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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. oh lord those situations stink to get caught up in..smdh. Yo brock dont worry about that. usually when i hear about you behind the scenes youre trust worthy and folks speak positive about you anyway so dont feed into it. Its good you wanted to put that out there but only you know the truth and im sure you didnt do that as it seems leaking a character.


    Youll be ight man

  2. Yes it is I love it it's was my favorite Hard game.  :=D:


    lol yeah a friend of mine rented that game when we were kids back then. That game reminds me of the days of Alpha Mission.







    @DemonKai ...That looked familiar, though it reminds me of Star Fox in a way... Hmm.. Ganbare Goemon?



    Haha graphically i can see why it reminded you of star fox. But nah that was old Jumping flash for the PS1.




    Heres another one....


  3. 7seBwrv.png


    ha you'll never get this



    That's a hack game i believe right? a bunch of games in one? cant remember the game. anyway that one is something about milk and nuts.....the "milk" name in the screen shot gave it away




    so no one still guessed this one yet?


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