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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. -Money issue- lost my job due to a health issue. i was a temp. i had two jobs actually. But ill be fine. im well taken care of. I just want this new damn lap top. this shitty old slow one i have now has to go! But eh ill have a new gig fairly soon....its just rough snagging one now. good thing i have my un employment. I always bounce back anyway eventually


    -Health issue-had surgery last year in march. It changed some things in my life but im a warrior. im getting strong again. last summer was great progress since i came home from the hospital from being in there from 14 days. i worked out all summer since late june. But still i can never be the same guy i was before. thats just the reality i have to deal with


    Real life comes first and all hobbies come last in reality. i might be older than some of you here but mugen. video games. movies. good friends and my girl friend (soon to be wife) keep my mind off those things that are real issues to me. I hate stressin. I may deal with real life issues first but i wont let it beat me down


    For the guys here who let school bother you....dont...ive been there. Ive been bullied before up until the 5th grade but 6th grade and beyond i was the worse guy you didnt want to pick on. it took my uncle and cousin and just sheer anger to break out of that...i dont like to promote violence but im all about standing up for yourself psychically or verbally. If you dont know how to fight then take some classes. Boxing. MMA. karate etc. trust me it helps. for those that dont believe in fighting then use your intelligence and wits....you will be surprised how words make a bully look stupid and small...and confused enough to leave you alone lol


    Just dont let the world beat you up.....Thats not living^^

  2. Post all as you find even your own stuff you did if you want. this is good for Knowledge. Post from old and new games. Youd be surprised at what you didnt know or forgot about......or for that matter may find cool to watch in general....



    Ill set it off with this....I have yet to play the game but i love the way it looks



    (Dat laugh though! lol)


  3. hmm interesting....hope he has a mean AI....



    and damn....i was hoping that kyo in the sig was a release but it aint




    ight im back...ehem,,,




    My honest opinion on the character edit is i like it a lot. i like the concept. That intro with geese spirit in the intro reminded me of the same thing i did with my old demon terry bogard beta ages lol...But anyway yeah its not high octane way out there like i usually like my mugen characters edits but its cool enough to use in combat. only thing that bothers me a bit are two things


    1) when he blocks in the air at times his animation is this

    Posted Image



    I found that to look pretty awkward. I didnt open him up in FF and all that cuz the creator can do that himself but my guess is IF its a code issue you should fix it if you can. if its a sprite frame thing then eh a lil simple franken spriting is all thats needed to make his air block look better. i usually do it for myself with gimp for my own characters if they dont have certain lil animations. but if you dont then eh whatever i aint trippin. its a lil thing nothing serious


    2) the A.I. i love a beasty AI or very aggressive. This Rock can use that tune up.

    i can see the potential but hes a bit weak in that area


    Other than that its another Rock i have that i dont have to delete. I have only two and this is the second one. so all i need now is T pans  :=D:



    Thanks for sharing man

  4. Yo Kai, that was trill homie. You're a true fighter man. I knew you was a real OG. That's the best list I've seen yet. It's almost exactly like mine. I don't own all off them currently, but Ive owned/played them at some point. Tip: Don't lend out your games! :yaoming:


    lol yes... Kai is one of those old arcade dogs in the room still left lol....The days of when you had to deal with a fighting game AS IS with all the glitches or cheap shit it had to offer. Like CPU SF2 guiles damn there NON CHARGE razor kick. Or Zangief's ridiculous grab reach along with T hawk. I remember all that shit man. I hated it but it just gave me way more skills to deal with wanna be cheap human opponents. i played every fighting on level 8.....fun times. Only thing thats different with me now is i dont have that intense passion to win like i used to. If i did id definitely go to Evo and challenge guys like Gootecks and Justin wong and others....My anger is my best asset. i used to get pissed and clean house every time back then lol My peoples used to love seeing that happen


    But as for lending games naah Boi lol i learned the hard way with fam and friends. i lost some damn good classics that way smdh lol

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfFfDiNeTgI


    Well this dates back to the 80s my friend.....


    Double dragon set it off for me on beat em ups on NES (DAT VS MODE) and at the arcades. That was the days of Karate champ and street smarts at the arcade. But when

    fighting street came out that grabbed my attention. Ive always been into martial arts. bruce lee. going to classes with my cousin and having my uncle teach me how to fight and also Wu su. So fighting games and kung fu movies period was my thing man. still is. Things didnt get seriously deep until Street fighter 2 coming out. I used to play it at a local arcade back in the day in my old hood in Brooklyn bedstuy. it was called DOTS arcade. Me and chris rock were from the same neighborhood. he was much older though. I loved that spot. from then on when i got into HS it was a rap because i started going to chinatown a lot then. especially since i was working after school. i spent most of my time out there at the classic China town fair arcade. thats where you got ya game up at in fighting games. If i didnt feel like going there then man i was all over time square. that was the days of XMEN COTA. Killer instinct, Rival schools, SSF, SF VS XMEN & MSH....yeah kai is an oldschool gamer. put ya quarter up for next on the side of the machine and all that lol man i miss the old manhattan for that...yeh it was lil rough back then cuz ya had to slap a clown up acting tough at the arcades at times or run cuz a shoot out happened. but you did gain some rep in fighting games and holding your own. if you didnt youd def be getting robbed of turns and money^^


    Epic memory of me beating some one in a game at the arcades was in 1994 when KOF 94 came out. i was in canarsie with my friends at this spot fairy land. this local kid was whippin everybody and boastin. i was still fresh to it but i used to buy a lot of EGM mags so i was studying the KOF 94 moves and supers section before i got there lol Man i beat that dude with that last minute desperation super in the air with with kim kap with both of our energy low last round and everybody went crazy!! it was like i saved the day lol Dude was pissed but he still gave props for throwing down..My adrenaline was STILL pumpin after it was over..Hella rush bro haha later the CPU Rugal whipped my ass though lol Ive been a fan of that boss character ever since..


    But when street fighter 2 series started hitting consoles i really started playing video games at home more. i loved my snes. If i didnt feel like being home id be just chillin with a bunch of friends at someones house. Especially when one of my friends got NEO GEO. Kicked each others ass and showing off new combos all day on different games and consoles. Somebody had a system all the time. we would play till one of our parents got tired of it and kicked us out and then we go to the next house LOL


    Its was basketball, parties with chicks from school. Drawing. Anime and Fighting games. thats all it was during my years of HS


    So with that said ill share with you some titles i have for different systems old and new i still have over the years. systems: PS1-PS3 (Modded ones also). XBOX G1 (2. one modded), 360 (2. one modded). Sega Dreamcast (2 one jap). Sega saturn. And yes i have other old systems too and some hand helds..I always stayed with a decent job so i used to always buy the latest shit^^




    Street fighter III 3rd strike
    Street fighter W impact
    CVS 1 & CVS 2 (import)
    SVC chaos (on G1xbx)
    Rival schools (Import)
    T VS C (import)
    SF EX Series (Except 3)
    Blaze blue
    Skull girls
    SS 7
    Bloody Roar 1 & 2 imports (3 emulated on my modded G1 xbox)
    Tekken 3, tekken 6, tekken revolution
    Entire DOA series
    Soul edge and almost the whole soul calibur series except III & the latest online
    Guilty Gear 1 (import)
    GGXX (US)
    GGXX AC (Import)
    Fist of the north star import PS2
    Rumble fish (import)
    Arcana hearts 2 (Import)
    Jojos bizzare adv (import dreamcast)......I still gotta get that all star battle
    SF collections PS1
    SFA 1 & 2 ps1 imports
    SF X T (on both systems) I was at the capcom fight club in manhattan too those years ago before release and test played that and MVC3
    MVC2 (G1 xbx)
    SF4 & SSF4
    SNES TMNT tournament fighters, SF2 turbo (and a some imports like Yuyu Hakusho 2, DBZ 3 & HD)
    KOF 2000
    KOF 2002
    KOF 2003
    KOF XIII (both systems)
    Battle collesium
    Last Blade
    Bushido Blade
    Wild Ambition (Import)
    DBZ games.even on DS
    A lot of beat em ups....yes...urban reign and Fist of the north star kens rage 1 & 2 also
    a shit load more of fighters but im too tired to keep naming....I had others too which i dont anymore
    WELL Thats my history and knowledge for ya. old Kai is the stubborn old gamer stuck in time of 2D games. The arcades. Funco land tournaments and XBAND online....lol do you remember that online 90s gaming device?
    ...great times remembering after school..or cutting at times lol

  6. [state 200, ƒqƒbƒg’è‹`]
    type = HitDef
    trigger1 = AnimElemTime(14) = 0
    attr = S, NA ;—§‚¿’Êí‘ÅŒ‚iStanding, Normal Attackj
    damage = 75,25<-----you see where that 25 is? just keep raising and raising the number until you see it taking the damage you want^^
    animtype = medium
    guardflag = HA
    hitflag = MAFD
    priority = 5,Hit
    pausetime = 6,6
    sparkno = s201
    sparkxy = 0,-50
    hitsound = s200,1
    guardsound = 6,0
    ground.type = High
    ground.slidetime = 15
    ground.hittime  = 15
    ground.velocity = -5
    airguard.velocity = -3,-1
    air.type = High
    air.velocity = -3,-2
    getpower = 100,50
  7. ||One creator showed me he turned into an asshole over the years that i looked up too so i wont mention him now||


    but anyway...


    Creators i looked up to for either their AI coding methods or just creative ideas period that motivated me to create:









    People in the community that i respect how they move the community and support the mugen movement:


    Cyanide (because hes all business about coding. you ask a question and he just answers. no BS)

    Lando (positive energy and the birth of the CROM)



    Theres others but those are the mains i looked up to as far as coding goes and moving and supporting the community

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