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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/view/ympj3a8rk73cp92/papermarioamiibo_610.jpg I don't know about you, but this is just plain creative, they're even compatible with the originals, if Nintendo sold them, they'd get more sales for sure. I would love to see them as a DLC skin, maybe? Oh and I updated my profile page and talked about some of my favorite chars and my 2 favorite stages, I've seen some pretty cool creations.
  2. I hope you get this, this Shinku's AI is great. http://www.mediafire.com/download/o8u69crbr0b5ivn/Think_and_Shinku.rar I can't believe I forgot about her, she is truly one of the best.
  3. Preview: Comment: An awesome oldie who has great AI and comes from obscure anime "Steel Impluse Guislay" ,she has many weapons and cool flashy effects. Yueng is a great addition to your roster IMO. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b4wjwrf3i6cix83/yueng.rar
  4. Solved, thank you and good night.
  5. These maids take up the bulk of the Niji roster, and except for the NSFW ones, I loved almost all of them. Itai is the coolest maid ever made.
  6. You're welcome Gui0007, now I just need to tell Ryou about the new links.
  7. Re-uploaded three characters in a pack, those links were down: http://www.mediafire.com/download/n3k0kw1e19uv271/Pre-to_reuploads.rar It contains Chris Rokujou , Injya, & Youhei.
  8. Thank you again, and I'd be fine with that version of the stage.
  9. Pretty epic for a puzzle game, I'd say. This is also a remixed version of the Puyo Puyo final boss theme:
  10. Great. I assumed he had AI but thank you for the patch.
  11. This stage is called Jr Station, but who made it? There was a topic about this stage, but the link's broken. I would love to have this gem. Anybody have these stages?
  12. Was just looking for this character, Thank you!
  13. You know, I feel bad for people voting for Shrek and other 4th party chars on the ballot, so many Smash fans don't know about Mugen. Still I voted for Rabbit's Wu-Ling, but even being obscure, she's still an actual fighter though.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      I don't know, there's still no AiAi, really, aside from that one in that Smash based fullgame... Or a Amigo, on the same note, or a Mrs. Pac-Man, or a Frank West. (Although, we're getting there.) Or even a good Viewtful Joe... I'm happy it gave me Mario vs. Goku with Mario winning, though, so I can't complain.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      People probably vote Shrek as a joke.

    4. Gaulbetti


      Yeah, those Smash guys should do more ogre lovin'

  14. You're welcome, you always have some exciting matches, you should add Wind-SE to your roster, she's an awesome char.
  15. Isn't it Krool that he hasn't been in since Brawl? At least you can recreate boss battles like this in Mugen. On the ballot results though, it looks like K. Rool's in the top row, I hope he's DLC. Who else voted for em?
  16. I've seen a lot of your vids, TK, you're a great commentator, I like the little interactions you put between the characters, and I love seeing my favorites battle, you're like a more enthusiastic version of the Mattacolypse, but all Mugen commentators are wonderful.
  17. Once playing Mario Party 5, my favorite in the series, after I lost all my coins, I threw my controller against the ground and the Control Stick broke, still have my silver controller though. I'm reckless. But still, Story Mode on Hard is not an easy task to complete.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I get mad about losing easily, still wouldn't you if you had to start the whole board over? I beat it on Hard, but I'm never doing Intense.

    3. Gaulbetti


      You sound like me when I play Smash Bros... Guess that's why it's called Smash, then... I haven't done it in years, though.

    4. N_N


      "Story Mode on Hard is not an easy task to complete." Well, of course it isn't. I used to spout gibberish whenever something makes me mad in a game.

  18. "I love the bright colors, checkerboard floor & that planet in the background is an outstanding sight to behold. Absolutely beautiful.
  19. And who made this stage? I would love to have this, it's so magical and uplifting.
  20. This is a stage that represents 2ch, meaning it was made specifically for the fulllgame. It isn't anyone's home stage, the whole stage is just weird but the music: シ┐〃 family - naィ├ only ┐〃 fu ASTONィthe →, is a really fast paced, African riverband sounding tune that I love, there's even an older version of the song that's much slower paced. It also plays on Kuu's (the green Kappa creature) stage, which after editing it, I liked.
  21. I remember all of that, and Godman's intro called her Junman, even know she's female, and the other girl is Mutsuki, she's also got an intro with Mihoko & Harapagos, even CV Wakamoto. As for Iwao I think he's just an online parody, wonder if he does come from a hack though.
  22. Preview: You've met Megaman, now meet Iwao, his derpy, yet faithful odd 2ch counterpart. Comments: NES Megaman: A classic character that has easy AI and a few weapons from MM2, the menu shown above is for him and is activated by pressing the Enter key, where you can use other weapons. You'll always have unlimited bullets though. Iwao: This derptastic parody of Megaman may look odd, but he's faithful to the series, has great AI and uses many weapons like the Metal Blade, Rocket Punch & more, the blue bar represents his bullets and once they run out you can get more by summoning an Eddie esque ProtoIwao, Iwao can create small platforms for himself to stand on and has some funny specials. Download these similar siblings here: https://yadi.sk/d/PJODGugZ35RcR8
  23. I love similar looking characters, don't you?
  24. Love this char, heck she's on my new sig, surprisingly, she got killed by a Plasma Wisp of all things after an AI-controlled 62 Round survival I watched. Not bad for her though, I can only get like 47 wins.
  25. Very cool, he looks similar to Kabegami, Inu's also the name of another Niji char. DL'ed, he'll be a great newcomer.
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