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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. squatch812: hmm wow thats such an interesting thing to see you say V2 AI seemed to be way better,
    There were folks that said V2 AI wasnt tame enough haha. But yeh he was made for winmugen. im still learning and winmugen AI and 1.0 AI react a bit different. try him in winmugen. i only use him or watch him in that. basically i toned him down in aggressiveness since V2 because some folks said his AI was too harsh. so its like damned if i do damned if i dont lol Anyway i will work at some things and see what i can do. Im glad you like the features so far. keep testing him versus different characters. or in watch mode. Infinites. buckus. pots. vyn. wara or even rajjaa boy. a lot of the AI combat is intense at times. vs a human? yeh i toned him down on purpose
    Laharl: some of the fixes are there but i didnt update my source DL yet. And no offense to you man But i made DF make those videos. he wasnt at first until we bumped heads (long story) so after i saw how cool the first one was i told him to make more. They actually helped since i never used my FF with that debug option on to build my characters boxes. so im aware of it and i been fixing somethings when it comes to the boxes which i already have since the first tech vid. ive been stabbin at that stuff but im not perfect and im not going crazy with it. But dont ignore the fact i dont have a bunch of bad bugs on the screen. i did that perfect at least. so im gettin there ;)
    The FX stay. thats personal preference. a lot of folks such as i love it. you dont and thats cool and i respect that seriously. 
    The don video. well although he could have came to me personally in my thread and showed me the ropes on some stuff, i looked the video over and fixed the juggles and some other stuff anyway. Im working on more kinks but thats a hit or miss. theres other stuff i can debate about in that video but the major point is yeah the juggle issues are stabbed at already. old subject
    Cool man just hit me up when ever ya ready!
  2. DzkxCdY.gifIbmGnaA.gif5oV4UbM.gifhgJVTNZ.gif







    OWW good lookin out man. these look flavaful!




    I remember downloading this guy about 3 years ago. He's come a long way. Congratulations, bro.


    Thanks man!




    *Trash away the other Terrys....*

    Now to abuse of is powah.


    lol abuse the powah away... thats what this version is for !!





    and folks i want to say this character isnt supposed to be to the T capom and snk coding perfect. i dont care to do that. its all about fun. if you like wild characters as this type then its for you. if not then it would be wise to avoid the download. its not a tame version like most terry versions

  3. Thanks for the input phantom blood. ill take note of this for a future one time patch if i decided to go 1.0. My sprite talents arent that strong yet so the dark outlines issue couldnt be helped. I just ran with what i had


    Palette maker? oh hell yes i do need that. im not good at that. if someone offered at this point to do some slick ones since hes released now then that would be great!

  4. Congrats on the release my dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and thanks for letting me put mr. bogard through the paces throughtout the movement as well. definitely a keeper in my roster!!!

    Thanks Bruh, and mahor props to you and the team testing him majorly behind the scenes......now..haha time for Ryo!! ill send you that beta sometime soon man.....



    cool man, glad to see u finally got him released 

    Thanks Brock...lord its been a long freakin road man..i want to get into stages like you too. and i have made some already but one thing at a time lol

  5. I saw your question and Ryon answered totally wrong. Plus his comment came off a lil offensive like i took a already made terry and patched the hell out of him. that in turn made you say "I figured that just curious, as which he used pots or Wara". Which i took like you believe that nonsense with him smh heh


    Anyway im past and over it and in no way form or fashion i edited over VYNS char wara or MF. what you will notice i have sprites from ALL CVS terrys including the ones i edited on my own entirely which is a lot. original sounds and even some custom FX.


    to set the record straight with V2 Vyn let me use his FX from his terry no problem. he didnt care. so thats probably why ryon thinks that for whatever reason. Vyn was cool about it. Long ago i used to ask him coding tips because i was gonna combine some cool tech styles in ways that he did for his chars and stuff pots did for his and what REZA did for his MVC style chars for air combos. i was studying everybody stuff for a long time and just learning on my own and going to MFG askin lil questions and looking at codes and learnin everything on my own.



    Sabaki was the main guy and the first that got me into spotting bugs on screen. he was my first tester. he volunteered around V2. he saw my potential and wanted to help as a tester. and hes been loyal ever since. so when you guys download terry you WONT SEE ANY BUGS ON THE SCREEN IN DEBUG


    thats it in a nut shell...






    You can still get him at Crusaders cast (the former CVG). in the hosted downloads section....dont expect the same thing you saw before in that version when V3 drops. totally different versions and quality. That AI is busted in V2 also...some times i wish i never put out those betas and just waited but eh whatever. you will see the difference

  6. no he didnt. its a edit of another Terry. which he is editing to hell.


    Ryon...you are too old to be that slow man...You do know BC tested my V3 way back early in the stages when he had no moves at all but just basic attacks that were chainable right? Im not sure whats your issue with me but you sound like a hater. i learn fast and i restarted this character 3 times V1 V2 V3


    oh and im curious what terry out there do you think i edited? i need to see this so all my beta testers can laugh. cut it out man you dont have a clue and its disappointing to see you come off like that reppin for MFFA, i thought you were a experienced coder and can tell since V1 & V2 betas?,,,,,guess not smdh


    No way its gonna take me freakin 4 damn years just to edit something thats ALREADY created and finally get it right in 2013??...unless you STILL forgot how quick the process to edit an already made char is seeing how Infinite and r@ce patch the hell out of characters ALREADY MADE and release a slew in days?....smh eh it doesnt matter release day is friday and all the haters will shut up then *shrugs*


    This is great but question did u build this from the ground up ?


    yes i did, MAJORLY. i edited my own sprites. a shit load. you want to know how i started?

    1) watchin Uroz creating videos & watching BC (Bovery) videos from 2008-2009

    2) taking adivce FROM VYN HIMSELF & REZA & SABAKI (IMT) & SCAR & FallenAngel & Cyanide....its called "learning" man

    3) VYN told me long ago to do what he did...look at pots codes and see what he did and apply to your own the best way you can. REZA (who i am on XBOXLIVE with) said look at my character to see how to do MVC style combos. MR INFINITE looked at my terrry V3 (behind the scenes) and gave me a tip on how to make my hit pauses better

    4) SHINRA358 been one of my beta testers for YEARS. anything complex i want to figure out he was there to help

    5) TRIAL AND FREAKIN ERROR. i restarted this character from scratch 3 damn times and this is why everyone wants to finally see me release this character, ive come a long way. you dont have a clue man. you really dont....




    I figured that just curious, as which he used pots or Wara


    worst thing you can do is "figure" somethin by assuming. You do know pots DONT HAVE A TERRY? and have you seen Warusaki3 terry?? you DO know his terry doesnt have a duffle bag intro right?Warusaki3 would laugh his ass off because HE as an EXPERIENCED creator would automatically tell if i edited his character..... the best thing like danny said is WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY. dont make waves with another creator. thinking a creator stole another character. Its an insult. thats like me knowing how far VYN came with creating and knowing he started with that 3rd strike evil ryu and stepped up to those other characters and then turn around and say "nah he took Mr fongs terry and edited him"


    thats a huge no no man....dont assume stuff especially if you wasnt a beta tester of mine...just sayin

  7. Wonderful ! Question : possible pallet terry xiii same terry awakened v3 ? ? Sorry my english !


    hmm i guess you mean will there be any KOF XIII colors in Terry? yes there is one. im not that good with slick pallets so i couldnt do the ones i really liked from that game. eh maybe someone will volunteer to do some for me after release i guess

  8. Well this is the final week folks...my pc as usual lags my video recorders so i wont have a decent and smooth running showcase vid until after release sometime hopefully...but heres a dose of some new stuff. character is pretty much done but im just waitin till friday to release him finally for the public



    and yes ive been itchin to do that special intro versus ryu for a hot while now. Figured it would be cool to be the first to do it in mugen. haha thanks to Alpyne D words of Encouragement...eh its still 1 or 2 things i need to tweak about it but it aint much...other than thats the last intro....hes has a lot of intros and some win, lose states also..



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    Video (pardon the lag and read the quotes if you are curious)




    see yall in the new official release thread Friday

  9. My opinion on the whole having more than 6 supers is kindof meh and it really depends. If a character has more than 3 supers even more than 6. then they should all count. Im only saying that is because if your gonna have that many supers then they all should be worth using. I mean Im a die hard fan of Hsien-ko and she has three supers, her bomb super is useless, her sword super is useless, but her overhead super is the only useful one that she has. Does it make her a bad character not really but it makes her options limited which is kindof a bad thing. my p[oint is if terry is gonna have 15 supers then all 15 supers should be worth using. personally i think 3 should be minimum and 8 should be enough.


    btw does he have a bionic punch type special :p

    lol nah no bionic punch special :donwan: but he will have that many supers since he will have supers that of past games he was in and some iconic ones from the animes. The fans of terry (like myself) should get a kick out of that part. I was annoyed Terry bogard in KOF 12 didnt have the buster wolf among other moves....but then i found out much later that game wasnt finished actually. KOF13 was what KOF12 was supposed to be actually....As a fan i was still like "meh" a little when i seen in KOF 13 they didnt give him back his power dunk...but i still loved the game regardless since it was a huge step up from KOF 12


    but anyway ive seen the comments i had to see here on the subject and i can tell its mixed views and preference like i figured

  10. I think infinite's characters have about 12 supers i could be wrong...


    haha Nope. technically its way more as far as the CMD shows. it just looks less in game play because its hidden in a way of the same super done the same way but with 1 or two buttons put together in difference. Plus on different damage levels and BG colors. Nothing wrong with that at all though. I love infinite's & buckus works. I Have most. no shade there


    Anyway my point is i wanted to pick some folks minds on this here subject since im releasing my Terry Bogard character next week friday finally. Im a huge fan of that character and He will have 15 supers and all different. My inspiration started with Reu. He had a crap load of supers in all his characters and they all served their purpose and was cool to use and for damn sure the CPU was beast using them all....so when buckus and infinite came out later i was like Whew!! at least im not the only one thinkin with wild ideas and a lot of supers. 


    so thats what this topic was about because the 15 supers from my version represent moves from the animes he was in. Past games he was in and of course Made up freestyle attacks i felt fit him perfectly...sinces hes actually a street fighter that comes up with moves on the fly aside from his own signature style the Hakkyokusaken I felt it all makes sense 




    this character i have named master lue

    is an edit of pots shin akuma.

    he has 55+ moves. from different characters.

    He's supposed to be a mixture of them apparently, but also giving him all those moves makes him broken soo.......

    i don't see whats wrong with having alot of moves, as long as its possible to perform all of them.


    Exactly my whole entire point im glad you noticed that lol 

  11. actually i don't think throws are overused, since they are harder to code.


    lol that was sarcasm..but its damn there mandatory to have it in is what i mean...i really dont know of a mugen character that doesnt have a throw move. 


    ill agree with you that when you first start learning to code, making throw moves are a bitch. but once you get the hang of it its fairly easy once you understand how  to make the enemy animations react and where to set the x y points...

  12. what up MFFA folks! i had to stop in from my IMT fam to do some gaming news here also for this! YO ZOMBIEBROCK IM SURE YOURE GONNA LOVE THIS SH*T MAN!! ill see you online hands down in this one lmao :=D:
    Trailer and tons of more info here
    This game as a zombie fan for ages now is a must have for me....I finally got the ultimate zombie game GTA style lol
    anyway share your thoughts!!
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