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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Alpha 3 ALL DAY. i got it on import when it first came out and still have it. Street fighter Zero 3. played it to death. Zero 2 was my shit for a hot while because of the dramatic battle two on one vs bison. music was memorable too. BUT Alpha 3 sound track was bad ass and much more fun...


    heres my top fav track of the bunch



    dat piano be going in lol



    Shin M bison was a pain and a joy to fight against. that mega psycho crusher was a nightmare....i hated and loved to see him do it and kill me at times haha. it dealt so much freakin damage!

  2. The stage may be a rare find now....O said he was going to send it to me but never did. im not stressing since i know at some point ill have it again....no big deal


    It was a stage they did for that Battle classics game they were working on. The stage was from X Kaliber 2097 on snes......I had it but i lost it when my pc died on me and i never got a chance to save it. It was a stage that was available out there for limited time so thats why i think it will be tricky for me to get it back.....


    The first stage area....



  3. People blame it on everything but themselves. It's likely he was saying that because he couldn't win, and it was totally not his fault for being a total scrub.


    That said, the balance of MUGEN is determined by the characters in the roster, but that's MUGEN - a dream match between whoever. That's not to say there can't be balance, but with people making characters in different ways with different damage outputs, mechanics and the like, of course there's going to be some form of unbalance.


    lol yep. pretty much exactly this said right here. You pick your own poison for mugen to kill the other with. theres too many characters and variations of one character to cry about losing at Mugen


    . Yeah im gonna pick KFM to try to wip some one whos using Rare Akuma...PFFT!!..yeah that makes so much sense in a fair fight smdh lol




    lol yeah pretty much man....People would be bitchin if say MVC3 characters along with their game play was tossed in an official Street fighter 2 turbo game in the arcade to battle those lesser fighters with no X factor or even pop up air raid combos lol just sayin for example how retarded that is to attempt to be balanced....you have to pick the right character to battle the other so you CAN WIN....or at least have a chance

  4. It does qualify as a game. You play it right? so its a game. A video game at that. it just isnt officially put out on consoles and sold like the company ones. 


    What characters and by what authors you picked? if its any way near like my legendary terry or even infinites earlier works then i can see why he said that. Thats pretty extra and out there. But if its damn tame like warasaki's creations and pots stuff for example then he needs to step his game up and stop bitchin and figure out how to beat you. Theres WAY too many mugen characters out there for him to keep losing like that. He picked an Air raid combo crazy MVC vs your slow paced JJBA and still lost just tells me he just sucks when playing against you or just suck in general probably.....you should have  a lil fun and tell him to pick pots ryu while you pick KFM. if he STILL loses then hey....your friend is just a scrub lol



    And no Mugen doesnt have any standards. if it did then everybody would be creating the same kind of characters for the engine with limits.

  5. LOL 


    Gotta have fun with these kinds of situations man. Mugen is getting taken too serious and emotional for just a internet hobby. it takes the fun out of things in this kind of community. Hopefully borewood gets over how he feels. he was a cool dude. but eh..it is what it is...

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