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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Posts posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. No problem on the link. I do have that stage in the second video but its somewhere in my terrabyte external. I have a lot of mugen shit in there. folders within folders so that one in particular is tough search unfortunately. If i happen to come across it ill post it here

  2. Its EX shadows stages. they maybe all offline for good until he decides to put it back up. BUT give me a bit im gonna try to get that first stage for you (Video the top). I have it in my External. The other one (the bottom) i have too but its too deep to find on my external

  3. Yeah man we were stunned when he said that....you see how he is in the movie all hype happy? thats how he is in real life lol cool dude. It would have been cool if the SHO NUFF dude was there too but he passed away from cancer years back


    You should take your kids to comic con one day man. They will love it and so would you. so much shit going on there seriously. 

  4. @Kai

    Bruce Leroy!? No way!?


    yeah, The Legendary Taimak haha that was a cool ending to the day seeing that dude. I was sleepy as hell at that moment from a long night of partying but that woke me up for sure. hes a cool down to earth dude. He was pretty surprised we remembered that movie too haha He said he was 19 when he did that movie. Hes freakin 50 years old man! The brotha looked like he just got in his late 30s. 



    Another moment from comic con....Z attack 

  5. haha yeah at that point i was a bit tired from partying late at a friends birthday party but that woke me up a bit when we ran into him just walking around....been there since 9 am....till after 4 pm. we were all tired and hungry but still hella happy. No way you can say you didnt have fun at comic con....too much shit to see or buy. If you visit NYC around that time next time lando you should link up with us....We usually get our tickets hella early in August. 

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