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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. This lovely song form Sigma Harmonics, an obscure DS game, I'd give this the award for best time-based song, it's so calming and peaceful, my favorite song from the game, Flowing Time.
  2. I love to draw, I've been drawing since I was 5, I'm going to make my own topic about my art on this board. Here's one I did today: Love this series, the other two are just random additions, I really need a better camera: And here's a small preview of one of my best:
  3. I voted for Wu-Ling on my phone, she's an obscure heroine of the Sega Saturn fighter Rabbit, Sega needs to remember those chars. Having underrated characters like her would be great DLC. I also voted for King K.Rool on my laptop, it's been years and since 2008's Super Sluggers, that croc needs to make his komeback.
  4. Preview: This obscure protagonist needs to be known. Both these chars aren't very popular, in Mugen anyway. Comment: Another great main character who needs more love like Think, she's from an obscure goofy fighter called Rabbit and has great AI. She fights with her umbrella and uses animal spirits in her specials. Wu's a wonderful, zany cartoonish char to have. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/03haj0yw619jl67/Wu-Ling.rar
  5. Preview: Comment: An awesome Tenshi edit made by nns& macbeth who looks lovely and has excellent AI, she has parry, counters and is very difficult to defeat. I think she's one of the greatest characters ever made for Mugen and will be a wonderful addition to anyone's roster. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2q2fy1a2jtq92s5/W-tenko.rar
  6. Great soundpack, it's a shame they never used this voice in SSB4, my favorite Pac-Man World game was always 2, had great music and realistic levels , never got all those tokens though.
  7. Welcome, you'll love it here, I also a lot about Mugen myself, there's always something new and exciting each day to see.
  8. A little warning sign, thanks Spri, it's another unique char to add to my roster, +1 for you. I love these type's of chars.
  9. There you go:http://www.mediafire.com/download/dbspl74bggf9qb2/Araki_Runa_&_Backbeard.rar I'm more than happy to provide links for these chars.
  10. Her AI's tough, so she's pretty hard to beat, her gameplay's pretty simple, but she'll combo you almost endlessly.
  11. One does not talk about Rouge without describing her amazing AI, seriously her game wasn't even that hard to beat and her AI is brutal, no wonder she's X tier. I had to comment, because Rouge is another one of my favorite obscure characters and she reminds me of my favorite holiday, you know she's also the mascot for the game. She's definitely my favorite Astra char. Neat did a wonderful job, I'm glad that my favorite char from Astra was made.
  12. Three screenshots referencing 3 great series: Think totally looks like she could be Peketo's mother, doesn't she? It would've been awesome seeing her as a guest char in TBH. Aside from Nijikaku, the Black Heart was another great original fullgame. "Son, is that you?!" Everything in this screenshot is DQ1. Yes, that's a female Dragonlord) called Ryuuou-tan, a humanized female Dragonlord, 2ch is so creative with their chars. She's fighting the original Dragonlord (also called Draco Lord), Ryuuou in his dragon form. It's a total time paradox. Don't you realize that's your fanmade daughter you're attacking? An old NES classic, Duck Hunt meets the god of Nijikaku, have you heard about this bird? Hato is definitely one of the best chars you could have. Looks like even the Dog can't bear it, his eyes are so suggestive, they're censored, lol. That bar is in the perfect position. There's a new duck on the field now! He's got missiles, bombs, lasers, yep those guys are toast.
  13. Whoa, this is amazing. I would never judge a stage until you see the full picture.
  14. That Zero is actually summoned by Dark Matter's Lv3 special as that Dark Matter is an actual char made by Waniwani, you can find a similar Zero boss char made by Otto.
  15. Just got back home from a community meeting, if people stopped complaining about specific Mugen chars & stages today, they'd be enjoying the great creations that were made in the past.

  16. Just got back home from a community meeting, if people stopped complaining about specific Mugen chars & stages today, they'd be enjoying the great creations that were made in the past.

    1. Mister Fael
    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      I just love playing with some old goodies that were made before I was even in preschool.

    3. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      but many creations in the past are actually bad .v.

  17. And today, I have a Triple Deluxe dose of screenshots, referencing older, and newer bosses. I'm sure everyone remembers this battle in the Hyper Zone, It's from KLD3. Nostalgic. Now Itai's saving Popstar instead. And this stage is from KSSU, of all the boss areas you fought at, I liked this one the most. I loved the way that HAL redesigned this area, it's simple but vivid with a star-filled sky. Most should remember Kracko, he's another common boss in the series and was always a difficult opponent to face, Kat here was always my favorite WarioWare char as well. Now here's an epic showdown,know what area this game's from? What if Dark Meta Knight fought Galacta Knight? That'd be an interesting twist in the next game. Oh, and Mutsuki from Saki's there because I love placing random chars in these scenes. The monotone expression on her face is perfect, she's like: "Meh, I've seen better".
  18. Yes, I've seen a lot of stages on there and the ones from Nijikaku are included, as some of the older versions of the chars show up from time to time.
  19. This war infested stage is home to the colorful robots Higyo-Pam, and his prototype version Proto-Higyo Pam, they're controlled by men who look like important captains, as seen in their winquotes. This stage has also appeared on Salty Bet a number of times. There's even a wiki about Higyo here: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww26.atwiki.jp%2Fhigyo%2Fpages%2F16.html
  20. That mode was great too,I always tried to speedrun it in less than an hour, there was also the original Metaknightmare from Nightmare In Dreamland. And I agree about MK getting a game of his own, I'm surprised there hasn't been a spin-off title with any of the supporting characters.
  21. Playground & Zen Room look gorgeous. I've been looking for that playground stage for a while.
  22. Wu would have been an awesome Helper for Parasol. She truly is a heroine. KSSU FTW. Wu-Ling rushing in on Mr Frosty,also called Flosty due to an "Amazing" translation error. Anyone remember this mode? This stage is my 2nd favorite Helper To Hero was my favorite mode from any Kirby game, you had to complete it with all 20 helpers and use their unique abilities to reach victory, from that epic rock-remix of the Arena theme to getting a solid 5:24 with my favorite helper, Bonkers, this mode was great and had a lot of replay value. You even got a big gold medal,congrats screen and access to the ol' SNES intros. HTH felt like the most important and hardest mode to beat, even more than the True Arena. And this cutie was my pick for the Smash Ballot, Wu's my favorite obscure protagonist from odd fighter Rabbit for the Sega Saturn and a character who needs more love. Even appearing in just one game, Wu's cartoony nature and unique animal spirit fighting style would be great for Smash. Sega needs to remember their forgotten characters. I think she should at least had a trophy in the game, but her obscurity and likeliness are not much for her to make it. Oh well, I still want people to know she and her game existed.
  23. Always loved this stage for that Starfox 64 remix and those amazing battle scenes,you were right in the action in this dynamic stage. It's nice to have it back on the Wii U and great seeing it's Mugen debut. Oh rhymes, they brighten my rainy day.
  24. Amazing job, this boss is perfect. I'm one of the few who think anyone is viable for Smash and with that new ballot, this fearsome dragon just might make it. You really did Ridley justice in Mugen BSB. If a character's got popularity worldwide, then they have a chance, size shouldn't matter to them, especially when you've got other big bosses that are overlooked...
  25. Another song, from Sonic CD,which had alternate soundtracks in America & Japan,both were awesome. This is my favorite song in the series,it's also called D.A (Digital Audio) Garden JP ver,this is a pleasant, beautiful, and peaceful tune that I love, it goes so well with the Mayoiga (Day) stage! the US version of this song is great too but the JP soundtrack is amazing with some songs even having English vocals. The Sega CD sure produced some lovely tunes for a 2-D game.
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