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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Capcom vs SNK's Manga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    During the battle, Kyo helped Orochi to open a window of chance.......



    ...............the chance that could let Orochi get close to a weakened Gill.........



    ..........so close that Orochi made it easy giving up Chris' body...........and became the *you know who*.....




    wait...WHAT??? when did this CVS manga come out?? I have the actual ENTIRE manga book set of the SVC Chaos manga and i was blown away by it..(I think i have 12 issues of it i think).Bad ass art....the damn manga was way more entertaining to read and look through than the game itself lol


    so yo when did this CVS manga come out??

  2. On some serious shit though if a person feels that strongly that the MUGEN community is lacking then they need to jump in and create some NEW stuff themselves also....seriously...the more people contribute as creators the MORE content in variety we will have to enjoy. Everybody having the same ideas gets stale and corny fast so support and learn to create with your own vision 


    plain and simple.,.

  3. ? Yo wtf...thats some major fucked up shit man^^ In all seriousness i hope you pull through that. Im sure you will though in time, just stay focused and strong for your fam. I kinda know how it feels to be in that situation but i bounced back quick luckily. But damn, being without a place like that with your wife AND kid in the mix too is heavy smh...Good thing you still have a job and a GREAT friend though to help the situation a bit. thats a blessing so keep fighting....


    Good luck Ryon and you got my prayers also. This shit is bigger than mugen of course



  4. Yep. true point there. My thing is if both char counter parts are done well, playable but separate i dont see what the want for that mode is about so much. Its the same thing..Plus Im sure screwing with all those variables and other tricky codes are a headache for that kind of stuff. im tempted to try one day myself though just to see how far i can get.


    But anyway I was thinking the only way i can see that sorta mode being that worth having in there is if he has some sorta transformation rage bar to activate during the game at the bottom of the screen. you build it up. you activate it and then when its heated full you get to transform and do certain attacks (supers included) for certain period of time before he calms down again to normal from the blood rage. Almost kinda like Sol bad guy dragon install mode from Guilty gear i guess if you were going that route...


    wild idea but eh...thats how i would see that mode being that worth it...

  5. Just tried him out....Mean ass character version here. 


    Hes a fav of mines now right next to that marco you did a while back...(yes i like that marco that much)


    Nothing more you can do with this version to make it "better". I saw the comments at MFG....thats why i said that. some people want too much. what you did was on point and enough...props on that..


    well thats my lil feedback. ill try to stay in tune for any more bug fix updates. I'm watchin^^

  6. Oh it sure is my friend....I hate when it happens since i get so deep into building a character .But sometimes real life issues are unavoidable to the point where you dont have much time for anything else you enjoy. some weaker issues can be delayed to be dealt with later on but the major ones just have you off the radar for a long time...which in the end of course good old hobby mugen takes a back seat....


    so i feel ya man

  7. -The main thing for me these days is my back up lap top. my main one finally died on me some months back so that crippled my creating speed. Im still creating two new characters currently but since my old back up lap top is bad, old, slow. very little memory to download FX software and a busted fan that overheats at times and cuts off my pc (putting me at high risk to lose unsaved work) i cant create as fast as i was before. funny thing is now that ive gotten better at coding to move faster im in a shitty pc situation with horrible horrible speed now smdh


    -Coding AI with no issues later. I hate when i see dumb shit happening in my character i dont like. so i may spend weeks or hours just fixing it....the worse ones are illusive isolated bugs. it wont appear versus all characters but the scattered few it will and its always somebody finding it assuming you wanted it in there for dumb reasons lol smfh


    -Game play issues. these days in a certain secret 3rd character im working on its a lil rough getting his signature custom state triggers to work right entirely. im getting it more and more but looking at the source i can see i have my work cut out for me and i cant release it if the main core part of him isn't done right....


    well as title says,you should keep just one thing in your mind:

    -First : ARE you using original style to make original character?

    -Second : ARE you mixing something?

    -Third: ARE you editing something in that style?

    -Fourth: Your AI

    -Fifth: which programing are you using? winmugen or mugen 1.0?



    1) nah no set style. my own mix of different console based features and ideas of my own....
    2) Yes. Im always mixing. Things ive seen on console or something i thought would be cool to use from my own idea or possibly something cool i seen in another creator's character and just add my lil spin on it.
    3) No. its too much of a headache for me to edit another creator's character. If i do an edit its private and for fun for myself or a friend. Most ill do with editing stuff a sound effect. A visual effect and a slight sprite edit for movements i need. But..hmm then again yeah it is technically an edit of source game material since im using the sprites and not stuff of my own like Diepod creates in Original spriting designs if thats what you mean.
    4) AI? Aggressive combat style. Decent enough where it just doesnt sit there doing nothing. i try to aim for that as much as possible. AI is tricky at times to code. different methods to run by so im always learning better ways to code AI for a particular character im creating...
    5) Both winmugen & 1.0 mugen. i dont mind coding for winmugen first and then patch for 1.0 after. its my project so thats never an issue to me. Programs? i use all 3 for different reasons but i main classic FF for coding stuff more so.
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