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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I


    Hi DemonKai,


    Your Terry Bogard is one of the best ones available in Mugen and I thoroughly enjoy seeing your matches with him.


    Quick question : will you ever do another character (Legendary *insert character here*) ? Or is Terry the one and only combatant who came from your skillful hands?




    Hey winmugen11. Thanks for the comment and glad to hear you enjoy the A.I. battle videos 


    Unfortunately no i wont make another legendary named character. But there will be two more characters i will do in the same high octane way though. one in the works currently from CVS series and one from a certain anime ill leave as a surprise much later. and no its not DBZ







  2. and btw this is one of my favorite "Boss syndrome" geese howard characters out there


    comments in the video are just poking fun at the A.I. battle entirely. video is fairly old though

    hope folks didnt forget about this Badass geese version^^


    play against that geese.....


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