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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. listen first off i apologized to the kid. im the bigger man on that. im seeing all the comments and pretty much i see no one really knows what pissed me off. when i realized what was going on i took a step back investigated. the option to show the hit boxes on i wasnt too familiar with. in THE AIR FILE the boxes look ten times smaller than what it actually shows in huge size on the game play screen. THATS A FACT. no matter how small you shrink those hit box sizes it will look huge. To a person like me who wasnt hip to that option YES THATS HOW I TOOK IT. and the fact is he had to tweak down my damage in the character which i clearly saw in the video made it even worse. THAT WAS POINT ONE. Its still editing another person character no matter if its damage. one simple FX or sound..his lil argument meant squat after that.


    after a while i laughed at the issue but i saw him post another video of his friend fighting my terry and my terrys win states where clearly SCREWED UP and  changed i clearly took it as troll attack from certain group and hes just at IMT postin and postin to start somethin. And of course Me being hot headed should have been calm about it from the gate. but i fell into the trap. it was already put out there he was on some raid to do that to folks....


    but whatever back to this so called help and me not taking feed back nonsense. there were a number of people who came in my thread giving feed back and i was listenin to everyone...if you dont want to see the facts with the character updates then you will keep on assuming kai was just gettin pissed and not listenin.  A LOT of sh*t got fixed once i got the @sshole to post more videos like he did VS KFM.


    YOU SEE..the very first video i wasnt aware of. it was there to bash the character in his own lame way to point out flaws...When the tech vids came that you guys are suckin him off of THATS BECAUSE ME AND HIM BUMPED HEADS. HE WASNT GONNA DO THAT AT FIRST. it was just gonna be that one video of Grant veresus my terry with that lil girl and thats it. he Threatened to make more and i said GO HEAD!! that dont scare me,.,,




    when i seen how that first hit box video with KFM in it came out i laughed my ass off. i even told him to make another one (sarcastically) "YOU FORGOT THE HIDDEN SUPER"...DF says "you gave him 15 F*ckin supers??!"...i laughed again i said YUP!


    if youre gonna troll AT LEAST do it right!



    my thing with this whole mugen thing and feedback is like this. If you are going to give feedback DO IT DIRECT. im not gonna post some video else where OTHER THAN THE PERSONS THREAD WHERE HE CANT SEE. and then call it feedback. thats NOT f*ckin feed back man. BC of mugen evolution can even tell you that. he would post tech pics and everything else with a clear way or option of advice to fix the issue...stop acting like all of a sudden yall slow. i dont know DF from a hole in a wall and all the creators and tech heads i know in mugen dont do that kind of lame crap.



    i hate when a bunch of people side up with some one like everybody else stupid er somethin. it doesnt bother me  some folks dont like what i created, its a lot of folks stuff i dont like either. THATS A WHOLE LOT..but that doesnt make it acceptable for me to be an @sshole about it.


    Thats real talk

  2. only thing ive learned  in the end is to ignore Trolls and use em


    It still doesnt make me respect them though.


    Lets put it like this. i once thought long ago that cyanide was harsh with feedback at MFG but in the end i realized he was the only one really giving actual ways to fix the issues he saw wrong instead of b*tch talk like the others were doing to folks. meaning coding tips and all that. I actually LEARNED something. i respect the dude's ways of giving feedback because he can give me a straight answer. all business no BS. all about coding and thats it. he knows his stuff^^


    and for those who read wrong im not saying cyanide is a troll..no,.im saying thats a GREAT example of real feedback.




    for the last word...if i wanted to i could make a sh*t load of videos of a lot of folks characters and stages saying "what i dont like" & "whats wrong". Thats easy^^ 


    I could have been doing that since 2006....no one is perfect. you look for whos actually getting better out there and not getting worse at it. You can never please the entire mugen community even if you do it ALL right. somebody is either going to hate or find something wrong regardless.



    but anyway i digress...i analyzed that situation and been moved on

  3. cool vid



    The site link has been updated twice since the "final" update. fixes? the ultimate whirl wind first initial hit bounces you into him like ryus hurricane kick. something i forgot to fix. plus he blocks way more now and he parries effectively, there was a bug before where he parries high at random while hes parring low hits. thats fixed. and his roll dodge are fixed. i forgot to adjust that situation in his AI. now thats fixed


    whenever you are ready to make another video thats waits in stored



    on a side note that old video you made years ago with my V2 terry gettin wrecked by that ryo vacuum punch made me step my game up high on AI coding..

  4. The site is updated with the link now. Check the first page for my site. Be sure to be mindful of my update dates. dont mix and old update with the new one.
    1) The standing power kick (weak kick & medium kick) has been fixed so that it doesnt juggle bad like the launcher hits.
    2) The lvl2 maximum attack super has been nerfed down so that you can at least hit right after the assault it is over much faster. not much invincibility time after he cools down from rush in of hits.
    3) The KOF 12 critical counter has been refined again. i realized after i fixed the juggle issue with heavy punch and kick launchers the critical counter became buggy. so now its a matter of hitting a different set of buttons (read the move list for more details). For example instead of stead of triggering the feature with HEAVY punch close (the upper cut) or the close HEAVY kick (high kick) you now can hit a standing medium punch. thats one new way. and then you can button mash an chain into certain supers.
    4) Terrys EX power wave voice has been changed around
    5) The lvl 1 Live wire power geyser has been refined again to Juggle much better properly
    6) Lastly, the AI? all i can say is i will be posting a lot of random AI combat (watch mode) videos and me playing against terry just to show how unbroken he is (he can be beat) and to show the better update of the AI i coded in him so that hes way more responsive and defensive. Thats all i can do with AI entirely at this point. i will do no more with this character. "BEWARE OF THE TWO PIECE SET UP"  :=D:
    That AI issue where he doesnt parry low as much is totally fixed now. i had to adjust some variables so that he totally utilizes ALL is defenses. There was something about AI coding i kept dropping the ball on and now i finally got it  And also ive shortened the display name to Legendary Terry Bogard
    have fun folks & thanks for the support!
  5. The final patch updates have been done, im just looking it over personally before i update the link today
    1) I refined the the entire AI helper. hes a bit better on defense and that parry situation (if it was an AI issue) should
    be fixed since i used a particular new solid AI method. No more i can and will do with that AI
    2) His lvl 1 over shift buster wolf. CAN BE hit at the start of the rush in. AND at the end hes left wide open for an assault once youve blocked the full on assault. ive tested this my self 3 times using pots shingouki against him. i punished him after i blocked everything using a super dragon punch. if you cant do that then its your game play skill folks. step it up! 
    3)the small icon for the portrait at the select screen has been re sized properly and now it looks clean cut. i had to crop it a good 3 more times to get it right
    4) LVL4 Ultimate whirlwind punch is much more effective off the start. as i said in a past post HES NOT invincible during initial charging stance of wind. HIT BOXES have been re sized smaller so you have to be closer AND you can hit him out of that. You miss the chance youre screwed. so on that note ill like to add that now his first hit works like ryus hurricane kick. if open hit is successful instead of bouncing away the enemy he bounces them in, just right so that he can engulf them into the full on assault.
    Thats pretty much it. im already working on my next project. Remember to always go to the source link for the updates of my terry if you are enjoying him.
  6. @SXVaros:


    Thanks for the honest feedback. yeh you got him just in time after i removed the minor infinites. that was with the lvl 1 power geyser juggle and the Air launchers. i looked at one of don dragos vids on bad MVC style coding and fixed it. i thought reza had a juggle like that too but i was wrong. it was someone else^^  juggles needed to be scrapped. damage toned down in some areas and adjustment in a better way on what should not should be invincible in combat.  that was all the main problems. all thats left is for me to tweak his AI aggressor as it was in V2. ill leave that as the last thing to patch.





    You already know what time it is!





    The sounds are the heaviest part. all of them serve a purpose. The FX come second. so thats why hes so heavy. haha don drago said he was 110MB..smh im like cmon man dont exaggerate shit lol. But yeh it depends on what characters you like. if you liked infinites stuff then yeh, if you liked those wild spec ops characters back then then yeh you might like em.




    -ALL supers are balanced a bit better. lvl 1 and 2 supers can get hit out of action. no invincible factors. only level 2 maximum burn knuckle has a slight advantage. Damages are toned down also. not a lot but a bit more. remember the theme of this terry, hes a maxed version of mines. so im not gonna dumb em down much


    -Most lvl 3 supers are toned down in damage.


    -The geyser quake has no invincibility at the start. only at the end when he gets a shot to strike the ground. thats for a few moments


    -more hit boxes removed and resized a bit smaller. i wont go crazy with that because as i said before with the CSLN viewer 2 on the boxes it makes them look way bigger than what they are in AIR section. so i focused more on hit damage and block damage to tone down more instead. You can block all supers or dodge them, only one you can not block is the utimate wolf power. he breaks your guard. its intentional. Thats a level 4 move anyway


    -Ultimate whirl wind punch hit boxes on initial start is smaller. you have to be a bit closer to the gust of wind around to trigger his full on attack. The spinning attack hit boxes are resized smaller. hits still do the job though. chip damage i toned down a taste


    -ALL specials can not break trough projectiles. with the version you guys have now you can do that. it was a horrible mistake. i didnt pay much attention to those hit ATT rules lol now i see why certain code accuracy freaks were trippin. only specials that can break through are the power waves since its for the ground and almost all projectiles pass over it anyway


    -Not that much invulnerability to rising tackle. severe up close but do have a shot of catching him out of it.


    -ALL EX moves are nerfed properly so they cant break through projectiles, only ones that can do that are the AIR & Ground EX burn knuckle. I did it like that since those moves take power and you cant abuse it. so thats fair


    -EX moves can pass by but not for very long.


    -weak power wave is now the ground wave. short burst blast like vyns. same knock down effect


    -AI slightly re done a pinch of V3 AI And tossed a trigger of V2s old AI aggressor in there. thats the last thing ill stab at a bit and that will be the last patch. im playing on ramping up his AI. just a taste.


    all this is done already. ill be updating the link sometime later




    A reminder on his features thats already there:


    to see certain win states. intros and lose states have him versus these characters:

    Pots Geese

    Pots Vea

    Infinites Krauser

    All Ryus

    Infinites billy Kane

    Vyns ken (aka violent ken)

    some of the capcom & snk women like mai, blue mary, chu li, lilith, Yuri & infinites B jenet

    Rock howard (use wara's rock)

    shin akuma by pots

    Asura By buckus

    Raiden by (^o^) 


    other terrys






    Different sounds (even in combat). intros. wins etc will happen versus those characters and a few others not mentioned 

  7. Way to step up to the plate and push your limits. You took that video and used it as a blueprint to make improvements. Well done....


    yeh pretty much man. im pretty sure you heard the story^^ but i flipped it all around. more under dog creators got inspired by me and the videos just helped my AWAKENED THEME GET BETTER lol....sorry trolls out there that sh*t dont work on kai!


    @squatch812: thanks on the FX. if i knew how to hi res better i could done much more in quality. thats an area im trying to perfect too. i want to get into creating my own original hi res hit sparks and aura effects, i can sorta do it now but its not high quality. needs practice




    Theres more upates comin. just two more and thats it.


    -Next targets are to nerf certain low level supers so they cant take out other supers as you see most of em do. So im keeping the high level ones like that for that BOSS vibe but the low level ones are getting toned down of that. Im going to try


    -the specials you see breaking through certain attacks will get nerfed also of that advantage but the EX moves wont since they use power and you cant keep doing them the whole time. so i think thats fair for this character's theme and i will be adjusting more hit boxes



    and do understand something. im not making my hit boxes crazy small either. i notice that the debug mode makes certain boxes look ridiculous in size even though i shrunk em down hella small anyway. so im not going crazy with that. however i did instead is tweak the hit and block damage down. Terry has a arsenal of moves and he can chain his ass off and cancel most attacks so that shouldnt be a big loss on the damage.


    ight later folks

  8. ok terry has been updated at my site. check the first page
    -lvl 1 power geyser doesnt juggle anymore. axis on blast & bounce adjusted
    -launchers geyser punch & kick DONT juggle anymore. one pop up each. you miss the rave you fail. no infinites
    -Elbow juggle from dons vid seems to be fixed now. you really have to work hard to do that. but eh anyway i couldnt do that on dons geese howard when i fought him so i guess that elbow ta death BS is over
    -power waves dont continue to hit enemies that are in a lie down state. all waves pass through
    -EX power wave on hits lie down state enemies (temporary. i may change it)
    -hit boxes adjusted much smaller on ultimate whirlwind punch. (still under observation)
    -hit boxes adjusted a bit smaller on ultimate wolf power
    -hit boxes adjusted on super geyser quake on body. as for the ground? that stays. that move is
    intended to stun and shake an enemy down to their feet for that anime realism and action
    -lvl 1 overshift buster wolf open damage and block damage are cut down
    -lvl 3 buster wolf blast damage is cut down
    - rising tackle damage cut down
    -crack shoot damage cut down
    -EX barbarian triple power slam damage is cut down
    -perfect win state themes changed, sorry i decided to roll with the SNK win theme.
    there will be more stuff. a good two more updates in fixes and im moving on
    and please understand i made this for winmugen. i usually have the difficulty on the highest.
    Im getting mix reviews on the AI so i may or may not ramp him up more. but we will see in a couple weeks'
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