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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Yea, no kidding. A ton of those are beat em ups for sure(I think ALL of them are). If we keep motivation, I might pluck a few.

    Although, my bro has had a mixed bag regarding beat em ups. We used to play Simpsons and TMNT a lot in earlier years, but when I had him try Final Fight, he got bored of it.



    Yeah all are entirely beat em ups i listed. figured you want that more than the usual VS games since you said youd have a 1up on that over your brother


    Good. i see you dived into old Killer instinct series. well heres more for the mix.

    i added some VS games in there this time:


    -Rival schools

    -Fighters History Dynamite

    -Last Blade series

    -Samurai showdown series I-VI

    -Bad Dudes

    -Two crude dudes

    -Mortal Kombat I-III

    -Dragon Ball Z 1993

    -Dragon Ball Z 2 super Battle 1995

    -Star Gladiator

    -Street smarts

    -Waku Waku 7

    -Beastorizer (aka Bloody Roar)

    -Psychic Force 2012

    -Battle Arena Toshinden

    -KOF series

    -Street fighter series

    -AOF series

    -Double dragon series (1-3 & the VS game)

    -Contra (1 & super C)

    -Life Force

    -Fatal fury series

    -Slam masters (1 & 2)

    -Kazuna encounter (super tag battle)

    -Midnight Resistance

    -UN squadron

    -Aeo Fighters (aka sonic wings)1-3


    -Magic sword

    -Breakers Revenge

    -Cyper lip

    -Ninja Commando

    -King of the Monsters 2

    -Aggressors of dark Kombat

    -World Heroes series

    -CVS 1&2

    -SVC chaos



    To be continued.....

  2. I don't show teeth, cos I don't want my braces showing. >.<

    But... I'll think about it. lol.


    some braces are cute though. one of my female friends had them a long time ago but the ones she had was a certain type that didnt stand out Like she were bad guy Jaws from the 007 movie er somethin lol

  3. There is and always will be a huge variety of characters in mugen. Theres always new material. its whos paying attention to it or not. Its what you are limiting yourself to download my friend and where you are searching to find this stuff. 


    I havent downloaded a God or Orochi named character since 2007 seriously haha.


    Theres way more stuff out there not dealing with KOF or street fighter


    Have you ever tried out R@ce Batsu from Rival schools?


    Have you ever tried out Infinites Dr doom?


    you have to go out the box a bit more with mugen man, seriously^^ Expand your search methods in finding new mugen material when it comes to sites and forums thats all and youll be happier

  4. Anything by Michael Bay or M. Night Shyamalan.


    Damn thats harsh man haha... you didnt like AT LEAST Bad Boys or Armageddon?


    @ Ryouchi's comment:


    "Almost forgot. Anything by The Asylum are pretty much ridiculous shits. I mean after Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, they coming up with this Godzilla-mocking sequel: Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark"


    lmao! all this right here^^^ my god those movies reeeek of shit -_- smdh

    They should fire whoever gave that green light to show those movies on SYFY channel back to back like that





    Anything by Uwe Boll.


    Not all. theres a few flicks that were actually good but pretty fucked up to watch. Check out "Rampage" & "Attack on Darfur". "SEED" was actually ok too. hella violent and dark though. if you have a weak stomach for animal cruelty and people being starved to death and mutilated i think you should pass on it lol.....too graphic for some


    Blew my mind he did films like that. he makes shit video game based movies. He admits it. he says he doesnt care about those types of movies based on video games and its just a check.....now i see why LOL




    Another flick that was hot garbage was to me was


    Blood Rayne....

  5. I got a list you two can roll through.
    -Mutation Nation
    -Golden Axe series
    -Battle Circuit
    -Captain Commando
    -Final Fight
    -Cadillacs & dinosaurs
    -Forgotten worlds
    -Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
    -Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara
    -Altered Beast
    -Superman (yes the old two player one. Red and blue super man)
    -Ninja Gaiden
    -Spiderman (the old co op with Hawk eye, black cat and sub mariner)
    -Xmen (yeah the old one by Konami)
    -Battle toads
    -Karate Blazers
    -Michael jackson moon walker
    -Night slashers
    -The Punisher
    -Joe & mac (aka Caveman Ninjas)
    -Sengoku 3
    -GAIA CRUSADERS (This game was pretty cool. Plus youll come across some wild bosses..EVEN THE INCREDIBLE HULK)
    I have way more ill run by another time. i played a lot of beat em ups back then as a kid.
    As for whats totally on mame well i fell off knowing whats available for it or not. so the best i could do is give you and your bro a huge list you can run through and find gems to rock through.
  6. lol...


    well send that info. im curious what they talking on prices. i seen one before connected to a japanese site. If its cheaper than 50 thats a steal right there




    But Yeah thats actually a hot idea for MOTW terry though^^ i wouldnt be surprised if that same guy behind that terry figure does that one too one day. thats a good gem there to have

  7. lol I would but hes packed away in storage since i moved into this new place in 2012. i only kept a few figures with me since the place is way smaller than my last apt :(



    but anyway its this version here i have....this from an image i just found so u can at least see how it looks




    Im still THIRSTY to get that terry bogard by D-Art...great piece of work...that shit is like 55 bucks er so though in midtown comics i believe here in NY


    Its this one here.....im over due having this. Best version out there for a collector to have


  8. oh yes,.....Thats up there in that TOP 5 -_- smh.....i couldnt believe my friends spent money to see that shit...The fuckin SNES SF2 commercials were done better than that crap..i was home watchin the bootleg on VHS laughin my ass off that my cousin let me hold when they decided to go see that buffoonery lol



    The live action fist of the north star movie *facepalm* smdh

  9. lol yeah its pretty damn cool. you can put him in a lot of positions. nice piece of work. trust me it was MONTHS to a year before i finally gave in to even but him in that pose you see there....damn cool figure to prop up some where chillin. I have the Shin Akuma one too from that series^^

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