cool. Actually...now that you mention home, I've been wondering about that. Are you ok? We're out having fun right now, but we still don't know how you're getting home. No argument here. So...Raina. How'd you meet your friends? @Dumanios
  8. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] It's Sandy... [COMMENT] Back atcha with another original stage thanks to the artwork of GDM. It has zoom, parallax, superjump and looped bgm. Click the link!
  9. Heh...you are just adorable. Ok, let's check it out. Despite all the chaos from before, Melina is relieved to spend a bit of quality time with her new "little sister." Not having any siblings of her own, she was secretly excited to hang out with the eager and bubbly Penelope. She thought this would be a good time to get to know her a bit more. She escorts Penny into the toy store... So Penny...you into toys much? Or are a collector of sorts? I played with dolls as a child too. But I soon traded "Barbara" Dolls for boxing gloves later on.
  10. Great! We'll split up and meet back here in a couple hours. Mel, keep an eye on Penny. I think that toy store might be giving her tunnel vision. Hahaha! After you, Lilith. I've got it all under control, Light. We'll see you guys later! Ready Penny?! @A person
  11. PREVIEW [DOWNLOAD] Stay in School [COMMENT] Wutz gud?! New original stage from ya boi. Inspired by ultra cool Rival Schools games, it comes with superjump, zoom, parallax, scale delta and looped bgm. Click that link, fam!
  12. Sure. I'll accompany you if you want. Mel and Penny are gonna hang out here anyway. LightFlare turns his attention to Raina, Flandre and Sasuke. How bout you guys?
  13. I guess I've become a bit numb to conflict. That sounds harsh, but I've seen so much battle. It's my job. It's my hobby. It's my life. But the reality that these creatures could drop out of literal thin air is fresh in my mind. It's like I said before we left...I'm just trying to relax for a change. It just seems that conflict follows me. Of course...I AM a fighter. So it comes with the territory. Light. You sound as if you actually don't want to fight anymore. You're gonna retire and take up knitting or something? Hahaha! You got jokes, huh? Heh...don't misunderstand me, Mel. I enjoy fighting. I just don't easily get rattled is my point. Alright. As long as you don't retire before I can get a piece of yah! Deal. So what do you guys wanna see first?
  14. That looks Incredible. I wonder what is holding the orbs up? Although if I had to guess...it's magic. Looking at the how this place has effectively combined modern mechanics with these medieval marvels, I'd say Darkflare isn't the only one who takes advantage of both. For sure, Light. Those thrift stores seem pretty cool, too. And that toy store is a adorable. I guess I'm not the only one who noticed. Hey, Penny! You wanna go to the toy store?
  15. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] ICHiBAAAAAN! [COMMENT] Oh look! Vegaz dropped another ring stage! And it's based on...Asuka 120?! That's right. This is my interpretation of Cathy Wilds' stage from Asuka 120% Burning Festival. I made it specifically for D4 Cathy by Azu. Stage has parallax, looped bgm, zoom and superjump. Enjoy!
  16. Thank you. Have a good day. LightFlare turns to the others informing them it was ok to leave. @A person @Darkflare @Dumanios Looks like we can head out! Sounds great! I'm ready to see what this city has to offer. The rustic feel leads me to believe there are some charming shops scattered about. Yeah. I can appreciate the architecture. From what we saw on the way, I'm sure we'll see some beautiful sights. And castle will be the icing on the cake. I'm actually excited. Been training and fighting so much I haven't stopped to relax in a while it seems. You really gotta relax more, Light. There's so much more to this world than conflict. Despite how much we've seen in the last day or two.... Indeed it is... LightFlare and Melina walk past the guards into the streets of Candor. With many marvellous sights, attractions and even potential dangers, they hope to enjoy their time in the new city. As they walk they would take notice to all their surroundings potentially interacting with the locals and any places of interest on their way to the castle.
  17. Adorable... Melina leads Penny over towards LightFlare. We have a party of seven...
  18. I'll be nice... LightFlare approaches one of the guards at the door, calling to them before he got too close so as not to startle the already tense soldiers. Excuse me, Sir. Me and my friends want to take a tour of your fine city. Are we allowed to leave? @A person
  19. The more the merrier. Ok...let's head out. Come on, Penny! Can't have you just hanging around a place like this by yourself, Lil Sis. As LightFlare heads toward the door, he encounters Darkflare. I know these guards are a bit of a pain, but try not to loose your patience. We don't need you splitting any of these guys in half or anything. Hahaha! But to be fair, this type of stress can be a bit much, even for you, Dark.
  20. Count me in! Alright, sounds like we have ourselves a proper party. Liltih you coming, too? Or are you on the clock? Ha..
  21. Ok...I'll cut you some slack for now. But you're gonna need to get on the ball, young lady. Hahaha! Well...guess we'll just take a tour of the city then... You girls wanna check out the castle? Sasuke, right? You can tag along too if you're into that. We can head towards it and check out a few sights along the way.
  22. She's gotta point, Penny. I had to learn the hard way that without focus, you'll never get stronger and you're bound to make mistake... ...as evidenced by that little "slip up" in my match against Lilith. But nobody's perfect I suppose. (Tourist trap. That gives me an idea...) The slums, huh? I'll keep that in mind. I was thinking...where could I score a Tourist Guide of some sort? I'm sure there are a couple places around here to do so.
  23. Having said their last goodbye's, at least till they meet again...Lucent, Awnalt and Umbra step through the portal. Anwalt stands on the other side smiling at Melina as the portal closes... Till next time, Walt...stay alive... Don't worry, Mel. Umbra's resourceful, Lucent's reliable...and Anwalt is to stubborn to die. Well...I guess we can take a tour of the city now. So, Penny. Was that festival you saw earlier still going? I guess if it was close to here they've probably already shut it down. LightFlare yells to Darkflare... Hey, Dark! Any idea what to do for fun in this city? Actually... Before Darkflare could answer, Light walks over to merchant girl from before who helped them with registration. Excuse me, young lady. I was hoping you had a few suggestions. Me and my friends would like to do a bit of sight seeing. @Darkflare
  24. Looks like we're going out then. Let's have a bit of fun. I could use a bit of down time, myself. Lucent, you guys coming right? Sure. We could...
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