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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Update: - All Fanatail characters by Teaf updated 8/18/2013 (download links are still the same) Mostly AI fix for Balance play and bug fixes. a couple more Art by him (for referance): (NSFW) Demon Girls
  2. Cool!! I'll go ahead and test her out. I'll give you feedback in a little while. Thanks Toshio
  3. Nice! Now we have a Siegfried in mugen. Hope he makes Talim Next.
  4. .....[Yawn!!]........ (the effect spreads around....) ...zzzzzzzzzz.....

    1. SuperCatMeow



      Damn you...

    2. yeah ok

      yeah ok


      I got my revenge

    3. GuyZero32k4


      NOOOOOO! My mind rejects it!

  5. The beginning of a new Band : http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1485689?tags=horikawa_raiko
  6. Thanks Ryoucchi. By the way I meant to ask you who is your Fav. from TH14: Double Duel Characters?
  7. They should be able to make it possible. Remeber in pokemon HG/SS thier was a special Safari place were you can transfer pokemon from the GBA Games and you were able to catch it. It could be the same with X/Y tranfering pokemon from the normal DS Games.
  8. Harmir updated by Teaf - 8/16/2013 (download link is the same) The author (Teaf) fix her AI bit more for balance play. and some bug fixes on her special attacks He also created this Artwork: It appears theirs a Rivalry between Rucheca and Grizela. Teaf might be planning on updating them soon maybe with intros against each other.
  9. So did I to be Honest. but hopefully we will get a normal version of this Momiji in the future since those sprites are available.
  10. I didn't know RinRin was in this game. Suigin your awesome Man! downloading.........
  11. So did I but I guess they were based off the dragon king characters like Kanbei said about the ..."NPCs In SSB64".
  12. Thats the idea I had in mind. But its all good. Thanks for doing it.
  13. Darn! you beat me to it Akira Hiiragi, but its cool at least I already post about it already at this collection thread :
  14. Cool! Just to give everybody a heads up, All gu's Touhou (and EFZ) characters been updated for mugen 1.1 : https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=A46126A52D0E1D25&id=A46126A52D0E1D25!105#cid=A46126A52D0E1D25&id=A46126A52D0E1D25!1125 Also Momiji_I by Felicity released (8/17/2013): https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7B5FC6F8C258EC4F&id=7B5FC6F8C258EC4F!133#cid=7B5FC6F8C258EC4F&id=7B5FC6F8C258EC4F!401 This edit of Momiji has MvC-style game play. She has(uses) Rock Howard and Charlie (SFA/X-man vs.SF) for Assist.
  15. O_O...Wow! these are awesome Rozalyne! ...[speechless]... :bow:
  16. A mega-Yanmega be so freaking fast no pokemon won't get a first hit on it unless the pokemon has first attack moves. LOL! I never thought about the names of the pokemon being offensive like CoFAGrigus and NosepASS.
  17. Hmm! We really can't say that yet until the game it self comes out next year. The fact their will be unlockable characters. We won't realy know the whole roster until that time comes.
  18. Well Sayzo your wish maybe coming true looking at this chart: Woah are They serious !? So all the geneation1-5 starters are getting mega-evolution and they giving Tyranitar, Salamance, Dragonite and Gyarados mega-evo's too!? Thier stats are going to be crazy. I am also curious about how Zoroak look in mega-form. Your right its powerful enough already. Just to think Cynthia owns Garchomp, Lucario, and Milotic she lets them hold mega-stones and she shows up in Kelos and you have to battle her. Now that will be a hard battle [then agian I don't mind her being more challanging in every game she appears. ]
  19. ....[Facepalm]..... Well at least we can hope its still a series. I believe he gets bulbasaur during his travels in Kanto as well as pikachu.
  20. Looks pretty good! in my opinion. That Blastoise Looks Bad-ass in this. They should have done this long time ago. Makes me bring my childhood back.
  21. Maybe NIntendo/Gamefreak was so in to Ash Catchem making money for them in the current anime. That they forgot about who the real Protagonists/Heroes are in the Manga/Game series.
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