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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. You got 365 experience points! (Not that it matters.) Loved that game and the Kirby series overall, Ultra was one of the greatest games I've ever played,from beating Helper to Hero (my favorite mode) with every helper, to going for the fastest time in the True Arena. HAL made that masterpiece, I'll remember it forever.

  2. Here they are: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fh4caeak5tqfmhi/Ojisamas.rar You're welcome!
  3. Just beat Orochi with this little guy,no matter how small or weak a character is, all Mugen characters are worth something. Imoge here is underrated and I think he's a great char if played right, he can even kill the mightiest opponents even with his weak AI. Even in Mugen, cute potatoes can defeat deities.
  4. This looks like it could be from some anime and has a nice night look, great stage.
  5. Looks great, it's giving me a Final Fantasy feel, can't wait to add it in my roster.
  6. My favorite hi-res stage, Rainbow Solstice & 6 angels, love these girls, from left to right: O-el san, Gobotenn from Futaba Channel (Original), the beautiful W-tenko, who is the greatest Tenshi edit ever and my favorite Touhou, my favorite angel Astraea, from that horrible NSFW anime Heavens Lost Property, hate that show, only liked it for the Angeloids. and Dokuro & Zakuro-Chan from gory anime Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan, never thought the last three would ever be in Mugen, especially Astraea. Really surprised me when I saw that someone created her. And my favorite Low-Res stage: Mayoiga Night. It's just gorgeous, with a calm night background amongst a large tree, and a shining moon in the sky this stage is great for serious 1 on 1 matches. 4 more of my favorite chars, Yueng Soi Leng, Silvermoon, I also like calling her Shadowmoon, Itai, my favorite Nijura maid,& Ayu, that adorable girl from Kanon.
  7. You're welcome, I wouldn't call them rare but they're not very well known.
  8. This person most likely did this because of the whole 8-Player Smash feature, I'd assume. Mugen had this patch 1st so I could see why they could have taken it down, because of popularity and the reception of their games.
  9. This unique & cool theme from the obscure goofy fighter Astra Superstars, this underrated title's music is amazing, except for my favorite character, sadly Rouge's theme.
  10. Oh, I'm going to miss this site, it was a great resource for many releases and great stages, but thank you for the new chars, Mugen won't ever die for me, especially after finding my favorite new equivalent to Melee's Final Destination, Rainbow Solstice, it's also the only fighter where I can battle on Mayoiga Night, and play as , Astraea, Ayu, Rozen fancharacter Think, Windows 2000, and so many others in a crossover battle that none shall forget.
  11. This is that odd cat character, Nyainyai's stage, and she can only hurt you with her helpers, interestingly. Aside from cgimart, there's also FamilyMart, which is an actual store that makes a cameo in some stages like Hato's for example.
  12. ♪JoJo was a man who thought he was a loner, but he knew it wouldn''t last..♪. She sings in Japanese & English, Kewl.

  13. Yep, that's the one, found one of the stages from an old archive then after using Google , I found the other one and some cool chars on that Geocities link, I'm glad they weren't lost forever. Now, I have my favorite stage, but can someone reupload this gem? I would love to fight here, and having something made by the admin himself would be marvelous. :
  14. Oh, I didn't know that, I'll download it now, thank you for the information.
  15. This looks great, I love how it has the midnight city feel to it all, I also love your Chapel Grounds & Nightriding stages, they're wonderful.
  16. I use 1.0 and some chars don't work on 1.1, but this stage looks well done and source accurate, this series is not very well known and I'd love to have it,if I had 1.1.
  17. Just shared 2 rare gems that I have been looking for forvever in the Hi-res stages section, check em out, they're pretty awesome. Oh and if you can't find a character or stage, remember that aside from Google there's the Internet Wayback Machine and other web capturing archives as well.

  18. I've always liked this papercraft stickman, and I knew it was this guy, he shares the same name with all those OP edits but this Aegis is special alone. His AI is spammy but easy as he'll pelt you with several rockets. He mainly seems to be a long range attacker for the most part, but has a few short range attacks, overall Aegis is very unique and different with his play style.
  19. If you're uploading anything,you should always make it in a RAR format, as a ZIP will not be preserved forever. There are many dead links of old files that were ZIPS & people should upload in RAR instead,as those files shouldn't ever become dead at all.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael


  20. You know, out of all the retro stages, this one and Iwao's are just strange with all those memes in the background. And you're right, the music here is actually called 「」 - GRADIUS-boss-, and it's a remix from another anonymous composer.
  21. Last two stages I'll upload, Previews: Comments: Outdoor Dojo: Kurame's stage. It's simple yet detailed, the music here as an OOT feel to it. Size: Small Animated :Yes Debug Test: A stage that's very different from any other, it's a training stage used to test characters, it's almost an equivalent to Elecbyte's test stage, actually. Music: Yes Size: Medium Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/am5fop4pyrqq02s/Outdoor_Dojo_&_Debug_Test.rar
  22. Previews: Comments: Kuu Lake: A realistic stage at a murky swamp. Size: Small Animation & Music: Yes Afternoon House: Medoi's stage that has a really nice afternoon backdrop with the sun and some fitting music. Fun fact: Medoi-san (shown left) was the 1st Nijiura maid to be created. Animated: Not much Size: Small Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4qiakfo0olwriys/Kuu_Lake_&_Medoi-san's_house.rar
  23. Previews: Comments: YinYang Arena: A stage made for the Nijura Zodiac maids. It's detailed, and scrolls throughout a long dojo amongst a quiet lake. Animated & Music: Yes Size: Medium Autumn Sundown : A really old stage that takes place at a nice fall backdrop, the sun is the only animation but even being MS Paint, this stage is pretty good, especially the music. Size: Small Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pq36675dtm50umu/YinYang_Arena_&_Autumn_Sundown.rar
  24. Previews: Comments: Two more of my favorite stages: 2ch Wasteland: A dark & barren stage during a thunderstorm. Size:Medium Music:Yes also animated. L vs R: The Elemental Swordswomen & Tillis's stage, it's a very well done and realistic looking stage. Size: Medium Muisc: Yes Animated: Fire only. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pd0ygshyhvj7aex/2chan_wasteland_&_Lesty_VS_Rusty.rar
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