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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. You're right, there could be some hidden surprises in the upcoming months... but I don't think it's too long before this ballot is over.
  2. I'm glad you think so, but there aren't many spots left in the ballot for DLC, I still hope he makes it. Dixie, Bandanna Dee, Daisy, and some others would be great additions as well.
  3. Well, Las Vegas, and Japan, so I can buy adorable little figures like this:
  4. I'd fight Primeus. Would you rather fight all the Nijikaku Bosses, or fight the Chaos Satellite & 00N in a team match?
  5. I'm 5'9''.but height isn't important unless you're fighting, I don't get myself into fights like that so yeah.
  6. You're right, but I can get over that. The characters I've seen over the years are more than enough for me to have, and I love em.
  7. Aside from Orbital Gate Assault, this is my 2nd favorite stage. Nice release!
  8. I love creativity, just look at this. Reminds me of those Whittles from SMG2:http://tumblr.ngsw.jp/post/161723212/2ch

    1. SSBKing65✯


      So nobody thinks this is creative, am I the only person who likes creativity here?

    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      I think it looks cool. I've seen several pictures like this.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Really?, well it's nice to see someone appreciating a unique creation like this.

  9. You shouldn't show anything private, people are going to be questioning you and getting angry because they don't have it, like Gogan for example. If it's private then that's the creator shovin their business in everyone's faces. If it's rare, then few people have it, I've shared some rare, or at least stuff that people haven't seen before. People just need to appreciate the things they have and the opportunities that Mugen brings us all. Be thankful for what you have in Mugen, not what you don't have.
  10. It's a female, she's also called Communi, and seems to be a 2.5Dish papery origami like creature, she can make a variety of things come to life using her own body and splits into several cubes when taking damage.
  11. I need to tell everyone, of all the stages & things I shared, and even this game not being a fighter, I only played the Smash bros games all 4 except the Wii U version, I saw Mugen in 2007 and downloaded it in 2013, as I've seen many fighting game series, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Melty Blood, Blazblue. I really don't know anything about them besides the characters, but even not having much fighting game experience. I can still enjoy Mugen.
  12. Pretty much everywhere, chars, discussion, stages and anything Niji related threads.
  13. 8/10 A fan of Black Rock Shooter is a friend in my book, and I love the random chatter section as well.
  14. Yukinari & Miharu of course, and Itai, the Nijura Maid X Balkan,the Os-Kun, they'd be such an adorable couple!
  15. Thanks, I never ever signed out, even when I was offline.
  16. I'd love to see the A-Team, no not that one. These guys: Does anyone remember this anime?, I loved it.
  17. I'm not sure how I can manage this, but I don't want to be called anonymous, as I'm a member. I'm not trying to be hidden. I also want people to know when I am and am not online, I mean this: OFFLINE Last Active Private
  18. I'm bored, and I want to help you all understand why I love this fighter so ask me something about my favorite fullgame!
  19. Pretty much every obscure character, like Rabbit's Wu-Ling, Astra's Rouge, EFZ's Ayu, and even know she's not really a fighter. Think from Nijikaku is one of the most underrated characters ever.
  20. I'd have a beautiful congratulations screen with all your favorite characters in it, and KFM saved his girlfriend from Suave Dude, the end. Simple but sweet.
  21. I remember these, I was looking for his DKJr, thanks.
  22. Did you know that Mugen was originally going to be a shooter style-engine? This screenshot pretty much shows that. Vic Viper STG, your cheapness will never be forgotten.
  23. I'm still trying to get into that server, but if you want the characters from that website, they're all here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/906drptwpj8zc1i/AACoJgF9906QohUM7LDujW9oa?dl=0
  24. Welcome, this site is a great resource for your Mugen needs, have a great time.
  25. Whoa, it's raining & thundering like crazy out there, how;'s the weather in your area. I'm in the middle of a massive thunderstorm, it's extreme.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cook4251


      Just hot here.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      I had a storm last night. Otherwise, the weather's good down here.

    4. Galvatron


      partly cloudy were im at.

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