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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Update: concerning the video. I fixed the bug error you see happening as Terry deals the First big hit of the Big super. if you noticed Raiden vanishes for a split second. that was an error i was trying to fix. its a custom hit state. That First big hit is a Guard crush. So i fixed it properly now so that other characters dont vanish like that.


    I coded in a Cheap KO animation reaction state (thats the state of animation you see in p.o.t.s characters when they are blocking and die and they fall to their knees dramatically)


    An escape Grab animation state (like pots characters)


    Im trying to work on a Guard Crush animation state for my own character right now to react to enemys that have one


    If i get any luck i will code in a midnight bliss. ive always liked that effect in games and i am aware that some folks like that custom reaction in characters. so we will see on that....


    anyway i want this to be a fun and cool character all around in its own different way.



  2. The final move you made on that video.

    oh ok. yeh thats all video lag man. youll see the difference in speed once the character is on your lab top. Lets just say my 2nd lead in Beta testing since 2010 Lando gets front row seat of all the progress live wire^^

    well one last video folks....

    This is just a dose of the A.I. Read the description in the video of anything else. The Raiden kof 13's AI is no joke so dont sleep on that character. gameplay wise hes great and AI hes a beast. He beats my terry 50% of the time very close matches. its a back n forth thing. anyway i just posted that to show folks who were wondering if my coding progress on AI would get better...



  3. Good to know!

    Also that special is just epic.

    Seems to lag as hell


    Are you using Marvel FX or CVS?

    Is kinda hard to tell from what i see.

    Yeh Ryon pretty much answered the FX question. various FX from different games. A slew of em to bring out the energy in my character just right. None MVC serious though. mmm..maybe for that lil super jump effect i think. but thats it^^

    And what special are you talking about? That lag is the video recording. Anyway all i can tell you is the visual experience hands on is way better

  4. Sooooo........

    This was the Terry that i have seen multiple times around IMT/Crom......

    IMO, It seems he needs a some new sprites during transitions from attacking (Power Geyser mostly) to return to is Fighting Pose.

    But in all honest...


    Good luck bro.

    Thanks man. Yeh that stuff is pretty much in the bag already. actually that stance you see in the video is only happening because hes fully charged up. His regular stance switches back when hes not fully charged. He also will have an idle stance that happens when he stands there doing nothing too long. Theres A LOT i didnt show in that video lol

  5. well what up MFFA. as some of you know ive come a long way with that AT terry progress. Terry is one of my Favorite characters and through the process of learning how to code better more and more i get to pull off more stuff that i really wanted. This is a High octane character. I am trying to capture all the energy i watched in Animes. Anyway the first two betas i released were of course me just being cool and sharing what ive done so far. to show im trying to create, to learn more from some pro creators maybe and also show where im trying to go with Terry bogard. The original idea was to make him evil since i never saw that in mugen but i changed my mind once i saw certain results. Ive learned a lot more how FX work. How Attacks and AI work so with this final version that will be soon released youll see the results of that. Dont expect entirely the same thing you all saw in V2 to be in The final complete version which is Legendary wolf you see in the videos below. V1 & V2 were things that i could only pull off with my little knowledge of coding. Hell, im STILL learning. anyway heres a past video and the recent video i did. After the videos were done i always found things to fix and make look better. Im always tweaking at him (and yes Violent Ryo is being worked on at the same time) 2011 video (mainly focusing on the new EX moves i was brewing at the time)

    2012 Latest video (mainly showing off the new look of the Ultimate wolf power super)
    Certain supers & EX moves are very decent at this point but are not as perfect how i really want them to be. Im usually figuring stuff out on my own and i try not to bug and ask my code advisors unless i REALLY need the help. My thing im trying to master is Hit pauses n such. i got an 85% understanding of that now since Mr Infinite shared some knowledge a while back and i studied certain things of his and even Buckus. Im no hater, you can learn from anyone! Im aware users like moves to connect properly and sharp and thats how i want this terry (and all my chars) to be Gameplay wise. Basically like my Ex power slam field goal kick move. Its not complete yet. im actually trying to nail it as a Wall Bounce hit in a certain way. today i upgraded the move so you can catch an enemy on the way down out of the air with the grab like my EX power tackle does in a combo you saw. The ultimate wolf power got updated too as far as how certain FX visuals & zooms are. its a lot cleaner than that now... His AI is a good 90% solid IMO. hella agressive so please dont b*tch about that when hes released. I dont care who says what. i made em to be able to keep up with hella aggressive characters like Pots. Rajjaa. Buckus and even Homeboy Mr infinites. Great intertainment for videos CPU VS CPU. Thanks to A JAY JAY for the bogus Ryo vs my V2 non AI updated terry a hot while back. that was early stages of me trying hard at learning AI. Im glad he made that video cuz that only fueled me to make a even meaner AI lmao....THANKS JAY JAY! Ight enough of the Wall of GOD TEXT Peace MFFA
  6. Just to let the folks know, do understand that RYO XIII is still a beta and its incomplete so theres bugs everywhere. The character wont load into your mugen 1.0 unless the common1 state is changed back to how its supposed to be

    just open it up with fighter factory and look in the different state files under the authors name etc etc (Definition area) and just change what he put here "COMMON-REJY2505-KOFXIII.cns" to this here: common1.cns and then save it.

    If you dont do that your mugen will crash everytime. all the characters are like that

  7. lol thanks Alpyne brotha. Yeh i tried to get the game to start rockin but it wouldnt load up. kept saying it was missing some files. i would try to find my mame i got last year from a homie on line that i was playing Kid kuri and MJ moon walker arcade games on to see if the game works there but im too lazy to search through my external right now lol..... arent you supposed to put that file folder in the roms folder?

  8. The That high end Hien-Senppu-Kyaku i can work with since i was playing on giving him some air moves anyway...ill see how that works out in the lab. The elbow joint im on the fence with because it depends on my spriting and also if the coding flows sweet in visuals. we'll see on that. i already have 3 special upper cuts anyway already. But knowing my crazy ass im going to experiment with the elbow and see whats poppin at some point. I have that mark of the wolves game too burned for my dreamcast system. if im not too lazy i may start that old boy up and look at some references haha....

  9. lol yeh i know it took me eons to get here But yeh brotha some of intros will remain in tact. not all though. since ive learned to code better im leaving room for certain big intros. The session we had on that move hasnt been worked in yet. that will take some re tweaking and i have to feel everything out on how it may flow with the FX. im really particular about FX, sound and moves flowing together right. If it catches my eyes and ears then ill run with it. i dont know how many times ive done re tweaked something over because i found something better to run with lol Even those hit sparks you see in that video there aint even the same at this point. The sounds i redid are different or enhanced. But yeh send that sound my way and ill see if i can work with that and if it will fit into the equation. Thats whats up on the palettes too man. gotta see what have in mind. theres a few i saw in KOF i really want for my terry for sure. I dig that game but that net code is pretty bad smh...hopefully they patch that better and yeh indeed i know you dig that nostalgic Ninja warriors vibe on the BGM! :awesome (i peeped you got that first stage music in your sig of one of my favorite beat em ups on snes too lol)

  10. lol ight my dude ill take a trip back down to memory lane and remid myself what that uppercut looks like and see if i can fit that into the equation. its still early. I always liked Ryos stage in FF2 special on super famicom. that music was tough. As for the marco situation not sure what you mean on the history lesson there but ill look into it on that move

  11. Whats up MFFA crew. Yeh yeh i know.. i know, "what the hell happened with Awakened terry??". Nothing. hes still in the lab on the operating table having the implants and bionics put in right next to the table my Ryo version is stretched out on lol

    Nah but seriously though, i started working on my ryo version because i just want to get him started and i got these damn ideas in my head i need to get out. Well while im figuring out ways to better code this ryo im fixing better the issues i have with my terry at the same time. Plus because im a huge Ryo fan like i am a Terry fan. My ryo version will be just as dramatic as my terry. will they have a special intro vs each other? yes. will My Violent Ryo have just as many supers as my terry? nah doubt it. But he will have a lot.

    Anyway heres the latest...


    (and yes after i made the video i shortened the time needed to go into Idle the stance i sprited up. That stance will be coded for a different purpose later on though. im still trying to sprite edit his main stance)


    The theme of this ryo is a mix of all his moves from past games (well thats the goal i want in the end) and also his fathers Shin Mr Karate "big nose" special moves and some supers.

    If you notice ive givin him his fathers Shouran Kyaku (knee strikes). its something i always wanted him to have. Ryo never had that in any game.

    And yeh that music that came in during the intro is just something im fiddling with. i like having special intro music versus certain characters.

    eh anyway as progress goes on youll see what i mean over time.


  12. just now seeing these comments here peoples..

    yo got the version 2 beta currently and he is by far my favorite Terry Bogard out there man . He isn't cheap but he is powerful.I know you already planned how you are going to make him but i hope he turns out to be more combofiend you know deals damage a little at a time but does quick setups to aerial combo chain linking that sort of thing ...either way keep up the good work

    Thats whats up man. glad you got a lil kick out of that V2 beta so far. when you finally get a hold of the finished version youll definitely see more changes and better tweaks. yeh the combos are way tightened up this time in the current cut im trying to finish. I had to study a bit more things on combo coding. the AI is my main issue right now. i just want it to be decent and not buggy. hes hella agressive more than ever now but beatable. Chars like Mr infinites can tangle with him more so. Dont even think about using KFM or maybe even a pots char against him though lol. so expect that sort of vibe. you can say me and Mr infinite been feeding off each others energy behind the scenes in our own way. Hella high octane shit is what to expect.

    But anyway im putting my all into this Terry bro. 90% complete so far

    oh yeah thats right u and Alp are pretty tight, ..... yeah man were got some pretty down home type people here and we tend to run off the pricks before they do too much damage lol

    yeh bro Alpyne is a real cool cat man true story. If i didnt know any better i would have thought he grew up in my neighborhood lol But yeh he did some palettes for my Terry im running with for the final release. Pretty flavaful work at that man. As for the pricks yeh man keep those away man with that spray can. Im diggin yall keepin a chill spot here. the community needs more of that real talk.

    kai is in the MFFA building for sho!

  13. Whats up MFFA crew. Ive come long way. A couple of betas in the past just experimenting, Learning and finding my way. The video is fairly old but im still chipping at him (hes not cancelled) and even going through some changes with how i want him to be released in gameplay and visuals. Life & my job got progress at a slow pace now. By now some of you here know what to expect when hes finally released. Hes a very dramatic character edit and should be very amusing to Terry fans. A lot of ideas & passion have been poured into creating him. The more i learn new tricks to coding the better the final result will be....I already have it mapped out how i want him to be. heres the last video i uploaded last year

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