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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Oh, you're right, I can't believe I forgot her, she's my favorite OS-Tan. Here's her file, her AI is a whole lot better: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yty9ujpfydvb9ir/AABl4EbprykGoRYk49LeOU53a?dl=0
  2. Yep, there's something seriously wrong with it. Don't worry, I'm working on a collection that'll have chars, stages & more in it. Hey, in the meantime. I already converted everybody here, these are the latest versions: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/906drptwpj8zc1i/AACoJgF9906QohUM7LDujW9oa?dl=0 You can download the characters here.
  3. Preview: Comment: An old stage that comes from a scene from the SF movie, it's dark, ominous, and makes a great boss stage. Download: https://yadi.sk/d/b-oARdFB35RQ5L
  4. Preview: Comment: One of my favorite stages, it's a calm wooden fort with a fall feel to it. Download: https://yadi.sk/d/1vZ4z9N835RcSo
  5. It's so hyperrealistic & surreal, cool stage.
  6. It's still visually stunning, great share Toaster.
  7. This site is pretty abundant on that kind of content. <Mod edit: Blacklisted URL removed>
  8. This is because of the stage I shared, isn't it. I remember these old stages, nice share Gui. I was looking for that night forest stage for a long time and you found it, thank you.
  9. You're welcome Luca, my laptop just crashed earlier, I'm glad this site auto saves stuff.
  10. Isn't it ironic that Mediafire keeps crashing on Google Chrome & Torch, but works perfectly fine on IE? Mediafire is just acting so slow for me today.

    1. Doomguy


      I always use IE because fuck opinions.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I'm not an IE hater either, it's a browser that gets the job done when the others can't.

  11. I knew about that, the link over on MFG was dead and so were a few others, so I decided to host it here. I use 1.0, and that's manly because of character compatibility. Glad you like this stage as well, I don't know much about any other fighters besides Smash & Mugen honestly.
  12. That's interesting, I knew people liked this a lot, it has a calm sunset feel to it.
  13. Preview: Comment: An old stage I wanted to reupload, as old links to it are dead. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/uoo9wx3b7chmo7n/ss2gstage.rar
  14. Previews: The stage starts at this area... Then transitions into this last background, when another round begins, the process will start over. Comment: A great stage made by Acey that cycles through various backgrounds, such as a desert. Download: https://yadi.sk/d/hMK3rdwP35RXcx
  15. Found it, it's one of those old NES SF stages, I love the music and the simple look of it, I shared it here if anyone wants it: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9jzsv86wkffd6dp/sfviryu.rar
  16. Thank you again, I appreciate it. Just to clarify here's what I said about Yayoi: Yayoi (She cannot hurt opponents normally and will try growing an OHKO garden that instantly kills you. Joke character.) It's nice to see you've been wanting the updates, I can tell you the creators have bumped up the AI and it's much more aggressive like 2K and Visbou, Kudoi & Modoi, the majority of them have better AI, so they'll definitely be worth something now.
  17. Oh, thank you again it's solved, and if you're wondering about the collection I'm working on it now, here's a few samples of how character links will look: Tillis/Tyris Earthshine It's okay if I have English translations and some facts about the characters, like Yayoi, she's not a normal character so I put in some details about their name origin and what they're from, that's fine with you, right? I also have a question, should we merge the OS tan and Nijura Maids collections or keep em separate, these Dropbox links are their latest versions, I think I could just update the links on those old collections, they already have portraits made so they will not be shown, here's the new links OS-Tan: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2qphdw5785odkrl/AABTDAw9x6vscBbcMszZXP7Ea?dl=0 Nijura Maids: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pqht8v45ey0pm97/AAA-pOTNZ9AtDeFc1bbRARVTa?dl=0, even Saitei, I can't stand her, you should put a NSFW warning about her, everything she does is just wrong.
  18. Welcome and enjoy your time here, there's a lot to discover here at MFFA. Good day.
  19. My favorite time based stage is Tokei of Time, I remember seeing this stage a while ago on this site, and forgot about it, very creative & cool stage.
  20. Thanks again Ryoucchi, I should have known you made that one. Now I need somebody to tell me what this is from:
  21. I've had this question ever since I saw this site. Who is that blonde haired woman on the far left side of the banner, I'd love to add her to the roster, she seems pretty important, having the biggest closeup out of anybody on there.

    1. Kazagami


      She's Angel from Shock Troopers 2nd Squad, but there are no conversion of her in mugen because the source game is a run and gun arcade game.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Oh, okay thank you for telling me.

  22. 6/10 I'm so tough, I beat everybody on my roster with KFM...no not that version. THIS version:
  23. I'd like to know where I can get these stages I remember seeing this stage a long time ago, before I joined this site. I love the classic RPG-ish look it's got. The second time-based stage in this video
  24. "Amongest the luminescent forest, a bright flash signals the dawn of a new light upon the impending lake"This masterpiece comes all the way from 2010? I adore the realism the author put into this. Very beautiful stage and great share Ryoucchi. This is one of my new favorites.
  25. As the lone misunderstood prodigy enters a mysterious shadowy realm, she has no choice but to face the Shadowy Trio, will she overcome the darkness in her heart? Or will she seep in the dark depths forever? poor Kotone, she always brings misfortune to herself and others, I feel bad for her, at least she's a great character and a kind person at heart.
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