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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Preview: Winter Version Comment: Two beautiful stages with a anime-esque realistic look to them, no superjump but both have music. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o73jujqaq4yr4b6/MemorialSpring%26Winter.rar?dl=0
  2. Preview: Comment: An old stage with some realistic water animations and pseudo 3D effects. Download: https://yadi.sk/d/GW1HA3qo35RFhX
  3. Welcome to Mugen Free for All Dunae! There's a wide variety of interesting content you'll find here. I hope you enjoy your time here and have a great afternoon.
  4. Good morning and welcome to this wonderful website nomoreheroes2012. There's a lot of interesting creations and things to see around here, hope you have an enjoyable stay. I'm also a music fan as well, I love all kinds of songs. Now I'm working on a collection myself, still extracting the sprites.
  5. Thank you again for helping me find these.
  6. Just found my old 358/2 Days Game Card in my drawer, I'm in tears, that is one of my all time favorites for the DS, believe it or not I got all 255 Challenge Sigils, they are not simple to get. There was one challenge where you had to kill the Scorching Sphere in under 30 seconds, I can't believe I did that. Days was awesome. you could play as everyone in Org13, & Riku, Mickey, Donald & Goofy alone in Mission Mode! That was pretty sweet.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      All the memories are coming back, LV87, I did everything but reach LV99 on my Standard file, but still, even on that difficulty, those challenges are no joke.

  7. You know, I could help you with that, I have a lot of Kirby characters & bosses in my roster. If you start it I can send them to you. Like Dark Matter, someone even made him.
  8. Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/oebh55lvme5d5di/Requiem_of_the_Damned_v2_for_WinMugen.zip
  9. You know what's satisfying, beating Niji's Arcade Mode, it's not easy, and that bird is overpowered, but I did with Gobo today.
  10. School's out, and it's summertime.I got 5 A's 2 B's and a D, what did you get?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dan


      i got a 7 in Spanish and Math

    3. Dan


      by the way here in mexico we use 5 to 10 for califications

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Oh, that's interesting, pretty good.

  11. Well, Ganon's a good choice with his power, and that's why Mac's my main, he's strong & speedy, I've seen some people do it with Bowser, even the others.
  12. Okay,now all of the Nijikaku chars are there, I put them a categories and they should work for 1.0 & 1.1:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/906drptwpj8zc1i/AACoJgF9906QohUM7LDujW9oa?dl=0

  13. I always wanted my characters to be the strongest, but I did try a setup like that once. You're right, it's good to have some defense items to balance out the attack, at least one of them.
  14. Thanks, now I just need to know what these are. \
  15. Good morning, is there anywhere I can find these four stages, really trying to get that 1st one, it's called Yuki ga Tokeru to Haru ni Naru. and the others...
  16. Who's the weirdest character in your roster, I got so many weird characters, but one is Tara-Gyouza, he's pretty strange.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, that one is more of a creepyasta IMO but it's weird.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Evil Sydney.

    4. Shinzaki


      Not sure, I would say Kawashima-san due to the fact that she's a cosplay character, but idk.

  17. I sacrificed defense for strength and used a custom Little Mac my main, it matters what badges your character has. Even with minimal defense, I actually beat 9.0 with him, and it was nerve-wracking, you should use the strongest attack boosting moves you can find. Remember who your best character is and your other mains. In battle, always be wary of dangerous items and remember to block enemy attacks. You can also hold L or R and the Circle Pad to dash behind and avoid attacks, like dodge rolling. I hope this info is helpful to you, good luck.
  18. Could somebody send, or tell me the names of these stages?
  19. Nice, it reminds me of one of the planets from Jet Force Gemini, that was an N64 classic.
  20. Even more stages, could somebody tell where I can find em?
  21. Nice roster, I use EVE as well. I recognize that Onedrive, that author made some great Kirby characters and even some from Dokuro-Chan, I'm still surprised somebody made her and Zakuro. That new char looks pretty freaky though.
  22. If you're a fan of Nijikaku and have a Google+ account, I'm inviting people to join my community. I explain everything about it there. But still, I feel so alone and it's not a community if you've got nobody to share it with.https://plus.google.com/communities/101901955256304271265

    1. Gaulbetti


      I dunno, what's the community do? Plus, there's only a few things I really liked about that fullgame. I don't have a Google +, though.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Well, you'd post pictures, videos, links to things relating to the topic, favorite characters, stages, polls, events, contests, favorite moments, all that. After deleting all the NSFW garbage, I liked almost everything from that fullgame, that's why it's my favorite, really creative characters & great music.

  23. If you're a fan of Nijikaku and have a Google+ account, I'm inviting people to join my community. I explain everything about it there. But still, I feel so alone and it's not a community if you've got nobody to share it with.

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