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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Preview: click pic to DL Of all the places you fought Kracko, this one is the most beautiful IMO, KSSU FTW. Comment: It's Kracko! That classic Kirby boss we all know and love, his AI is basic and he mainly has lightning based attacks. AI patch here.
  2. I knew he was one of those MB styled chars, I think he's great, and he even has an intro where he poses as a female, I'm surprised his AI is easy.
  3. This is a topic I made for all of us to remember and appreciate all the people & users we know and remember from this site. I remember quite a few people before I joined here , who do you remember before you joined MFFA? Here's a list Ryon: For making the site of course The Magic Toaster: For making links for the new Nijikaku characters in Other, even know they were all dead, I was desperate for those chars. Ryoucchi: For helping me several times finding stages & other things, even before I joined the site. Spri yar zon: when I was looking for new chars, he used to be called Y man, he had a lot of interesting little topics about obscure characters he shared and those other ones about the Nijikaku stages. Galvatron: for finding a link to Nijikaku, after searching for months. I would not have been able to make that collection if it wasn't for him,thank you. Annonith: for their Nijikaku articles. The staff I always saw these users the most because of their content, who do you remember before?
  4. Heh, it looks like she's using nails to fight, just a like certain unique character I love. I can tell that she's going to be an interesting addition, I wonder what other attacks she has, what series is she from?
  5. Can anybody translate this?, I've always been wondering what he's saying, his text looks like a combination of Japanese mixed with Egyptian, that is just plain cool.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      So it's not supposed to mean anything? I knew it was just some repetitive gibberish Thanks Anekcen, always wanted to know that. 

    3. Kazagami


      Nah, it's usually used to express that you are exhausted.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Oh, thanks Ryoucchi, I guess that's implying that he's tired from battling, like a Pokemon, or in this case, a Nijimon, I used to call all those weird Nijikaku characters that.

  6. Then I need to talk to Ryoucchi about that, those are my links, but those are his portraits. I want to merge em but those collections are at the top of the page. But I agree, it's a shame cool creations like this are overlooked:I love all the characters equally, but Kabe here is my favorite to play as, he's so unique! And these guys: ,,are some of the most imaginative and surreal creations I've ever seen, they're so creative & different , they really stand out from every character. I will always remember these guys the most, theyre memorable to me. I don't trust 4chan because of the people. And I am an artist as well, I've imported all these chars in my Mugen and they're working fine.
  7. They really do, there are so many creative things people are missing out on. I think I should be moderating those 2 collections as well, or I could merge both, then this collection would be even bigger. I would like to add some of the good Tans & Maids though, this is for every other character. I'm glad you think Itai & Balkan are some of the best, they'd be an adorable couple IMO. I remember you were looking for this game once, well, all the chars are here now. The ,older chars got updated and thank you again, I'm proud of this collab
  8. What stages are in these vids?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7bn-YjVB0M
  9. Oh, thank you! It certainly is one of the largest here, did it all myself. The majority of the character's AI is also much better, I'm sure you've seen it as I sent you the Ojisama's. I do think Smash needs a collection but I was going to help Green with his Kirby collection. I like Smash, but after this, I'm gonna wait before making another collab, apologize about that. I 'm still trying to fix up my roster,find stages extract chars, and other things I need to do. CV and the Spelunker chars are some of my favorites too, in fact. I love the majority of these characters, they're all my favorites.
  10. I like the Power Instinct 2 theme the most it's so festive and fits a fight well.You know OG, there's a website called Youtube to mp3, you could just download all three as music files and put them in the folder, but that's just my suggestion, what do you think?
  11. Preview: Comment: Click picture to DL. This is an old, plain, but nostalgic stage that I made a while back, an old Windows paint program that I still use today, I had this in another topic, it should have been here instead. There's a little surprise in the rar file, hope everyone enjoys this stage. Music: Mario Paint- BGM 1 Superjump: Medium
  12. There needs to be a forum/section for all the unique Mugen creations and creative things in general ,but that's just me. That way, people could see all the obscure and creative creations that were made, like this creature: mv8kwn6m7sfvugxzg.jpg I wish people liked surreal and out of this world things like me.

    1. Алексей


      I think they do more than you think. I know The_None is quite popular and fairly surreal with his creations. There are other creators too. On a side note, what is that purple thing?

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I know, he made a lot of great stuff like Kazu, he's pretty unique. I've seen a lot of unique creations. She's a mysterious papery creature called Communi, or the Unknown. You can find her in the Nijikaku collection.

  13. I love the fountain stage and that last one, it looks like an NES royal hall of sorts and the others look great as well. Nice collection Light.
  14. Good afternoon, Caulfried13. You're going to love Mugen, seeing characters fighting in dream crossover battles. There are many different things to see and discover as you learn and play Mugen. It helped me find my favorite fancharacter. Maybe it can help you in some way as well, good day.
  15. Those three Ed, Zander, and my favorite, Ursula were called the A-team for short. It's nice to see someone remembering them. The 2nd season of this show was great. I'd think they'd all be funny additions to Mugen.
  16. Looks like a boss, I always love new characters from him, he made my favorite Mugen char after all.
  17. Yeah I don't trust that site either, there's some strange things I've seen on there as well. Salty Bet is a 24 Hour Mugen Stream on a video stream site called Twitch where people chat and bet fake money called Salty Bucks on AI vs AI Mugen matchups. It's pretty funny, there's always the most random things happening.
  18. You're welcome Kara, Irisu's one of the best chars in the game, I won't be playing that creepy puzzle game of hers again. I hope to see these guys on more Mugen videos, especially those unique ones, it's a shame Salty Bet still has their glitchy older versions.
  19. SSBKing65✯


    Yes, I also completely agree with this. Great idea RMH.
  20. Tombstone just owned Counter-Revolution in like 40 seconds, that poor thing got destroyed faster than a one sided Mugen battle. If you're not watching the show, you won't get the reference.

  21. Welcome to MFFA!. I love all kinds of fighters, MK is pretty cool but I love the really obscure fighters.
  22. SSBKing65✯


    Family wouldn't be a bad rank, that is true. I could be a Vault Hunter, as I was the 1st one to find that rare Game Boy char, I knew it wasn't lost forever, I also shared many other unknown obscurities and helped people too.
  23. Thanks, I knew people were waiting for this. Love these chars.
  24. This underrated beautiful masterpiece, it's my favorite song overall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QypPG9Oj1ic
  25. Some old Game Boy games, like Wario Land 2, Classic Tetris & Donkey Kong Country.
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