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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Well I was using imagination if she was in SSB. Her final smash would be her transforming in to the Holy Dragon and knock out any body in her way. but then again you have a point she not much of a fighter personally. I just hope Nintendo put more female fighters in this SSB thats why I choose Lyndis as being a good female starter Rep for Fire Emblem.
  2. Going against Mega-Lucario shouldn't be that scary, Unless they bumped his defences (both Sp.def and Def.) greatly with this new evolution then i feel you on that. Can you imagine Cynthia having Mega-Lucario along side with her Spritomb and her High attack powered Garchomp in triple-Battle. She definitely raped you. (Though personally being a Guy I don't mind getting raped by A woman Like Cynthia [Dirty thoughts] )
  3. Mega forms huh! So pokemon it hitting higher evolutions (stage 4). Now thats going to be interesting (In this case chances for Sableye and Spiritomb to have an evolution will be highly possible) In addition to that, we have more new pokemon 1. Is a pre-evolution to Gogoat called Meekuru (Japan name for now) 2. The rabbit pokemon Horubii (Normal-Type) 3. The electric/fairy type Dedenne Man! is like pokemons are becoming Super Saiyen 4 (DBZ-GT referance) with the mega-evolutions.
  4. Now that we have Luigi. We just need a Fire Emblem Character for a start. here are my choices : - Roy - Chrome - Lyndis (edit) I forgot about one more person: - Tiki
  5. I don't what to say about this one. I got bad vibe that its not going to be good. No Offence but Personal after SC5 (with many characters got cut off the roster) I think the series pretty much dead. =(
  6. ...And if that happens we will finally have the battle of Brothers. That will be freakin Awesome.
  7. Oh man!! How did I forget about Touhou M-1 grand Prix 7th =( :

  8. Thats true. it wouldn't be far if his stats get boosted but an evolution of Spiritomb would still be awesome either way,
  9. LOL! looking at these snapshots Luigi is going to be more Comical in this SSB.
  10. (Double posting sorry =( ) Looking up more about this author it looks like he is working on Garaa HD next: And he seems to Have a wip for Kratos from God of War : I'm Definetly keeping an eye on Warobe characters for updates and possible new characters. This is Awesome .
  11. WOW!! That a cool Gif. you found GarchompMatt. Hope thats a good mugen character in the making.
  12. That because you used the "Main News" picture frame from the SSB-U/3DS home page LOL! Anyways its cool that Luigi won't be unlockable character this time so we will have both the brothers for a start. Hopfully his arch rival Waluigi and (or) His girl Daisy be secret characters to unlock.
  13. Cool! Thanks Seravy for that Sakuya.
  14. Hmm! nice but I'll wait tell the complete version is out. (Even if it takes another year or so)
  15. Well is that a kick in the ass. I hope he got some new moves.
  16. I love their Parappa Parody JAOOOO!!!!! XD
  17. Me too. Potekmin looks like KH Heartless on steroids.
  18. Well not saying they are at that level yet but okay enough to be playable.
  19. LOL! he sure does. XD Just tryed Naruto out. He is okay but got a little bug in his shadow Clone Techniques. Doe I Like how the author did with his summoning jitsus so far. With some updates and some bug fixes will have a decent Naruto from the Shippuden series
  20. I tryed out Pain HR. He is okay but needs some work on collisions on some of his animation and some of his specials are over powered but a good start on a HR character from the series. Hopfully he gets updated.
  21. Pain HR: http://www.4shared.com/rar/J3SwL9cH/Pain_HR.html Naruto Sennin HR: http://www.4shared.com/rar/HUaBQSfs/Naruto_Sennin.html Okay characters but still beta. Expecting updates in the future...
  22. Oh! I thought it was different one. thanks for telling me.
  23. Cool! I wonder Ankokunaitou is trying to complete the whole roster from that game?
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