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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Titanic.

    What pissed me off more about it is that's a chick flick. And I knew better than to see it. Stupid woman I was on date with wanted to see it.

    I'm too manly to watch stupid shit like that.


    lol hey man as long as it got ya the buns at the end of the night or some time THAT week its worth it lol

  2. @GuyZero: lmao i agree man. Im a huge 70s & 80s horror fan and yeah man i have the first Howling remastered on dvd. Classic. The rest are hot garbage. 



    @light: Yeah the best thing about that horrible movie was the special effects for Hulk and thats it Imo....


    Predator 2 was cool. But it was total bullsh*t to believe Dannie glover beating the predator that way lol

    Yeah so what i spoiled it lol



    next shitty movie on my list is....*trumpets play*



    X Men Origins: Wolverine


    Horrible...That whole thing with dead pool (and how they made him to be) just ruined its chances even more of me liking it just off the strength its about one of my top favorite super heroes -_- smh.

  3. I forget if anyone said this already but:

    Live action King of Fighters


    yeah it was mentioned. but thats ok and acceptable though. Its good to remind the public how shitty that movie was from another person



    another movie that was a waste of production was


    Nightmare on elm street (remake)

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