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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] How ya doing, Mr Big? [COMMENT] Seems like all roads lead to a certain bald kingpin. No...not that one. I'm talking about Mr Big. Our next stop is Mr Big's factory. Keeping things basic with the 1.0 and adding parallax, zoom and scale delta with the 1.1 version. Sprites provided by OldGamer. Let's get it.
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Ninja Mullet [COMMENT] Our journey through Southtown continues. Next stop...the Airport. Time to to see what Eiji knows. 1.0....basic. 1.1...parallax and delta's. OldGamer supplied the sprites. I coded them. Have at it guys.
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Karnov? [COMMENT] And now let's take trip down to the docks. I heard Temjin knows something. Let's press'em! By now you know the 1.0 version is standard while the 1.1 adds zoom, zoom delta and parallax. OldGamer still supplying me with that source product so thank him for the sprite rips. Time to reup! Enjoy.
  4. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] So you really don't know Guile?! [COMMENT] We aren't done with Southtown yet! John knows something. So if we want to make him talk, we're gonna have to take him down on his on turf. The 1.0 keeps things basic, but the 1.1 version adds parallax, scaledelta and zoom. Thanks again to OldGamer for the original sprite rips. Enjoy.
  5. I like the new pixel art displays. I actually made a stage out of a ton of these including the one for the releases. Check out Reign of Kreations section in the House Choice Creators to see more. Enjoy!

  6. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] You're burning? You might wanna get that checked out, bro. [COMMENT] The crusade through Southtown continues. Next stop is Mickey's gym. The 1.0 has the basics and 1.1 adds the zoom and parallax. Thanks again to OldGamer for the sprite rips! Knuckle up and enjoy!
  7. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Oh wait...not the one from Tekken? [COMMENT} You know the drill. More Southtown mayhem. This time we visit the infamous Muai Thai boncer known as King at the Amusement Park. Grab the 1.0 verson for classic fun and the 1.1 for parallax and zoom delta. Enjoy!
  8. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] So you're not Vega's dad? [COMMENT] We take it to Chinatown again but to the streets this time where you encounter Lee. You know the deal. 1.0 is basic while 1.1 adds the scale delta and parallax. Click and profit.
  9. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] At the bar [COMMENT] Southtown is as dangerous as ever and this time where heading back to Mac's Bar... but we aren't even gonna make it inside this time. Jack is already ready to great you with open arms...so he can bear hug the life outta ya! The 1.0 version is standard while 1.1 adds zoom, scale delta and parallax. Knuckle up and click the link.
  10. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] STOP...ROBERT! [COMMENT] Hello, again. We're back in Southtown at the gym Yuri works out at. All the guys in the back fail to impress her as she has her eyes set on a certain ponytailed individual. The 1.0 version is standard and the 1.1 adds parallax, zoom and delta's. Click the link and work up a good sweat!
  11. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Pull up in da wip [COMMENT] I guess Ryo wasn't enough, so Yuri decided to pay a visit to her man. This is Robert's stage from Art of Fighting 2. The 1.0 version is standard of course, with the 1.1 version adding parallax, zoom, and deltas. Go easy on her Robert! Enjoy guys.
  12. I always seem to catch this one. Happy B day Lil Bro!

  13. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] No! I said I hung out WITH a horse...! [COMMENT] The sage continues. Southtown is still dangerous, and fighting is still art. So Yuri decides to train with Ryo at his horse stable to prepare for the what lies ahead. The 1.0 is simple but the 1.1 version adds some zoom, parallax and delta features. Knuckle up! It's time to train!
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Mr Karate...? [COMMENT] Looks like we've got Yuri back and all is well...but for how long? Better get back to training. Southtown is still a dangerous place and we must be prepared. What better place than the Kyokugen Dojo? What better teacher than Takuma Sakazaki?! The 1.0 version is standard with the 1.1 version adding camera zoom features, more delta's and some zoom delta on a few objects. Maybe this is it...or maybe the saga will continue. Only time will tell. Click the link and enjoy! Osu!
  15. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Unless you master "Haow-Ken", you can never beat me. [COMMENT] This is it. The final showdown. You journey to find Yuri has led you to, The Karate Gym. This is where you will face Mr. Karate. If you're playing on 1.0 it will include standard features. If your playing on 1.1, you will experience zoom, zoom delta and parallax. Use all your skills to defeat your final opponent and save Yuri! But is he really the enemy...?
  16. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] How ya doing Mr Biiiiig....!? [COMMENT] The 7th stage has arrived. And it's The Factory which is...the factory...that you encounter Mr. Big. But he's not the real boss?! The 1.0 stage is classic but the 1.1 version adds zoom, zoom delta and parallax. Looks like we got one more stop to find Yuri! Click that link and let's get her back!
  17. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] No...I'm not related to Guile in any way.. [COMMENT] Here we are at installment number 6. This is stage you encounter John on your quest to rescue Yuri. The 1.0 version is close to source while the 1.1 version adds zoom feature, parallax and scale delta(pay close attention to the crates). Now hurry and click the link! We have to save Yuri!
  18. Thanks bro! Glad to hear from ya. I'm still cranking out stages. Browsing Spriters Resource. Still see some of your stuff that needs converting. I might have to get to those soon. Lol!
  19. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Come on, Baby! [COMMENT] Back with the fifth stage from the infamous Art of Fighting for the Neo Geo. As usual, the 1.0 version is close to source, while the 1.1 version adds parallax, and zoom features. Click that link, yall!
  20. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Wait...you're a g...? [COMMENT] Comming atcha with the forth installment of this Art of Fighting extravaganza! This is restaurant where you encounter King. The 1.0 version is basic but the 1.1 version has zoom, zoomdelta and parallax. Click and profit.
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